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Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, November 15, 1943
Pursuant to adjournment of November 1st, the City Council met and was
called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
Councilmen absent: None.
A. C. Almond The Clerk read a memorandum from A. C. Almond asking permission to rent
the recreation building purchased from the Standard"Oil Company. The Clerk was
directed to notify Mr. Almond that the City did not have the authority to rent
the building at its present location.
- Resolution #919 The Clerk read Resolution No. 919 accepting deed to acreage purchased
deed to from the Mills band and Water Company and, on motion by Henrickson seconded
by Morehouse, Resolution No. 919 was passed and adopted by the following
AYES: Councilmen :Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Pav-A-Lon The Clerk read a letter from George M. Mitchell asking for renewal of
lease of the Pav-A-Lon for the year beginning November 1, 1943. On motion by
Henrickson seconded by Grable, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare the
lease adding the necessary clauses satisfactory to the City and to Mr. Mitchell.
It was understood that the Garden Club desired to use the building sometime in
August 1944, the date to be determined later.
Report - The Clerk presented and read report of the City Collector for the month
City Collector
of October and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, same teas- accepted
and ordered filed.
Application - On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the application of B. C. Wilson to
Service Sta.
operate service station at 120 Ocean Avenue was approved.
Applications: The Clerk presented and read applications of the Southwest Exploration
Exp.Co. Company to drill four oil wells known as State J-1, J-20 J-3 and J-4 and, on
4 wells
motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the applications were approved and
permission granted.
Huntington The Clerk presented application for oil well permit by the Huntington
State Co.-
1 well State Company to drill well, State No. 5, immediately south of the Pacific
Electric railroad between 21st and 22d Streets and within 47 feet of the
Pacific Electric Railway. The Mayor announced that on account of the site
being within approximately 47 feet of an electric railway it would-be
necessary to hold a hearing to determine if there were any objections.
City Engineer Overmyer testified that it was his opinion that no hazard
would be created. The Mayor asked if anyone in the audience had any ob-
jections, there being none, on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the
' application was approved and permission granted.
Page #2 - Minutes Nov. 15,19T3
A. J. Parker The Clerk read a letter from Chief of Police Blossom to
the -�
reinstated in
Police Dept- effect that he had reinstated A. J. Parker as patrolman in the
Department at a salary of $$190.00 per month and, on motion by
house seconded by Henrickson, the appointment was approved.
Bid on Lots The Clerk read bid of J. K. McDonald, real estate agent,
18 & 20,B1k 314
Fred C. Hermann behalf of Fred C. Hermann to purchase Lots 18 and 20 in Block
.Huntington Beach, at a price of $250.00. Mayor Talbert asked
if anyone
in the audience wished to increase the bid, there being none,
Mayor declared the lots sold to Fred C. Hermann for his bid of $250.00.
Resolution #920 The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 920 selling
Lots 18
and 20 in Block 314, Huntington Beach, to Fred C. Hermann and
Myrtle B.
Hermann, husband and wife, for the sum of $250.00 and, on motion by Hawes
seconded by Morehouse, Resolution No. 920 was passed and adopted by the
following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Offer on Lots The Clerk presented and read offer -of Wm: J. Jenkins in the amount
26 & 29,
Blk 313 of $350.00 for Lots 26 and 28 in Block 313, Huntington Beach. No action
was taken by the Council at this time.
J.I.Anderson - The Clerk read letter from J. I. Anderson dated November 1, 1943,
Renewal of optiasking for renewal of option -agreement made July 6, 1943, between the
City and himself. A check in the amount of $768.00 to cover extension of
the terms and conditions provided for in the above named option -agreement
from November 6, 1943 to March 6, 1944 and, on motion by ienrickson
seconded by Morehouse, the Clerk was authorized to receive the check and
acknowledge receipt to Mr. Anderson.
