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Mutual Aid
Dr. Hawes
ealle d out
Wednesday night
dances discon-
,,jr. He my -
Agreement -
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, August 6, 1945
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P. M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Talbert.
Councilmen absent: None.
On motion,by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, minutes for the
month of July were approved as read.
Orviile V. Dant-address ed the Council relative tooperat ng a
fishing barge off the Huntington Beach coast. .The matter was dis-
cussed and it was decided that it would be too expensive to attempt
to install a landing on the pier and that in view of past exper-
ience it probably would not be possible to get wind and wave in-
surance on the pier if the landing were installed. No further
action by the City Council.
William Yount, Deputy Director, California State War Council,
627-629 State Building, Los Angeles 12, presented the Council with
a mutual aid plan for cities and counties of California, the general
purpose of which is mutual aid in the event of disaster to be render-
ed between cities and counties. Mr. Yount addressed the council and
advised the city°s participation in the plan, and on motion by Hen-
rickson seconded by Grable, the Council voted unanimously to adopt
the plan and authorized the City Attorney to prepare a formal reso-
lution to be presented to the Council.
At'this time, g:10 P.M., Dr. Hawes was called from the Council
Mr. R. M. Henry addressed the Council and asked permission to
discontinue Wednesday night dances as of August 15th with the pro-
vision that they may be resumed about June 15, 1946, and on motion by
Henrickson seconded by Bartlett, the request was granted,.
The Clerk read lease -agreement between the City of Huntington
Beach and R. M. Henry for use of the Pav-A-Lon dance hall, and on
motion by Bartlett seconded by Henrickson, the Mayor and Clerk were
authorized to execute same on behalf of the City.
Mr. Henry stated that the El Toro Marines are to use the Pav A -Lon
Tuesday, August 21st, and it was agreed by the City Council that the
City will pay Mr. Henry,$10.00 for that night for supervising the hall
in addition to his regular janitor allowance.
On motion by Grable seconded by Henrickson, monthly reports of the
City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, City Judge, City Engineer,
and Chief of Police were accepted and ordered filed.
Page A2
Minutes Aug.6,1945
r Dr. Hawes
returned At this time, 9:35 P.M., Dr. Hawes returned to the Council Chamber..
Country Fair The Clerk read a letter from the Country Fair manager asking for
approximately $1,000.00 to help defray expenses of the fair. The letter
stated that in the event money is advanced and in.the event the fair
makes a profit, the amount would be refunded the city to the extent., of
such profit. No action was taken by the City Council.
Agreement - The Clerk read agreement between the City and the Chamber of Commerce,
C. of C
July 11 1945 to June 30, 1946, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Grable,
the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City.
City of The Clerk presented and read WAR EMERGENCY RADIO SERVICE MUNICIPAL
� Long Beach
AGREEMENT between the City of Long Beach and the City of Huntington Beach,
• and on motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, the City Clerk was directed
to secure more definite information before action by the Council.
Application- The'Clerk read application of Mrs. H. Armstrong for license to
Mrs. Armstrong
operate ladies' wear shop, and_on motion by Bartlett seconded by Hawes,
permission was granted.
Inter -American The Clerk read application of Inter -American Electrical and Mech-
Corp. anical Corporation for license to conduct electrical contracting, and on
motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, permission was granted.
Surety Bond On motion by Grable seconded by Bartlett, the surety:bond of Inter -
American Electrical and Mechanical Corporation was accepted and ordered
> gurety Bond- On motion by Hawes seconded by Henrickson, the surety bond of Star
Star Housemovers
Housemovers was accepted and ordered filed.
Surety Bond On motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the surety bond of Edward
J. Quick was accepted and ordered filed.
Remove tree - The Clerk read a letter from J. F. Burkhart asking permission to re-
13th & Palm
move tree in front of his property at 13th and Palm, and on motion by
Bartlett seconded by Grable, permission was granted at applicant's expense.
