HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-01-20MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Monday, January 20, 1947 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order. at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Bartlett. Councilmen present: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett: Councilmen absent: None. Surety Bond'' On motion by Hawes seconded by.Grable, the surety bond of Hickman Bros. Hickman Bros., plumbers, was accepted and ordered filed. Applications° On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the following appli- cations for license were approved and ordered issued: C.D. Wood, cesspool contractor, 660 E. 8th Street, Buena Park, California. James F. Smith, painting house numbers on curbing. Dan Sullivan, painting contractor, 12021 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Joe Collins, service station, 122 E. Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach, Calif. Permit to drill On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, application of the B-98 for permit " Standard Oil` Standard Oil Company/to drill Huntington B-98 was approved. Councilman Co. L angenbeek not voting. Southwest Expl. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the application of Co-., State 60 the Southwest Exploration Company for permit to drill State 60 was approved. J 55 On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, the application of Southwest Exploration Company for permit to drill State J-55 was J approved. Fullerton Oil - On motion by Terry seconded by Hawes, the application of Truck entrance Fullerton Oil Company to install concrete floor and truck entrance on Denio, -Hart, Taubman & Simpson 17th Street, 125 feet south of Palm Avenue was approved. The Clerk read a letter from Denio, Hart, Taubman and Simpson, reading as follows: °January 17, 1947 City of Huntington Beach Huntington Beach, California Attention: Honorable Ray Overacker, City Attorney Gentlemen: We have been advised by Mr. Stanley Reinhaus that your City Attorney Mr. Ray Overacker, has suggested that you would like a report from us concerning the pending litigation in the United States Supreme Court respecting the tidelands, and its implications as to the position of the City. Mr. Overacker also suggested that he might ask us for an.opinion concerning possible action by the City in connection therewith. 1 1 L 1 1 0 # # r Page #2, Minutes, January 20, 1947 601 Letter from While we have not heretofore received any request from the City Denio et al for adtice or action on our part, we have nonetheless, realizing the im- portance to the city, kept advised of the progress of the litigation as well as the so-called tideland oil bill which was vetoed by President. Truman.. In fact, although at the request of other interested persons, we spent considerable time and effort in aiding in the passage of that legislation. We wish to be of whatever assistance you desire in accordance with our agreement with you. Assuminglthe conversation of Mr. Overaeker and Mr. Reinhaus reflects your wishes, we are proceeding to secure further available information concerning the litigation and should be able in the near future to make a report and if you wish it, our opinion as to the procedure indicated so that the city may do what it can to protect its rights. We wish to assure you of our desire to cooperate in this with you and your City Attorney. Yours respectfully, DENIO, HART, TAUBMAN & SIMPSON By Geo. P. Taubman Jr. Geo. P. Taubman, Jr. " GPT/rb The.Mayor referred same to the City Attorney for his recommendation. Leo W. Thompson On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, the appointment of Leo W. patrolman Thompson as regular patrolman by the Chief of Police, Bracket "B" $190.00 per month, effective January 15, 1947, was approved. Veterans of The Clerk read a letter from the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Foreign Wars United States :Post No. 7368, signed by Edlon V. Seibert, commander, asking permission to use Memorial Hall for regular meetings two nights in each month, and on motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeek, the request was denied and the Clerk directed to inform the applicants that the City, for many years, has worked under an established policy not to rent or lease Memorial Hall regularly to any organization. Street Engineer Overmyer submitted for inspection by the Council street Signs signs handled by Chas. F. Todd Company, and on motion by Terry seconded by Langenbeck, the City Engineer wasauthorized to order whatever number is necessary of the design known as S 440. Improvement The Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer, dated of Main St. acceptance January 20, 1947, recommending the acceptance of the improvement work on Main Street from Ocean Avenue to Clay Street as constructed by the John J. Swigart Company and containing the statement "all material has been furnished and all work has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications", and on motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, b 602 Page #3, +, Minutes, January 20, 1947 the City Council voted unanimously to accept the work and directed the City Clerk to record Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder. Bids -on The Clerk read the following bids for furnishing the City with chlorine chlorine for the ensuing twelve month period: Stevenson Chemical Co., 641 Gibbons. St., Los Angeles, $4.25 per hundred weight; L.H. Butcher Company, 3629 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, $4.25 per hundred weight; Stevenson Chem. Co. bid Luippold Engineering Sales Company, 1930 W- Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, accepted. $4.25 per hundred weight, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Terry, the bid -of Stevenson Chemical Company in the amount of $4.25 per hundred weight was accepted and all other bids rejected. Miss Thomas The Clerk read a letter from Ann Thomas thanking the City Council and city officials for the improvement of Lake Park. The letter wasi ordered filed. Informal bids The Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer calling V on resurfacing fa roadway Mug attention to informal bids of Sully -Miller, Company and John J. Swigart camp ground°. Company for resurfacing a part of the roadway in the municipal camp ground. Bids were as follows: John J. Swigart, $5.45 per ton; Sully -Miller, $4.45 per ton plus tackcoat in the amount of $70.00, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, bids were ordered tabled temporarily. 