HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-20ZI91 U MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 20, 1946. The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7: 30 P.M. by Mayor Bartlett. Councilmen present: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. Councilmen absent: None. APPLICATIONS: The Clerk read the following applications for city license: �• City Licenses F. R. Megli, malt shop at 102 Main Street, David S. Clark, laundry route, Lena B. Heaston, real estate salesman, 109 Main Street, Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., electrical contractors,. P. 0. Box #271, Gardena, California. Gene Smith, masonry contractor, 2710 Gale Avenue, Long Beach, James M. Barr, eating stand concession 28, beach front, George H. Edwards, sandwich concession, 34 and 35 beach front, Calvin J. Culp, housemover, Chestnut Street, Stanton, and on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, permission to issue licenses was approved. Application re- The Clerk read application of R. L. Riley for license to conduct f erred to Police Fire Commission the business of cigar stand and card room at 213 Main Street, and on t motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, same was referred to the Police and Fire Committee of the City Council for investigation and report at next meeting. Casey - On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the application of cabinet shop 1 Kenneth F. Casey for license to conduct the business of cabinet shop at 211 Indianapolis was approved. Dowty - On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the application of cabinet shop W. A. Dowty for license to conduct the business of cabinet shop at 401 • , California was approved. ,echanicsl The Clerk read application of F. & S. Sales Company, H. F. Foust Amusement devices and Gilbert Scanlon,for license to conduct the business of installing and operating 22 mechanical amusement devices at the various addresses shown on the application, and on motion by Grable seconded by Terry, permission to issue license was authorized. Beach umbrellas The Clerk read a letter from Charles D. Shaw, 1632 Montana Avenue, etc Santa Monica, asking for a license for the following purposes: rental of beach umbrellas and back rests, rental of surf riders and the sale. -,,of a preparation known as surf tan. The business to be conducted from a store room to be prepared by the applicant under the city bandstand on the beach. Rental to be $150.00 for the first year, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare and submit an agreement. Page #2 - Minutes 5-20-46 Surety bond - Stone & Webster On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the surety bond of Stone and Webster Engineering Corporgtion was accepted and ordered filed. Surety bond - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, the surety bond Calvin J. Culp of Calvin J. Culp was accepted and ordered filed. Vacation - On motion by Hawes seconded by Terry, Judge Patton was Judge Patton granted a one month's vacation with pay, beginning Monday, May 27, 1946, and permission was granted the Judge to leave the State of California. Ajax Amusement- The Clerk read a letter from the Ajax Amusement Company Neon sign � asking permission to erect a neon sign on the park in front of the Pav-A-Lon. The sign to be a two-way neon sign reading "FUN ZONE". The matter was referred to the City Attorney to check the lease between the Pacific Electric Railway Company and the City of Hunt- ington Beach and advise the City Council if it will be permissible t under the contract to erect the sign. Sub -lease airport Bert W. Harding, Jr. submitted a sub -lease from Georgiana k Garrish and asked the City Council to go on record as approving the making of said lease. Whereupon, the following motion was made by Councilman Hawes: "That the City Council go on record in approving the making of a sub -lease by Georgiana Garrish to Bert W. Harding, Jr., for the purpose of operating a flying service on and from certain property leased by the City of Huntington Beach to Georgiana Garrish." Motion seconded by Councilman Grable, put and carried unanimously. Rental on oil lease The Clerk read a letter from C. J. Gibson, 650 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, calling attention to the enclosed check in the amount of $176.00 in payment of two month's rental on oil and gas lease on the 44 acres leased from the City. The letter also requested a quit -claim deed be prepared covering Parcel 2 consist- ing of approximately 52 acres, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded • by Grable, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare the quit -claim y deed releasing the 52 acres. Sewage convention - On motion by Hawes seconded by Terry, the city engineer was J. C. Clark authorized to delegate J. C. Clark to attend the California Sewage Association at Monterey, June 8th to llth, inclusive, and that an expense account not to exceed $75.00 be appropriated. Ci,at, curb: ®. On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, Lawrence Bunch, 225 Crest Avenue, was given permission to cut curb on Lot 1, Block 313, and install driveway under supervision of the City Engineer. C.E.MeMorries - Relief patrolman On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the appointment by Chief of Police Blossom of C. E. McMorries as relief patrolman, `1 a 0 Page #3 - Minutes �• 5-20 - 46 salary $190.00 per month, bracket "C", was approved. Sallade - On motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeck, the salary of salary increase Harry E. Sallade, patrolman, was advanced to bracket °D", $205.00 per month, beginning as of May 16, 1946. Orange Co. League The Clerk informed the Council that the League of Orange Memo Hall County Cities will meet at Memorial Hall at 6:45 P.M. May 23rd and that ladies are invited. The Clerk wasinformed that twenty- one officials and heads of departments together with guests will attend the meeting. Meters for On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the City Engineer concession in P av-A-Lon was authorized to proceed to install electric and gas sub -meters on the lease of Cliff King, Pav-A-Lon, and to collect the regular charges. Used typewriter On motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeck, the city clerk for Police Dept. was authorized to purchase a used typewriter for the Police De- partment in an.amount not to exceed $60.00. Storage - On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the City Engineer Memorial hall was authorized to prepare and submit plans and estimate of cost for installing storage under the stage in Memorial Hall, also for J equipment to move and store chairs. Mothproof - On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the City Clerk hiemo. Hall was authorized to have Ira J. Chandler of Santa Ana moth -proof `AV carpet and furniture in Memorial Hall at the quoted price of $92.40. Lots 6 & 82 312 The Clerk read Resolution No. 996, selling Lots 6 and 8 in Nicholas Reso. 996 Block 312, to Matthew Nicholas and Annie Belle Nicholas, for the sum of $800.00, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, Resolu- tion No. 996 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Lot 18, 316, The Clerk read Resolution No. 997, authorizing the sale of Beam • Reso. 997 Lot 18, Block 316, to Clare E. Beam and Regina A. Beam, husband and wife, for the sum of $150.00, and on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, Resolution No. 997 was passed and adopted by the following vote: • AYES Councilmen. Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Lots 18 & 20, The Clerk read Resolution No. 998, authorizing the sale of 213 - King Lots 18 and 20 in Block 213, to Chris H. King and Adah V. King, for Reso. 998 the sum of $520.00, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, x Resolution No. 998 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. `f 0 q Page #4 - Minutes 5- 20-46 Renewal of lease - The Clerk read renewal of lease between the Pacific r P.E.B3i.Co. Electric Company and the City of Huntington Beach, covering an irregular shaped parcel ,of land at Ocean Avenue and Main Street in front of the Pav-A-Lon for a term beginning June 1, 1946 ^ and ending May 31, 1951, at a rental charge of $1.00 for the five years, and on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the Mayor and city clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. -.Pav-A-Lon Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that the State Safety Code laws were being violated by the operator of the Pav-A-Lon in that exits were being closed in such a manner Y as to make it difficult to escape from the dance floor in case S of fire, and on motion -by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the City Clerk was directed to write Mr. Henry and -request that he be careful in the future to keep all exits free from obstructions. K Demands On motion by.Grable seconded by Terry, demands approved by the Finance.Committee were ordered paid. Tram car on Kenneth W. Thompson submitted a letter stating he wished ` pier to enter into an agreement with the City to operate a tram car on the municipal pier, the lease to be for a period of one year. The matter was discussed and the City Council agreed that the city should be protected by a $50,000-$100,000 personal liability and a $5,000 property damage insurance policy. The matter was re- ferred to the City Attorney to prepare an agreement. Pollution on Chamber of Commerce secretary Gallienne addressed the Council beach and stated that the Navy officials and a number of Government officials had been informed of the pollution on the beach at Hunt- ington Beach apparently caused by the dumping of spoiled food and rubbish by the Navy off the Huntington Beach coast. Roadway to Bert Harding addressed the Council and the City Clerk read airport a letter from Garrish Bros. requesting the City's support in the construction of a roadway to the Garrish airport, also that the • City assist in securing water service from the Southern California Water Company, and on motion by-Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, both matters were referred to the Health and Sanitation -Committee for their recommendations. 2 Miracle Whirls- On motion by Terry seconded by Grable, the City Clerk was Lake nark _ authorized to purchase two Miracle Whirls from the Ahrens Manufact- uring Company, size 122 feet diameter, price $238.00 each installed in the city's Lake Park. Ar Pool Hall 212 Main Councilman Langenbeck stated that he had investigated the Application denied matter of application for pool hall at 212 Main Street and that he r recommended lease be not granted, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the application was denied. • Card games Page #5 - Minutes 5-20- 46 Upon recommendation of Councilman Grable the matter of 495 • 4 adopting an ordinance licensing card games was referred to the Police and Fire Committee and the City Attorney to investigate and report their recommendations. Remove trees On motion by Terry seconded by Grable, the City Engineer Joliet St. was directed to remove trees on Joliet Street between England and Florida as per request from owner of the property. Streets & Councilman Terry asked what progress was being made in alleys securing outside contractors to do repair work on the alleys and streets, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee and the City Engi- neer to investigate further and report their recommendations. Salary Committee -Councilman Hawes reported on the meeting of the salary com- Report mittee and submitted a schedule to be incorporated in the new ordinance, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeek, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare an amendment to the salary ordinance in accordance with the figures submitted by the salary committee. Fence at sewage On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the City Engineer p 1 ant was asked to prepare an estimate of cost of a fence and a fill at the sewage disposal plant. The fence to incorporate an area ap- proximately 400 x 500 feet and to be six feet high with two gates. B-17 Councilman Hawes recommended that the B-17 owned by the City be placed somewhere near the city airport instead of Triangle Park on account of the many difficulties in transporting the plane to the center of the City. The matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee for their recommendation. Part time On motion by Terry seconded by Grable, the Chief of Police was Officer on _ pier authorized to employ a part time officer to police the municipal pier at nights and endeavor to reduct the amount of vandalism. Parking meters City Attorney Overacker submitted and explained a proposed con- tract for the installation of parking meters in the City of Huntington Beach, he also presented a contract now in effect in the City of Laguna Beach and stated that the Laguna contract was more liberal in many re- spects than the one submitted to the City of Huntington Beach. The matter was referred back to the City Attorney to prepare a lease - agreement and present at next meeting of the City Council. Denio et al Attorney Overacker informed the Council that the City had lost the decision in the case Denio et al vs the City of Huntington Beach in the Court at Fresno recently. No action was taken by the City Council but it was generally agreed that the attorney should appeal for a rehearing. • Page #6 - Minutes 5-20-46 Lights to be The matter of improving the lighting system along the Improved on Main St. business district area of Main Street was referred to the City Engineer to investigate and report cost of improving the lighting. Laundry Attorney Overacker stated that he called on the owner of the laundry on Main Street and that the owner had agreed to make his operations conform with city ordinances. On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the Council adjourned. City Clerk ex -off icio Clerk of the City Council. EST • Mayor City Clerk