HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-024 0 MINUTES 575` F� I 0: Council Chamber, City Hall, Hunt. gton Beach, California Monday, December 2, 1946 The regular -meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Mayor Bartlett. Councilmen present: arable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. Councilmen absent: None. On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, minutes for the month of November were approved as read. Resolution The Clerk read resolution of the City Council'authorizing the sale Sale of of approximately 52 acres located in the easterly part of the City and along acreage Ocean Avenue. Certain changes were made therein and certain other changes were suggested, whereupon the following motion was made by Councilman Langenbeck: "That substantially the provisions -of the above named resolution be.agreed upon subject to revision and to be presented to the City Council at its next regular meeting or regular adjourned meeting." Motion seconded by Councilman Hawes, put and carried unanimously. Special Mayor Bartlett appointed Councilmen Hawes and Terry on a special Committee committee to confer with special attorney Roland Thompson relative to the Roland Thompson appointed Special Att Qy 9 provisions of the above named resolution. On motion by Grable secondedby Terry, Roland Thompson was appointed special attorney because of the absence of City Attorney Overacker with the understanding that Attorney Thompson is to serve until the sale of the 52 acres is completed unless sooner terminated by action of the City Council, provided further that the City Council hereby approve the-- services of of Attorney Thompson heretofore rendered and agrees to pay for same on demand. Motion seconded by Councilman Terry, put and carried by the following vote. AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry,.Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Petition The Clerk presented and read a petition signed by approximately 433 citizens urging the City Council to use its best efforts in securing light manufacturing on the City owned 52 acres. Monthly The Clerk read monthly reports of the City treasurer, city cler4, Reports city collector, city judge, city engineer and chief of police, and on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, same were accepted and ordered filed. Neon sign On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the application of B.M. Jurkovich to erect Neon sign on Lots 27 and 29, Block 403, was approved. Application On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, the application of Jack Kratz roofing. to conduct the business of roofing contractor was approved. Application On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the application of L.O.QUALLY forpeicense for license to conduct the business of peddling produce, groceries and frozen to meat, house to house, was approved. r 576 _ Page #2, Minutes, December 2, 1946 Bid for storm The Clerk.read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer drain re- jected. recommending that the bid of P. & J. Artukovich for the construction and installation of a combined.reinforced concrete-vetrified clay pipe storm drain on Ocean Avenue, 16th, 17th, 19th, and 20th Streets be rejected, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry the recommendation of City Engineer Overmyer was approved and all bids -for the above named construction were rejected. Drainage On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the City Engineer was authorized to furnish an estimate of extended drainage. Resignation of The Clerk read a letter from D.K. Jones submitting his D.K. Jones Planning resignation as a member of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission, Commission and on motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the resignation was accepted and the Clerk directed to thank Mr. Jones for past services. Mr. LeBard Mayor Bartlett stated that subject to the approval,of the appointed on Planning Com. City Council, he would appoint Harry R. LeBard as a member of the Planning Commission to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of David K. Jones, -term ending April 24, 1949, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the appointment was approved and con- firmed. Bids on The Clerk read the following offers for rental of concessions: concessions V.H. Nitzkowski, 403 7th St.,. the sum of $30.00 per month until the gross receipts amount to $600.00, then 4% on all gross receipts in excess of $600.00, location - the first T on the right hand side of the Municipal pier. Sam V. Robinson, 221 Hartford Street, offered the sum of $30.00 per month plus 5% of the gross business over $3000.00 in anyone month location - first T right hand side Municipal pier. Mrs. Hazel Allen, 123 8th Street, $70.00 per month rental on the cafe building on the outer end of the municipal pier. Frances J. St. John $30.00 per month plus 5% of the gross business above $600.00 per month for the first T located on the left hand side of the Municipal Pier. P.L. Wood and Genevieve.Wood $30.00 per month plus 5% of the gross sales in excess of $3000.00 in any one: month for the Use of T #3, left hand side of Municipal Pier. On motion by Hawes -seconded by Langenbeck, the applications were placed on file for further consideration by the City Council C. of C. The Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce, Civic Affairs Committee, asking the City to furnish labor for the installation of Christmas decorations. Engineer Overmyer stated that the work would take about 33 man `-.days to complete,- and on motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the request was granted. Councilman Langenbeck voting "no". Planning The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Planning - Commission Commission, reading as follows: 1 14, 1 J 0 ft 577 Page #3, Minutes, December 2, 1946. L '�I 0. 