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City Hall,
Monday, Oct. 19, 1942.
Pursuant to adjournment of October 5th, the Clerk appeared at the
Council Chamber at 7030 P.M. There being no quorum present the Clerk
adjourned the meeting until 7:30 P.M. Thursday, betober 22nd for the
purpose of reading an emergency ordinance for the second and final time
and such other matters as may come before the City Council,
NOTE: It will be necessary for four (4) Councilmen to be present
to adopt the above named Ordinance.
City er anA x-officio erk
of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach, California.
City -Cleft and ex -of ficio Clerk
of the City Council.
r V 4
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
October 22, 1942.
Pursuant to adjournment of October 19th, 1942, the City Council
met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Councilmen present: Henrickson, Morehouse, Hawes.
Councilmen absent: Talbert, Grable.
On motion by Councilman Hawes seconded by Councilman Morehouse,
Councilman Henrickson was appointed mayor pro-tem.
Application - On motion by kenrickson-seconded by Morehouse, the application
Paul Tooker
of Paul Tooker for license to conduct the business of wrecking in the
oil field was approved.
Application v On motion by Morehouse seconded by Hawes, the application of
11alco Trans . Co.
Malco Transportation Company to conduct the business of trucking crude
oil was approved.
Horseshoe Club On motion by•Hawes seconded by Morehouse, the Clerk was authorized
to have the Horseshoe Coub hduee repainted and permission was given the
Red Cross to use the club house at the will and pleasure of the City Council.
Page 2 - Minutes Oct. 229 1942
P.E.Ry. Co. The Clerk read a letter from the Pacific Electric Railway Company
covering structural changes in connection with opening Third Street crossing
T between Lake Avenue and Alabama Avenue and suggesting that in the event the
City Council did not care to pass on the permit at the present time that all
papers be returned to the Vacific Electric Company. On motion by Henrickson
seconded by Morehouse, the Clerk was directed to retdrn agreement in accord-
ance with the letter.
' Lease o
Lease vet The Clerk presented and read lease between the City of Huntington Beach,
California, and The United States of America dated October 22nd, 1942, and for
the term July lat. 1942 to June 30th, 1943, leasing to The United States of
America certain portions of the Municipally owned pleasure pier as described
more fully in the above named lease.
do And on motion by Councilman Hawes seconded by Councilman Morehouse, put
and unanimously carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute
same on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach.
do The Clerk presented and read a lease between the City of Huntington
Beach and The United States of America covering use of Block 909, Wesley
Park and, on motion by Hawes seconded by Morehouse, the Mayor and Clerk
were authorized to execute the same.
do The Clerk presented and read an agreement between the City of Hunting-
ton Beach and The United States of America covering use of Block 417 and, on
motion by Hawes seconded by Morehouse, the Mayor and Clerk were authorized
' to execute the same.
Demands On motion b Morehouse seconded b Hawes demands y y approved by the
` Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Dr. Sheehan Dr. P. E. Sheehan addressed the City Council relative to construct-
ion of glAssed-in area for watchers in tower on Memorial Hall and,'on motion
by Morehouse seconded by Hawes, the matter was referred to the Building
Committee and the City Engineer to make an estimate of cost and submit to
the City Council.
Sidewalk - Councilman Henrickson stated that the sidewalk on Main Street between
llth and 14th was at times covered with oil and dirt. This matter was re-
ferred to the Streets and Parks Committee and the City Engineer.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Morehouse, the Council adjourned until
5:00 o'clock P.M. Friday, October 23, 1942.
--- --- /_ 4A�
., City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.
Mayor pro -tee .�
City -Clerk