HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-050 529 1A 1 0 1 1 1 MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 5, 1946 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Bartlett. Councilmen present: Grable, Terry, Langenbeck, Bartlett. Councilmen absent: Hawes, who is confined to St. Joseph's hospital on account of illness. Minutes On motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeck, minutes for the month of July were approved as read. Monthly The Clerk read monthly reports of the City treasurer, city reports clert,city collector, city judge, city engineer and chief of police, and on motion by Grable seconded by Terry, same were accepted and ordered filed. Grable on 'The Mayor appointed Councilman Grable on the Finance Finance Como Committee. Applicatlonsa The Clerk read application of Nu -World Products Company for Plastic license to conduct the business of plastic fabrication at 303 Third fabrication Street and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, license was approved. Hub Publish- The Clerk read application of Hub Publishing Company by S.H. ing Co. Franklin, 319 Ruby Street, Balboa Island, for license to conduct the business of printing and publishing newspaper at 520 Main Street, and on motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeck, same was approved. Electrical The Clerk read application of Oakden and Johnson for license contractors \ to engage in the business of electrical contractors, and on motion by Grable seconded by Terry, same was approved. Crossing The Clerk read a letter from the Chief of Police to the effect Guard at Sea Breeze that he had appointed George L. Condra to act as crossing guard at Court the Sea Breeze cross walk, and to work two days per week, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. at a salary of $8.50 per day, and on motion by Terry seconded by Langenbeck, the appointment was approved. Roy Lo Roberts The Clerk read a letter from Chief of Police Blossom to the patrolman effect that he had appointed Roy L. Roberts as patrolman, salary bracket "C", $190.00 per month, and on motion by Grable seconded by Terry; the appointment was approved. Cut curb- The Clerk read a letter from Eugene Sanders, 201 .Second E. Sanders Street, asking permission to cut curb to make driveway, and on motion by Grable seconded by Terry, permission was granted. 04 530 Page #2, Minutes, August 5, 1946 Soo Calif. The Clerk read a letter from the Southern California Edison Edison e Company asking permission to remove three palm trees on the north trees side of Yorktown east of Delaware because they are interfering with power lines and are becoming dangerous, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, permission was granted. Veterans of The Clerk read a letter from Veterans of Foreign Wars Foreign Ware thanking the City Council for considering their application for use of Memorial Hall regularly on the First and Third Mondays of each month and stating that they understood why such permit could not be granted. Probation The Clerk read a letter from David R. McMillan, probation officer Officer asks of Orange County, asking authority and suggesting that the City Council survey pass a resolution authorizing a survey of the youth problem, especially with relation to delinquencies. The matter was referred to the Police Committee to investigate and report back to the Council. Parking Mayor Bartlett stated that he and Engineer Overmyer had attended a meeting of the Collier Commission at Santa Ana and had discussed parking. No action was.taken by the City Council. Frozen food Mr. F. Kurbink, 154 N. Pixley St.,.Orange, addressed the Council and asked permission to install a frozen food locker and to sell frozen food in the municipal trailer park, and on motion by Grable seconded by Terry, the matter was referred to the Beach and Fier Committee to investigate and offsr its recommendations. Golf course o Angie Mollica, manager of the golf course, addressed and thanked the Council for assistance given him in the operation of the golf course and stated thnt the date for waving the 25% of playing fees will expire on August loth, 1946. Mr. Molliaa-.suggested that the City set aside the 25% to be collected in future for the purpose of improving the course with a better watering system and for furnish- ing some additional labor on the course, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare a three year lease -agreement providing for 25% of the gross playing fees to be paid to the City monthly plus $50.00 to apply on rental and water, the city to furnish major equipment at its own expense; the lessee to operate the course at his own expense and be permitted to sell golf supplies at the club house. That the matter of improving the water lines'and furnishing a booster pump be referred to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and recommendation. Rent Control, - The Clerk informed the Council that he had received a letter - trail er from Richard Carpenter, legal counsel -for the League of Cities, park relative to rent control of the trailer park. He suggested that'the N A# 1 0 F1 -531 Page 03, Minutes., August 5, 11946 States Taxation system Surety Bond. r , Demands Salee "tax 1 It Tree Alleys one-way Lifeguard t New trash truck More alleys should be im- proved Mayor apply direct to the Directorts Office of the O.P.A. in Los Angeles for increased rents. Attorney Overacker stated that he had filed during the month of June, an application for increase in rent with the Santa Ana Office of the O.P.A. and had later been informed that the application was being investigated and that this city should receive a_reply in the near future. Further action was deferred by the City Council until its next meeting. The Clerk read a letter from the State Interim Committee relative to a study being made of the State's taxation system. The letter was referred to Councilman arable to be.presented and discussed with the County Executive Committee of the League of Cities at its next meeting., On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the surety.bond of Oakden and Johnson, electrical contractors, was accepted and ordered filed. On motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeck, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. Mayor Bartlett stated that the subject of sales tax is to be discussed by the executive committee of the League of Cities of Orange County on Thursday, August 8th, and asked the opinion of the City Council as to whether or not the City should consider levying a sales tax in Huntington Beach. Whereupon the following motion was made by Councilman Langenbeck: "That it be the recommendation of the City Council that no sales tax system be set up by the City at this time". Lotion seconded by Terry, put and carried unanimously On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, Harry L. Hopkins was authorized to remove a tree at 16th and Acacia. Councilman arable stated that he believed alleys in the business district should be one-way traffic. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the City Attorney, the Streets and Parks Committee, the City Engineer and the Chief of Police were authorized to prepare an ordinance regulating traffic in alleys and other driveways in the city. On motion by Langenbeck seoonded by Terry, the lifeguard now working from approximately 5:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. was ordered discontinued as of Wednesday, August 7th. Mayor Bartlett stated that,there will be a demonstration of a new trash wagon at the City yard Tuesday, August 6th, Councilman Grable stated that le believed more alleys should be graded and improved. The matter was discussed by the Councilmen but no definite action was taken. 532 - Page 4n Minutes o August 59 1946. Improvements m Councilman-Langenbeck asked the street department what im- streets Budget provements ware contemplated on the north side of Lake Park. Engineer Overmyer stated that streets were being graded and put in better condition but that it was not the intention of the department to do extensive improvement or to install sewers until there is an indication of buildings to be erected in that area. No action was taken by the City Council. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the Council adopted the budget as presented by the city auditor including minor changes. On motion by Terry seconded by Langenbeek, the Council adjourned till Monday, August 12, 1946, 7:30 P:::M. ATTES ' City Cle the City Council. i% ..OF "W