'Letter from The Clerk read a letter from Motor Car Dealers Association of Motor Car Dealers AssOn. Orange County, 219 Spurgeon Building, Santakna, calling attention to the fact that unlicensed service station operators were offering for sale , - and selling used cars and asking that the city investigate the matter. The matter was referred to Chief of Police Blossom to investigate and advise. Ord.#566 The Clerk gave Ordinance No- 506, establishing a rate for sewer connection- ,lst reading connection with sewer laterals in Block 1007, Vista Del Mar Tract, its first reading at this time. Asks to have Mrs. Fairy Orens addressed the Council and asked permission to tree removed have a tree moved from Crest Avenue for the purpose of moving a house, and on motion by Terry seconded by Grable, the request was granted with the understanding that the applicant,pay one-half the cost. Demands On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered.paid. Tramway to The Clerk read a letter from Kenneth W. Thompson asking for. trailer camp permit to install and operate tramway from p p y a point opposite the Pav-A-Lon to the trailer camp on the south side of the railway tracks. The letter stated that such a plan had met with the tentative approval of the Pacific Electric Railway Company but that permission had.not yet been received from the Huntington Land and Improvement Company. On 0 603 Page4� \ Minutes, January 20, 1947 1 0" 1 motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, the application was approved in principal and referred to the Beach and Pier Committee, the City Attorney and the City Engineer for further investigation. Offer of The Clerk read offer of Kenneth W. Thompson as follows - 5% of Kenneth Thompson gross for permit -from June 2, 1947 to June 2, 1950 for carrying passengers on municipal pier and a tentative offer off for carrying passengers to and from the trailer camp. No action was taken by the City Council. D.K. Clapp. The Clerk read a letter from Dwight C. Clapp accepting the City's accept cityus terms on lease terms for lea<eing the ground upon which Mr. Clapp's restaurant is located, terms as follows: 3,% of gross sales less sales tax in the restaurant and 12% of the gross rentals received from the various beach equipment, pro- viding further for a $50.00 per month minimum on:,all restaurants sales, all calculations to be made on a monthly basis and contract to run for a period of three years beginning April 1, 1947, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare a contract accordingly. Install water Mr. Ken Austin addressed the Council regarding the installation coolers in city hallo of water coolers in the Council Chamber and stated that he had two avail- able, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the City Clerk was author- ized to purchase ani install one in the hallway of the City Hall and one in the Police Department, price to be $198.87 each. New Ord. on Councilman Grable stated that he and Councilman Terry had inspected auto parks auto parking conditions at Newport and Laguna Beach and:found that in most cases a license of $15.00 per year was collected from the operators. Mr. Grable recommended that the City of Huntington Beach prepare an ordinance - regulating automobile parking and make an annual charge for same. The matter was,referred to the Council as a whole to discuss and report at next meeting of the Council. Pound Ord. City Attorney 0 veracker informed the Council that he had found the City already has a pound ordinance that will serve the City's needs and recommended that a letter be directed to the Board of Supervisors asking them to submit a contract for receiving and disposing of dogs in,accordance with the law, and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeok, the Clerk was directed to write a letter to the Board of Supervisors asking them to present a contract for the boarding and disposal of stray dogs.collected in the City of Huntington Beach. Lease New Councilman Langenbeck stated that the Beach and Pier Committee had store bldg. at trailer met with Mrs. Beulah Westmoreland; that she agrees to install all new park. equipment and to keep the store open at all times during the period in which the trailer park is kept open if she is given the lease on the new store building. No action was taken by the City Council. 604 Page #5, Minutes, January 201, 1947 Application On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, the application of denied D.R. Phillips for permit to operate hamburger stand on the beach was deni d e . Rent a car Councilman Langenbeck says that he believes the City will be for serving Delinquent tax able to rent a car for $200.00 per month to be used by,Delbert papers. Higgins in serving notices on delinquent tax papers, and on.motion by Hawes seconded by arable, the City Clerk was authorized to rent a car by the week to be used for that purpose. Sale of Attorney Overacker submitted a sketch of the 52 acres and 52 Acres. stated that Sportsmen Industries, Inc., wished -to make certain changes of location from which slant drilling could be operated. After some disT.-. cussion the matter was continued with the understanding that members of the City Council would meet with members of Sportsmen Industries Inc. and go over the ground wit4 a view of coming to some understanding. On motion by Langehbeck seconded by Arable, the Council adjourned to 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, January 22, 1947. ATTEST: y ule�rEr-ana ex-orricio uie of the City Council. e , Tray or 1 1 'J 4W 0