1 Verve Products Kygar Broso H.G. Preston "Please be advised that the Huntington Beach Planning Commission, at its regular meeting of November 19, 1946, makes the following recommendations: 'That the,application of Verve Products, Ltd., to conduct the business of converting soap chips to liquid soap at 310 Walnut Avenue be denied. That the application of Kygar Bros..for license to eonduct.the business of manufacturing small boats, assembly only, at 522 Main Street, be granted as a non -conforming use in accordance with the -provisions of Ordinance No. 495- .That the application of Herbert G. Preston for variance to allow the construction of a private garage nearer than four feet of the property line on Lot 30, Block 702, Vista Del Mar Tract,"be approved. Advertisiing Board That the application of "Advertising Board" for permit to erect sign on the Main Street side of the Collins Building, Main and Ocean, be approved. Permit to run concurrently with the lease granted by the owner of the building which expires December 31, 1947011 And on motion by Langenbeok seconded by Hawes, the recommendation of the Planning Commission approving the application of Kygar Bros. for license to conduct the business of manufacturing small boats, assembly only, at 522 Main Street, the application of Herbert G. Preston for variance to allow the construction of a private garage nearer than four feet to property line on Lot 30, Block 702, Vista Del Mar Tract, the application of "Advertising Board" for permit to erect sign on the Main Street side of the Collins Building at Main and Ocean, were approved. That the recommend- ation of the Planning Commission for the City Council to deny the appli- cation of Verve Products, Ltd., to conduct the business of converting soap chips to liquid soap at 310 Walnut Avenue be overruled. Motion put and, carried unanimously. Application On motion by Hawes seconded by Lan genbeck, the.application of Kygar Bros. Kygar Bros. for license to conduct the business of manufacturing small Approved boats, assembly only, at 522 Main Street,.was approved. Salary The Clerk read a letter from Chief:of Police Blossom recommending McMorries that officers C.E. McMorries and R.L. Roberts be advanced to classifi- Roberts cation 110", salary $205.00,per month, effective December 1, 1946. Planning Commission The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Planning Commission reading as follows: "Please be advised that the Huntington Beach Planning Commission passed and adopted the following motion put by Jones and seconded by Furr: kit 578 Im Page 04, Minutes, December 2, 1946 0 "That the Commission recommend to the City Council the 52 acres sale of the 52 acres or whatever portion they -may deem advisable for light manufacturing along the lines out- lined by Attorney4T Overacker to the City Council at its regular meeting held November l8th, 1946.1 Motion put and carried by the following vote: AYES: Davis, Kaufman; Jones, Overaeker, Hudson, Overmyer, Furr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Bristol and Shaw." And, on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the Clerk was directed to thank the Planning Commission for its interest in the matter. Mr. Jones The Clerk read a letter from David K. Jones, real estate broker, informing the Council that the City is under no obligations to himself or his firm for the payment of any real estate commission rA on the sale of the city owned 52 acres and stating that he felt it a civic duty to further the proposed development without pay, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the Clerk was directed to thank Mr. Jones for his letter. Palm tree The Clerk read a letter from L.E. Hill, 523 Sixth Street asking that a palm tree be removed from in front of 525 Sixth Street. The matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. • Councilman Grable recommended the removal of a tree located Tree on Magnolia between loth and llth Streets, the removal of which was requested by Mary Trentham, 1009 Magnolia Avenue, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the removal was authorized -provided the owner pay 50% of the cost of removal. Ord. 502 -The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 502, regulating traffic, its, passed second and final reading, and on motion.by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, Ordinance No. 502 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 503, regulating traffic stops, Ord- 503 V passed its second and final reading, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Terry, Ordinance No. 503 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Resolu= The'Clerk read Resolution No. 1011, authorizing the sale of tion 1011 5-7 9 Page # 5, Minutes, December 2, 1946 a P 0 4 1 6 1 0 1 Lots 22 and 24 in.Block 712, Wesley Park Tract, to J. Gordon Stebbings Sale of Lots and wife, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck., Resolution A w a 1� No. loll was passed and adopted by the following vote: �j AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. FOES: Councilmen : None. 'ABSENT: Councilmen: None. PeE. Ry. Coo The, Clerk read a letter from the Pacific Electric Railway Parking Company stating that permission is granted to install parking meters Meters along the property of the Pacific Electric Company as requested in a letter of July 3, 1946 by City Attorney Ray H. Overacker, that .permission is' -granted by the Pacific Electric Railway Company, Huntington Beach Company and the Standard Oil Company of California, and on motion by Grable seconded by Terry, the Council accepted the permit as granted. Parking On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the matter of Parking Meters Meters along the above named property was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Demands On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. Ord. 0504 The Clerk read Ordinance No. 504,-regulating subdivision projects First ` Reading in the City of Huntington Beach. This being the first reading, no action was taken by the City Council. On recommendation of City Engineer Overmyer and on motion by Hawes Sal.ar.y° Thompson seconded by Langenbeck, Leo Thompson was placed on a monthly payroll, classification "DO, salary $195.00 per month effective as of December 1, 1946. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, the -Council adjourned until 7:30 P.M., Friday, December 6, 1946. Zty�'Clerk. City Clwk and ex-dfficio Clerk of the City Council. l Mayor r