HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-26Pursuant to
Huntington Beach
at 7 : 30 P.M. -
Members present:
Members absentl
Others present:
Langenbeck -
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Friday, April 26, 1946.
call and notice by Chairman Langenbeck, the
Planning Commission met and was called to order
Langenbeck, Furr, Shaw, Kaufman, Overmyer,
Overacker Hudson.
Davis, Bristol,
Consulting Engineer Parks, City Councilmen
Langenbeck, Terry, Bartlett, Grable.
Term of office Chairman Langenbeck stated that his term of office had
expired expired and that he hereby presented his resingation as chair-
man of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission, and on motion
by Kaufman seconded by Shaw, the resignation was accepted.
The following were nominated for chairman for the ensuing
year: Henry S. Kaufman, R. G. Hudson and Warren S. Bristol,
R. G. Hudson
Chairman A secret ballot was taken and R. G. Hudson was announced
to be the one having the largest number of votes, and on motion
by Overacker seconded by Kaufman, the Commission voted unani-
mously to elect R. G. Hudson as chairman for the ensuing year.
E.M.Rodrigues The secretary read a letter from the City Clerk stating
that E. M. Rodrigues had applied to the City Council for per-
mit to install two street cars with improvements along Ocean
Boulevard near the city trailer park and that the City Council
had referred the matter to the Planning Commission for its
investigation and recommendation, and on motion by Shaw seconded
by Kaufman, the Commission unanimously recommended to the City
Council that permit not be granted. Reasons given were that
the Commission is of the opinion that the applicant will not
be able to secure necessary material to make the improvements
comply with city regulations.
Yr. Guppy
i5r. Davis
Mr. Roy A. Guppy of Guppy's California Ceramics, 11309
So. Main Street, Los Angeles 3, Telephone No. Twin Oaks 4704,
addressed the Commission and presented preliminary plans for
improving an existing building at the corner of Alabama and
Frankfort, Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 602, Vista Del Mar Tract,
Knoll Section, The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Guppy under
date of March 23, 1946, outlining briefly the improvements
proposed to be made and the type of manufacturing to be en-
gaged in, and on motion by Shaw seconded by Kaufman, the
Commission went on record as approving the application and
in recommending that the City Council grant the permit as
outlined in Mr. 'Guppy's letter of March 23rd. With the
provision that Mr. Guppy prepare and submit to the City
Council blue -prints showing in detail the proposed improvements.
Mayor Bartlett informed the Commission that the City
Council approved the reappointment of Robert L. Davis on the
Commission and that David K. Jones to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of Vernon E. Langenbeck. Mayor Bartlett
thanked the Commission for its constructive work during the
past year.
Salary - Chairman Hudson recommended that the salary of Consulting
Pier. Parks Engineer Parks be increased to 075.00 per month because of
the fact that much detailed work was being accompalised by Mr.
Parks, and on motion by Overacker seconded by Shaw, the
Commission recommended that the City Council increase the
salary of G. M. Parks, consulting engineer of the Planning
Commission, to $75.00 per month, effective May 1, 1946.
Chairman Hudson thanked the City Council for attending the
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Shaw, the meeting
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