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Council Chamber, City, Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, June 16, 1947
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order,at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor Bartlett.
Councilmen present: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck & Bartlett.
Councilmen absent: None.
Correction Councilmen Hawes asked for a correction in recording of Minutes
In minutes. of
6-2-47. of June 2, 1947, in regard to the investigation of installation of
sewer line, that they be changed to read: "The sewage -committee stated
that they had investigated the matter" instedd of "Councilman Hawes stated
that he had investigated tyre matter'.
Applications On motion by Hawes -seconded by Langenbeck, the following appli®
for license° approved: cations for license were a '
Oil Well
permit -
R,K. Summy
Harold A.
outfi .
Neon sign
J.W. Massey
Norman L. Butter, Jr. for license to conduct at H.B. Concession
No. 24 the business of selling hotdogs, hamburgers, drinks, etc.
John M. Walsh to conduct the business of installing and painting
Neon signs.
Maud V. Martin to conduct the business of cafe at Garland House.,
113 Main Street.
Charles KfDski and John W. Raihli, Concession No. 17, renting
life rafts. This is a substitute application, original was denied.
Hortie- Van Manufacturing Company to.:conduet the business of
operating truck•and lights at the race tracks.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, the application for oil
well permit by R.K. Summy to drill on Lot 12, Block 520, was approved.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the application of
Harold A. Steuber for oil well permit to drill on lots 18 and 20, Block
213, was approved subject to furnishing surety bond and plans.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Grable, the application of Harold
A. Steuber to erect portable drilling outfit and derrick on Lots 19 and
20, Block 213, was approved.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, the application of
J.W. Massey (owner of signs) to erect a Neon wall sign,. flash type,
at 624 Main Street was approved.
Application On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the request of W.L.
Reis and C.J. Turosik to pick up and deliver:.- laundry in the Municipal
trailer park was denied.
Mr. L&=ell On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the request of Frank
Beach Equip.
M. Linnell, lessee of the lower floor of the Pav A -Lon; to permit
Charles A. Derigo to rent -beach equipment at the lower floor of the Pav
A -Lon was approved subject to the rental of umbrellas only, on -a basis of
15% of gross.receipts.
.,Page 02, 667
Minutes o June 16, 1947-
I .(_DI
LionsByron Fenley, Chairman of the Lions' Club barbecue to bra. held at
Barbecue the foot of the pier on June 22nd, appeared before the Council and.re®
quested permission to rope off the block on Main Street from Ocean Avenue
to Walnut Avenue during the hour of 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M., in order to
prevent congestion of cars parking during the period of the parade, and on
motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the request was granted and the
assistant Chief of Police was requested to cooperate with the Lions' Club
Bids'.on This being the date set for receiving bids for the construction and
Work. installation of a combined reinforced concrdte and vitrified clay pipe
storm drain with its appurtenances on Ocean Avenue, Sixteenth, Seventeenth,
Nineteenth and Twentieth Streets and Main Street in the City of Huntington
Beach, California, the Clerk opened and read the following bids:
Bidder Item 1 Item 2 Total Bid Bond
J.E. Popovich,
P.O. Box 264, Sorrance, Calif. $22,000.00 $13,000.00 $35;000.00 $3600.06
P. & J. Artukovich.
13305 S. San Pedro,
Los Angeles 3, Calif.
Martin•Construction Co., Inc.
1529 Olympic Blvd.
Montebello, Calif.
Cox.Bros. Construction Co.
Box 36, Stanton, Calif.'
33,846.00 1e>,437000 52,283.00 6,Ooo.00
:Pernel Barnett,
751 W. Chapman Ave.
Orange, Calif. 29, 552.00 M 700.00 49M2.00 5, 000.00
and, on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the bid of J.E. Popovich
which *as the low bid was referred to the City Engineer for further anallysis
and study and the Council to meet with City Engineer Overmyer at a meeting
of the City Council Thursday, June 19th, 5:30 P.M.,,was approved.
Outdoor The Clerk read letters receited from L.W. Jadle and the Anthony
Stone Company coverning the proposed construction and estimated cost of the
construction of a stone outdoor grill to be located in Lake.'Park. The
estimate of cost submitted by --Anthony Stone Company was $2,750.00 to erect
the outdoor grill and patio including the foundation footing. The estimated
cost submitted by L.W. Jadle was $1,950.00 which included the construction
of the complete outdoor grill and patio which price does not include the
cost of the plate grills or the foundation footing. City Engineer Overmyer
discussed in detail the proposed construction and the operation of the
outdoor grill, the advantages of the project which would be in the -nature
of a memorial to the Veterans'of all Wars, and upon his recommendation and
on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the proposal of "L.W. Jadle
was approved subject to further discussion by City Engineer Overmyer with
the contractor in regard to the construction acid on final negotiation by
Page #3 n
Minutes, June 16, 1947.
rooms on
the city engineer to instruct the city purchasing agent to issue a purchase
order contract not to exceed the amount of $2,000.00 ..
