Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, October 15, 1946
The regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman
Members present:. Hudson, Overmyer, 0 veracker, Jones, Kaufman,
Shaw, Bristol, Davis, Furr and Consulting
Members absent: None.
Mr': Preston- Herbert Preston, 219 Geneva, appeared before the
Commission and stat4d that he had purchased a dwelling located
Variance on Lots 30 and 'Vest 2- feet of 31, Block 702, Vista Del Mar
Tract, and that the lots had an existing foundation and floor
for a garage which was technically in violation of the Plan-
ning Commission Ordinance, namely: that same was approxi-
mately three feet from property line wherein the ordinance
calls for four feet.
• Mr. Preston requests permission to complete the garage
at the existing location.
He was advised to fill out the regular forms for
variance and a hearing.
P-Ir. Van Dyke Mr. Van Dyke, 104 Main Street, addressed the Commission
and complained about the angle parking on Main Street. He
also asked that cross walk lines be placed in each of the
first two blocks.
Mr. Van Dyke also suggested that the business district
• extend along Fifth Street and Frankfort Street to Delaware.
No action was taken by the Commission.
Rabbits The secretary informed the Commission that complaints
had been received ccn cerning the operation of rabbit raising
on property near the corner of Elmira and California Avenue.
The matter was referred to the City Council with recommenda-
tion that the Chief of Police investigate and inform the
owner that they are in violation of City Ordinances.
Midget Commissioner Kaufman complained of the fact that the
race tract City Council did not refer to the Planning Commission the
application for operating a midget auto race tract at the
intersection of Atlanta and Highway 39. Commissioner Shaw
concurred with Mr. Kaufman in the objections. The matter
• was discussed and the members were of the opinion that the
Council had erred in not referring the matter to the Planning
Commission, even though such action may not have been re-
I.O.O.F. & Mr. Webster, representing the Rebekah Lodge, addressed
Rebekah the Commission and asked permission for variance for erecting
an I.Q.b.F. and Rebekah hall at the corner of llth and Acacia.
It was explained to him that a variance would be required to
allow this and that it would probably take a matter of six
months to get a decision and even:.then there is no assurance
• that it would be approved. No action was taken by the
Subdivision Consulting Engineer Parks further explained the
Ord. subdivision ordinance, and on motion by Kaufman second-
ed by Jones, the proposed ordinance was ordered sub-
mitted to the City Council for its consideration.
On motion by Bristol seconded by Kaufman, the
Commisgion adjourned.
_9� - -
ATTEST: Chairman •
t"Ity Clerk