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Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, August 3, 1942
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P. M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Henrickson, arable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
Councilmen absent: None.
Minutes The Clerk read minutes for the month of July and, on motion by
Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, minutes were approved as read.
Monthly The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer and City
Clerk, the City Engineer and Building Inspector, the City Judge, the
Chief of Police and the City Collector and, on motion by Henriokson
seconded by Grable, reports were accepted and ordered placed on file.
Hospital On motion by Henrickson seconded by arable, purchase of blankets,
supplies, for
Civ. cots and pillows as requested by the Civilian Defense Council for hospital
arrangements at the Grammar School was authorized.
Applications: On motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, application of Arden
Arden Farms
Farms, Inc. for milk depot at 606 Main Street was granted.
L.B.Coffee Application of the Long Beach Coffee Company for wheel tax license
was granted, on motion by Morehouse seconded by Hawes.
Chas.E.Scou- Application of Chas. E. Scouller for license to operate service
station at 5th and Main Streets was granted on motion by Morehouse seconded
by Hawes.
nFlower The Clerk read a letter from the National Brotherhood of Service, Inc.
asking permission to hold "Flower Day" sale on Saturday, August 29th. The
matter was referred to the Chief of Police and the Chamber of Commerce for
Vacation The written request of C. R. Burr for two weeks vacation beginning
Mr, Furr
August i5th was granted on motion by Hawes seconded by Henrickson.
Tipton & Carr A letter from Tipton and Carr with reference to unpaid rent on con-
cession on pier was read by the City Clerk. The matter was referred to the
Beach and Pier Committee.
Budget = On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the Mayor and City Clerk
C. of C. .
were authorized to execute 1942 budget agreement with the Chamber of Commerce.
bl I
Loudspeaker The Council discussed the matter of purchase of loudspeaker system
from Frank Helm. It was the expression of the Council that a more modern
system should be bought.
Contract - Councilman Henrickson brought up the matter of change:,in contract of
�.: D. K. Clapp
Dwight K. Clapp and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the City
Attorney was asked to present new agreement covering a period of five years
at the next meeting of the Council.
Page 2
- Minutes Aug.3, 1942
On motion by Hawes seconded by Henrickson, demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Lease - Mrs.
On motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, the Council agreed to
extend lease of Mrs. Beulah Westmoreland for one year at a rental of
$100.00 for the year and Mrs. Westmoreland to pay the required city
Reso.902 v
The City Attorney presented and read Resolution No. 902 and, on
Mutual Aid Fire
motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, Resolution No. 902, adopting
and ratifying Mutual Aid Fire Plan agreement and authorizing the
Mayor City Clerk to same on behalf of the City, was
and execute
adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Beloil Inc.
The City Attorney read a letter from the Beloil Inc. Ltd.
asking the city to join in suit for collection of damages done at
time of fire at 0. D. Oil Company lease on Ocean Avenue. The City
Council preferred not to join in suit.
Adv.-Defense Councilman Henrickson brought up the matter of authorizing ad -
vertising by Defense Council in the Huntington Beach News. It was
agreed that the item of $600,00 in account 54-B was to be used by
the Defense Council for advertising and educational matter.
Shelter for
Councilman Henrickson stated that dim -out conditions was making
service boys
it bad for service boys to get rides and, on motion by Hawes seconded
by Morehouse, the City Engineer was authorized to have built a 1Oxl2
seat and shelter for service boys on the east side of Main Street,
south of Ocean Avenue near south end of the old depot site. The
building to be adequately lighted.
Councilman Henrickson asked about delinquent license fees. The
City Attorney informed him that papers were being prepared in the case
of Mr. Pickering and that Roy Craig had made a payment on account. ,
Harbor Catering
The matter of duty license for Harbor Catering Company operating
Co. - license
a canteen near the Army camp at Lake Park was brought up by Council-
man honr ickson. This matter was referred to the Chief of Police and
the City Attorney.
Claim -
Councilman Henrickson stated that the insurance company had
turned down the claim of F. W. Mauldin as being not a condition of - `#
employment. Mr. Mauldin claims that the lawnmower bucked him off. C
He requested help from the City Council in proving his claim. The
matter was referred to the City Engineer and Street Foreman for any
help that they could give Mr. Mauldin as there was nothing the
Council could do. ,y
- Page 3 - Minutes Aug. 3, 1942
At this time Mayor Talbert asked if there were any matters anyone
in the audience wished to bring before the Council. The Fire Chief
for fire
brought up the matter of providing housing for additional fire equip -
went. It was decided that housing for additional equipment could be
provided in the 17th Street park as soon as the recreation building,
to be purchased from the Standard Oil Company, was moved to that i
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, .the City Clerk was
authorized to send in offer to qualify for purchase of recreation
building at 23rd and Ocean.
'- Vacation -
On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, Chief of Police Blossom
was granted his annual vacation starting August 15th.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Henrickson, the Council adjourned
until 7:30 P.M. Monday, August 17, 1942.
- I
- - ATTE
City Clerk
ity.Clerk and ex-offico Clerk
of the City Council.
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, August 17, 1942.
Pursuant to adjournment of August 3, 1942, the Clerk appeared at the
Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. There being no quorum present, the Clerk ad-
journed the meeting until 7:30 P.M. Monday, August 24, 1 42.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.
BY: i
ChiefDeputy Cler
City Ulerk
,-Chief Deputy Clerk