HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945-09-0414 1 J 4. MINUTES 1 1 Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, September 4, 1945 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by the Clerk. Councilmen present: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Bartlett. Councilmen absent: Talbert. Mayor pro=tem On motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, Councilman Henrickson was Henrickson appointed mayor pro-tem. Minutes On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, minutes for the month of 4ugust were approved as read. APPLICATIONS: . Photo studio `.On motion by Bartlett seconded by Hawes, the application of Bette L. Lindsey for license to operate photo studio at 106 e 5th Street was approved. Bldg. contractor -On motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, the application of Robert R.R.Linberg R. Linberg for license to conduct the business of building contractor, whose address is 2014 N. Los Palmas, `Los Angeles 27, was approved. Service Sta.® On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the application of Homer Homer Reeg Reeg for license to conduct the business of service station at 102 Ocean Avenue was approved. Auto parts & On motion by Bartlett seconded by Grable, the application of J. B. machine shop- J.B.Cail Cail for. license to conduct the business of automobile parts and machine shop at 210 a 3rd Street was approved. Hotel - 0°Shea On motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, the application of Mrs. Agnes 0.'Shea for license to conduct the business of hotel at 229 Main Street was approved. Cafe - On motion by Grable seconded by Bartlett, the application of Dora Ione Dora I. Elbe Elbe for license to conduct the business of cafe at 412 Walnut Avenue was approved. Mdse.- On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the application of Walter L. W.L.Mallonee - Mallonee for license to conduct the business of merchandising at 223 Main Street was approved. Oil well - B-90 On motion by Bartlett seconded by Grable, the application of Standard ' Oil Company to drill B-90 was approved. Oil well B-99 On motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, the application of the Standard Oil Company to drill B-89 was approved. Buds on Ins. This being the date set for opening and examining estimates for fur- nishing the city with comprehensive insurance, the clerk opened and read the following estimates; C. H. King, $5,122.23 for a period of three years. Huston, Suter & Huston, $5,454.00 .for a period of three years. Ila N. Dabney, $4,560.66 with the provision that if $2,500.00 cash Y- } is paid in advance the amount will be reduced in the amount of $125.00 making the net $4,435.66 for a period of three years. G U Page #2 Minutes Sept. 4, 1945 - Bids referred to On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the bids were referred to the I ns.Committee Insurance Committee for their analysis and report to the City Council at next meeting. Petition The!Clerk read a petition presented by John*Whitfield and signed Pension by 64 citizens requesting that the question of pensions for city , employees be placed on the ballot to be voted on at the next regular or special election. Petition o Retirement system The Clerk presented and read a petition. 1347 signatures, sub- mitted'by citizens and city employees requesting the City Council to take immediate action in putting into effect the City Employees' Re- tirement System for firemen, policemen and other employees of the City of Huntington Beach. The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 497, authori® • ordo #497 . passed zing a contract between the City of Huntington Beach and the Board l of Administration,California state Employees: Retirement System, providing for the participation of said subdivision in said State Employees° Retirement System, making its employees members of said system, and on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, Ordinance No. 497 was passed and adopted by the following vote: t AYES: Councilmen; Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Henrickson. NOES: Councilmen, None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert. D. Higgins® Delbert Higgins addressed the Council and thanked its members on behalf of the city employees for the adoption of the above named plan. Reso. #975 The Clerk read Resolution No. 975 fixing the tax rate for the Tax rate -for 1945-1946 City of Huntington Beach for the fiscal year 1945-1946, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, Resolution No. 975 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Henrickson. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert, Demands On motion by Bartlett seconded by Grable, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. Drainage The Clerk read a letter from Lyndon A. Wells, 101 Walnut Avenue, asking the City Council to install drainage in that vicinity. He was informed by the Mayor that such work was under consideration by the City Council as a Post War Project. Paint City Bldgso The Clerk read a letter from Lyndon A. Wells proposing to paint Y a the City Hall and Memorial Hall and furnishing equipment for a rental charge of $10.00 per day, salary of foreman to be $2.00 per hour. The matter was referred to the City Engineer to check and report estimate cost at next meeting of the City Council. Mr. Burkhart, Mr. Burkhart addressed the Council and complained that the work of Improving alleys in the vicinity of the new buildings on the east side was progressing slowly. He also stated that considerable damage was being done on account of dust. The matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee with authority to proceed with the work as fast as possible. Page #3. - Minutes Sept. 4, 1945 Memo. of The Clerk read Memorandum of Agreement for Accumulation of gas A eement = gas tax Tax for Streets of Major Importance. Also Resolution No. 976 autho- rIzing the Mayor and Clerk to execute said agreement,, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, Resolution No. 976 was passed and adopted by Reso, #976 the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Henrickson. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert. O.C.D. Engineer Overmyer presented data from the Federal Department of protective property Commerce outlining the policy of the Government with respect to the disposition of O.C.D. protective property now on loan to the City and stated'that it was his recommendation that the City purchase all of the property except the helmets and 272 hand pump tank extinguishers, and on motion.by Hawes seconded by Grable, the City Engineer was authorized to purchase in accordance with his recommendation. Surety bond On motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, the surety bond of the Two - Mack Electric Company was accepted and ordered filed. Annexation The Mayor informed those present that this is the time set for hear- ing on the question of annexation as.outlined in Resolutions 971 and 972. The Clerk informed the Council that no objections had been received either written or verbal and there being no objections from those present, the Clerk gave Ordinances''No 498 and 489, annexing certain uninhabited and con- tiguous territory to the City of.Huntington Beach, their first reading. Salary Ord. The matter of amending the salary ordinance was held over until next meeting of the City Council. > Taxi Ord. Mr. Van Dyke, operator of a taxi.in the city, addressed the City Council and asked that a regulatory ordinance be passed regulating taxis in the city. Chief of Police Blossom announced that he was in favor of such an ordinance, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Bartlett, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a taxi and bus ordinance and present to the City Council at its next meeting, Monthly The City Clerk ,presented and read monthly reports of the City Treas- Reports urer, City Clerk, City Collector, City Judge, City Engineer and Chief of Police, and on motion by Grable seconded by Bartlett, same were accepted and ordered filed. State Lands The Clerk read a letter from the State Lands Commission and presented, Commission plans of the improvement which the State Lands Commission is making at the corner of 17th and Ocean. The letter requested that.the Commission be authorized to remove certain trees and make certain improvements to the entrances to the property. City Engineer Overmyer recommended that per- mission be granted in accordance with the letter of the State Lands Commission, and on motion by,Hawes seconded by Grable, the City Engineer's recommendations were accepted and the work approved. '� On motion by Bartlett seconded by Hawes, the Council adjourned. �a�ce •y - i7'1 I NOTes /771 NUT es a MINUTES City Clerk an ex�officio Clerk of the City Council. Mayor ggo TEN Council Chamber, City. Hall, Huntington Beach, California Monday, September 17, 1945 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present; Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Bartlett, Talbert. Councilmen absent: None. Quit -claim On motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, City Attorney deed - acreage Overacker was authorized to prepare a quit -claim deed covering oil lease on the city owned 44 and 52 acre tracts respectively and have same executed by lessee. Oil Lease- The Clerk presented and read an oil lease agreement between Agreement m the City of Huntington Beach and Q. J. Gibson, 650 So. GrandiAvenue, 0,�J..Gibson Los Angeles, covering the city owned 44 acres, and on motion by Henrickson seconded by Bartlett, the -Mayor and Clerk were authorized to execute same after its approval as to form by the,City Attorney and after quit -claim deed has been received from a former lessee. Block 1011 W.P. The Clerk read a letter from W.. Melvin Strong asking the City Youth Activities m Archery to secure a lease -agreement from the Huntington Beach Company covering Block 1011, Wesley Park Tract, for a period of five years to be used as an archery, and on motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, the City Clerk was directed to make application to the Huntington Beach Company for the above named lease®agreement. The matter of securing an easement to extend -Memphis Street across