HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-08r1 t =. MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Friday, March 9, 1946 The regular meeting of -the Huntington Beach Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Langenbeck. Members present: Langenbeck, Overacker, Shaw, Hudson, Kaufman, Overmyer, Furr, Davis and consulting engineer Parks. • Members absent: Bristol. Minutes The Clerk read minutes for the month of February, 1946, and on motion by Hudson seconded by Kaufman, same were ap- proved as corrected as follows: Minutes for February 21, 1946, paragraph 3 - the last Correction three and a fraction lines corrected to read as follows: made. - "That all lots -fronting or abutting on the westerly side of Lake Avenue from 13th Street to -Utica Street and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1214, Tract 12, be changed from R-3 to A-2 district."* • That following paragraph 11 of minutes of February 21st Addition shall be added the words. Shaw objected to the change at made to this time and recommended change be made by amendment." minutes. Motion put and carried unanimously. Subdivision T. B. Talbert submitted map of new subdivision, Tract -Atlanta No. 1153 adjoining the southeasterly side of Street. At this time, 8:00 o'clock'P.M., the chair announced Public the time had arrived for the public hearing as advertised in the Huntington Beach News February 28, 1946. Hearing • Consulting Engineer Parks explained that the proposed ordinance segregates certain parts of the city into various Eng. Parks land uses. That there is also the official map on which explained the various land uses as indicated in the ordinance are map & -ord. designated. The Chair asked if there was anyone in the audience who No objections objected to the proposed ordinance. There were no objections. The secretary informed the Commission that no written or verbal objections had been received in his office. Compliment One present in the audience complimented the Commission made. on its excellent work and stated that it was his desire to • see the plans fully executed. Attorney Overacker informed the Commission that it will Cityy Council be necessary for the Commission to prepare and submit to the to be informed .City Council the following. - Summaries of Hearings. Report Of Findings. Recommendations Of The Planning Commission. Motion The following motion by Hudson seconded by Shaw: "That • the proposed districting ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach, California, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND PRE- SCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF LANDITHE USE AND HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, THE OPEN SPACES AROUND SAID BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES AND THE PROPORTION OF LOT WHICH MAY BE COVERED, IN THE VARIOUS DISTRICTS; • 1 Summaries approved. AROHIBITING CERTAIN USES AND CERTAIN TYPES OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS; ADOPTING A MAP OF SAID DISTRICTS; DESCRIBING AND DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS USED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT AND AMEND- MENT HEREOF; REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES WHICH MAY CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATION HEREOF, together with the map referred to therein be certified to the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach and adoption recommended." Motion put and carried by the following vote: AYES: Kaufman, Overmyer, Davis, Hudson, Shaw, Overacker, Langenbeck and Furr.- NOES: None. ABSENT: Bristol. Consulting Engineer Parks presented and read proposed "Report Of Findings" and proposed "Recommendations Of The Planning Commission" and the secretary presented and read "Summaries of Hearings" and on motion by Overmyer seconded by Kaufman, same were approved and adopted as read and ordered submitted to the City Council of the City of Hunt- ington Beach at its regular meeting to be held at 7:30 P.M. Monday,,March 18, 1946. Motion put and carried by the following vote: AYES: Kaufman, Overmyer, Davis, Hudson, Shaw, Overacker, Langenbeck and Furr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Bristol. Following motion by Hudson seconded by Shaw: "That District- the districting map of the City of Huntington Beach, Orange ing map County, California, which is a part of the above named adopted ordinance, be adopted, certified -and recommended to the City Council - of the City of Huntington Beach for adoption." Motion put and carried by the following vote: AYES: Kaufman, Overmyer, Davis, Hudson, Shaw, Overacker, Langenbeck and Furr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Bristol. Following motion by Overacker seconded by Kaufman: "That Tentative the PlanningCommission approve the tentative ma submitted b map B. Talbt covering Tract No. 1153, a subdivision adjoining Tract No.l° ants Street on the southeasterly side with the following suggested changes, that the 20 foot street near the southerly end of the tract be increased to 30 feet and that the southerly corners of Lots 13, 14 and 30 be rounded by 15 foot radius curbs and that this recommendation be submitted to the City Council at its next regular meeting." Motion put and carried unanimously. 0 -Lindley'- The secretary presented map of R. G. Lindley covering new subdivision, Tract No. 1156, and on motion by Hudson seconded Tract No. by Overacker, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend 1156 the approval of the plan to the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. On motion by Kaufman seconded b Huds the mmission Adjourned. r, ATTEST - City kOler . 0