F. C. Drumm,
Special At°y The Clerk read a letter from F. C. Drumm confirming oral statements
made by him to the City Council on November 1, 1943, that he would accept
a retainer of $1,000.00 and $$75.00 per day for services to be performed
from and after November 1, 1943 in connection with any matters involved
in any litigation between Denio, Hart, Taubman & Simpson and the City of
Huntington Beach whether the services so performed were in Court or in
his office or elsewhere other than in the Supreme Court of the United
States and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the letter was
taken under advisement until the next meeting of the City Council at
4:30 P.M. Tuesday, November 16, 1943.
Southwest Exp.Co. The Clerk informed the Council that the City Treasurer had been
Cheek attached by Denio et al advised by the Southwest Exploration Company that check due the City
for the month of October in the amount of $$2,053.46 had been attached
by Denio, Hart, Taubman and Simpson. The matter was referred to the
City Attorney.
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Demands On motion by Hawes seconded by Henrickson, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Resolution The Clerk read Resolution No. 921, selling Lots 6 and 9, in Block
0921 selling
lots 6 04, Huntington Beach to Chris H. ring and Adah V. King, husband and wife,
& S , Blk ,330
to C.H. for the sum of $500.00. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, Reso-
lution No. 921 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen;.. Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
The Clerk read escrow instructions covering the sale of the above
named lots and, on motion by Grable seconded by Morehouse, the Mayor and
Clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City.
Reso.#922 The Clerk read Resolution No. 922 selling Lots 26 and 28 in Block
Lotp 26 & 28
Blk 102,102 and Lots 24 and 26 in Block 202, Huntington Beach, to F. S. dlyde for
24 & 26
Blk 202 the sum of $950.00 and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse,
Resolution No. 922 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the Mayor and Clerk were autho-
rized to execute escrow instructions covering theaboVe named sale on behalf
of the City.
Reso.#923 The Clerk read Resolution No. 923 selling Lot 23 in Block 214, Hunting -
Lot 23
Blk 21 ton Beach, to Frances G. Morgan for the sum of $125.00 and, on motion by
Hawes seconded by kenrickson, Resolution No. 923 was passed and adopted by
the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the Mayor and Clerk were autho-
rized to execute escrow instructions on the above named property on behalf of
the City.
Reso.#924 The Clerk read Resolution No. 924 selling Lot 22 in Block 110, Hunting -
Lot 22,
Blk 110 ton Beach, to Charles Mays and Bonnie Mays, husband and wife, for the sum of
$150,00 and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, Resolution.No. 924-
was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
On motion by Grable seconded by Morehouse, the Mayor and Clerk were
authorized to execute escrow instructions on the above named sale.
Reso.f925 The Clerk read Resolution'No. 925 selling Lot 22 in Block 711, Wesley
Lot 22,B1k
711 W.P. Park Tract, to Henry K. Talbert and Dorothy J. Talbert, husband and wife,
for the sum of $100.00 and, on motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, Resolution
Page #4 - Minutes Nov.15,1941-
No. 925 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the Mayor and Clerk were
authorized to execute escrow instructions on the above named sale.
Reso.#926 The Clerk read Resolution No. 926 selling Lot 19 in Block
Lot 19,
B1k.105 105,.Huntington Beach, to Beulah E. Westmoreland for the sum of
$250.00 and, on motion by Grable seconded by Morehouse, Resolution No.
926 was passed and adopted by the following wte`t
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
On motion by Grable seconded by Morehouse, the Mayor and Clerk
were authorized to execute escrow instructions on the above named sale..
Reso.#927 The Clerk read Resolution No. 927 relative to Workmen's Compen-
vol.Civ. cation Insurance for Volunteer Civilian Defense workers and, on motion •
Def. workers
by Henrickson seconded by Grable, Resolution No. 927 was passed and
adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
State War City Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that he had received
information to the effect that the State War Council is willing to pay
5010 of certain Civilian Service Corps expense incurred by the City. But
that a resolution must be prepared and submitted showing a statement of
the financial obligations to be met and, on motion by Hawes seconded by
Grable, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare the resolution and
the City Clerk was authorized to make application to the State War
Council requesting aid.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Henrickson, the Council adjourned
until 4:30 P.M. Tuesday, November 16, 1943.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.
Ci y 1