Palms The Clerk read request of Main Street Gar
Orange � Main q age to remove palm trees
• from the park -way on.Orange Avenue at the intersection of Main, and on
�- motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the request was granted at applicant's
Date Palms- Engineer Overmyer stated that some small date palms in the vicinity
Knoxville &
Lincoln of Knoxville and Lincoln should be removed and replaced with other trees,
and on motion by Bartlett seconded by Grable, the Street Department was
authorized to remove and replant the trees.
Eng.Overmy:er, On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, Engineer Overmyer was granted three
days vacation, August 9th, loth and llth.
Contract The Clerk read contract between City of Huntington Beach and Mrs. Beulah
Westmoreland, and on motion by Hawes, seconded by Grable., the Mayor and Clerk
were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City.
Page 03
Resoo.0970 a
Clerk read Resolution No.
970., providing for participation
in the State
Employees' Retirement
System, and on motion by Hawes
by Grable, Resolution No.
970 was passed and adopted by the
Councilmen: Henrickson,
Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Talbert.
Councilmen: None.
Councilmen: None.
The City Clerk was directed to publish same by two insertions
in the Huntington Beach News.
#971 d The Clerk read Resolution No. 971 proposing to annex certain
Annex property
uninhabited and contigious territory to the city, and on motion by
Hawes seconded by Grable, Resolution No. 971 was passed and adopted
by the following vote:
,AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
#972— The Clerk read Resolution No. 972 proposing to annex certain
Annex property
uninhabited and contigious territory to the City of Huntington Beach,
and on motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, Resolution No. 972 was
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:. Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Talbert.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
The Clerk informed the Council that ballots and instructions for
joining State
holding pL City Employees' 61ebtion to determine whether or -not the
4 '
Police Department, Fire Department and all other departments shall
join the State Employees' Retirement System, whereupon the following
motion was made by Councilman Henrickson: "That the City Council call
an election to be held Monday, August 13, 1945, between the hours of
10:00 A.M. and 4:00 o'clock P.M. and that C. R. Purr, W. M. Clegg and
C. P. Patton.be appointed as election officers." Motion a econded by
Councilman Hawes, put and carried unanimously.
Mrs. Vine
On motion by Henrickson and seconded by Bartlett, the Clerk was
authorized to terminate the services of Mrs. Myrtle Yost as of August
15, 1945, and to employ Helen Vine as janitress at the salary of
$125.00 per month beginning August B, 1945.
Mr. Furr e
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, C. R. Furr was
granted vacation of one week beginning August 13th and ending
August 20th.
Work on The City Council discussed the matter of work being done on the
city owned 52 acres in east section of the city. Councilman Hen—
rickson stated that he believed all work of this nature should be
submitted to the City Council for joint approval before committing
the City for the expenditure. Objection was made to the expenditure
of approximately $1,200.00 on the above named work when the estimated
cost was not to exceed $600,00. A general discussion followed but no All
definite action was taken by the City Council.
Aug.6, 1945 Minutes 413
On:motion by Hawes seconded by Henrickson, the City Attorney was
authorized to amend the salary ordinance and submit same to the City
Council at its -meeting of August 20th.
On motion by Bartlett seconded by arable, demands approved by
the.Finance Committee were ordered paid.
On recommendation of Engineer Overmyer and on motion by Henrickson
seconded by Hawes, Everett Diekoff was advanced from Classification "D"
$190,00 per month to Classification "E" $200,00 per month as of August
1, 1945.
Mrs. Thiery On motion.by Henrickson seconded by Bartlett, Engineer Overmyer
Ration Board
was.authorized to continue Mrs. Henry Thiery on a four hour a day basis
for the ensuing three weeks at 65¢ per hour for service on the Ration
Dump truck
Councilman Bartlett stated that another dump truck was needed on
the beach front and the Mayor and Council asked Engineer Overmyer to
look around and report on the possibility of purchasing a new or used
Councilman Hawes stated that he believed the City Council should
look toward purchasing additional acreage adjoining the city limits
easterly of the city.
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the Council adjourned
until 7; 30 P.R. Monday, August 13, 1945.
City Cl rk and exmo-ffic'io Clerk
of the City Council.