The Clerk read a letter received from Robert T. Seelye requesting
a permit'to operate public dressing rooms on the beach, -dressing rooms would
consist of two rooms one for`men and one for women 5 x 10 f et t a bl
Request Mr. Seelye appeared in person and addressed the Council -extemporaneously
referred to
Beach & and stated that it would fill'a long felt need. at the beach and would
Pier Comm. eliminate to some extent the problem of dressing rooms. The matter was
referred to the Beach and Pier Committee which would make a report at the
_ adjourned. meeting of the 'Council on Thursday, June 19th.
Proposal - The Clerk read a letter received from the Municipal Service Company
of Los Angeles as follows:
Trash cans "We herewith submit for the consideration of your honorable body the
Mme Hudson
following proposal;
To purchase and place at strategic spots in -the City of:
Huntington Beach metal waste paper and refuse receptacles
and to maintain and keep them in proper repair and condition,
without any cost whatsoever to the said city of Huntington
Beach for same.
In consideration for the above service we respectfully.re-�
quest`the'privilege of placing advertising matter on said
receptacles, which shall be executed with proper taste...
We further request that an exclusive franchise covering the
above proposal be issued by the City of Huntington Beach
to a partnership composed of John J. Hill and E.J. Hall.-
(We later propose to incorporate, and will file articles
of incorporation and by laws of same with the City Council)
We request that said franchise will be for a period of ten
The City of Huntington Beach shall not have the right at any
time to take over receptacles without compensation.to the
grantee of $65.00 for each receptacle, plus installation
and, on, motion by Langenbeekseconded by Hawes, the proposal was re-
ferred to the City Attorn for legal analysis.
Hudson appeared before the Council in regard to the Flower
Show to be
held in Long Beach in August and asked the Council whgt..,it
desired to
do in re and to the exhibit. The Council referr d th mat
g e e ter
to the Chamber of Commerce for joint action with Mr. Hudson.
Page. #4, 669
Minutes, June 16, 1947.
Waste Water
.The Clerk read.a letter received from Richard Wuerer of the
Southern California Drilling_Company requesting temporary permit to
empty clean waste water owned by them in the Huntington Beach Oil Field
located at Springfield and Alabama Avenue. The waste water to be, emptied
into the 13th Street storm drain, and�on motion by Langenbeck seconded
by Grable, the request was denied.
Tram_- The Clerk read a letter presented -by Harry -A. Overmyer, City
to trailer
park. Engineer, received from,the Pacific Electric. Railway Company concerning
the City®s application for permit or lease:to operate a tram from the,
Municipal pier to the Municipal Trailer Park. The matter was refePred to
the City Engineer to consult further with the Pacific Electric Railway
Company and to negotiate and offer a percentage of the present percentage
being received from the tram lease held by Kenneth W. Thompson.
Demands. On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Telephone The Clerk presented the termination contract between the Associated
service e
Ligeguards Telephone Company, Ltd.; and -the City of Huntington Beach in connection
with the furnishing of private exchange -service located at the Huntington
Beach Pier, and on motion by Langenbeek,seconded by Grable, the Mayor
_and City Clerk were instructed to sign the contract.
The Clerk read a letter presented by Harry -A. Overmyer, City
standards -Engineer, presenting the Pacific Union Metal Company®s quotation for the
furnishing of 26 light standards to be located on Main Street from -Ocean
Avenue to,Magnolla Avenue. The quotation was for the installation of
concrete -light standards in lieu of metal standards ordered two months
ago and delivery of which has not been made. After duo consideration by
the Council the quotations on substitutions by the Pacific Metal Company
were dismissed, and on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the City
purchasing agent was authorized to increase the original order of twelve
standards, Union Metal design 41003-Y263 to 32.
H.B. Elect. The Clerk presented the agreement submitted by:the H.B. Electrical
Service coverPng the furnishing of incandescent lamps,to the City of
Huntington Beach for the.;, period July 16, 1947 to the 16th day of July,
-- 1948, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the Mayor and City
Clerk were authorized to sign the agreement.
L.C. York The Clerk read recommendation of Harry A. Overmyer, City Engineer,
XX=MOCKMQ�that L.C. York be placed on the monthly payroll under Classification "D"
El Ordinance No. 499, at $195.00. per month beginning June 16, 1947- and on
motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeck, the,recommendation was
670 Page #5,
Minutes, June 16, 1947.
T.W. Mayfield The Clerk read recommendation of City Engineer Harry_A. Overmyer
W.W. Cowlin gthat T.W. Mayfield and Wm. W. Cowling be placed on the regular monthly
payroll as of June 1, 1947, under classification "E" of Ordinance No.
salary $205.00 per month, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable,;
the recommendation was approved.
The City Clerk requested approval of the following appointments
as of June 3, 1947, Helen N.-Newland, Chief deputy city clerk, Myrtle E.
Herlinger, deputy clerk, Helen Axton deputy clerk and C.P. Patton,
deputy City assessor, and.on motion by Grable seconded by Terry, the
appointments were approved.
At this time Councilman Hawes asked to be excused from the
H awe s
The Clerk read Resolution No. 1019, a resolution of the City
Reso.. 1019
recognizing a citizens Youth Welfare Committee organization for the
promotion and advancement of youth welfare in the City of Huntington
Beach, and,on motion by Langenbeek'seconded by Grable, Resolution 1019
was passed and adopted by the -following vote;.
AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Langenbeck, Bartlett.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Hawes.
League of
The Clerk,read a letter received from the Orange County League
of Cities regarding meeting of the Orange County League of Cities to be
held at the Lake Park Club house 6:45-P.M., Wednesday, June.25, 1947.
The Clerk was instructed by the-Cou mil to advise the secretary that fifteen:,
persons will be present from the Aity of Huntington Beach.
R.G. Hudson The Clerk read letter received from R.G. Hudson requesting that
resigns -from
Planning' he be relieved from the responsibility of acting as a member of the City
Planning Commission, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the
request was approved and the Council thanked him for his services with the
Commission and expressed regrets upon his leaving.
Mr. Henricksen On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the City.Council:appointed
member of J.L.Henricksen, City Clerk, ex-officlo member of the Planning Commission
Planning Com.
in place of C. R. Furr,
Mr. Furr On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, C.R. Furr was
Commission. appointed as a member of the Planning Commission- to serVe the unexpired
term of R.G. Hudson.
1947-1948 The,City Clerk presented to each member of the Council a copy -of
the 1947-1949 proposed budget from the following departments:. Police,
Fire, Lifequard, Library, Municipal bonds,and-'.interest and Music and
promotion (Chamber of Commerce)
age, #6,:..
Minutes, June 16, 1947
I C'
1 :0
V.FCW. Mr. Tally, representative of Veterans of Foreign Wars appeared .
before the City Council and advised that they wished to relinquish
their bids for use of Memorial Hall on Wednesday nights as the American
Legion had extended an invitation for them to use the Legion Hall on a
temporary basis and thanked the Council for their splendid cooperation.
Life guards D.G. Higgins, chief life guard of the City of Huntington Beach,
for summer
months. presented to the City Council a request to employ the following persons
in the life quard department at the recommended salaries starting June 16,
1947, as follows: ,
Bracket HE" -
Walter B. Knisley, Capt.
Fred Swartz, Lieut.
George Allan, Lieut.
Jack Killian, Guard
Kenneth Nitzkowski, Guard.
Marvin Burns,Guard
Edwin Illsley, Guard
Robert Hamilton, Guard
Jeffrey Millet, Guard
Neal Rydlek,. Guard
David Harris, Guard
John Spears, Guard
John Killian, Guard
John Wright, Guard
James Smith, Guard
to be
Robert Hoyt, Guard -Sundays only ® $7.50 per day
Buster Bruce, Guard - " " 7.59 per day
Charles E. McKnight, Guard !' " 7.50 per day
Buckstone, Guard " " 7.50 per day
Bracket PC"
Tot al
7, 50.
Betty Ducommun, PBX Operator .$125.00 $125.00
and, on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the request was approved.
The Streets and Parks Committee reported to the Council that the
request -of Mrs. Jennie E. Barger to have tree removed from parking at
17th and Acacia and recommended that the xequest be granted, and on motion
by Langenbeek seconded by Terry the permit was approved and the property owneaff
to pay one-half the cost ofremoval.
Sportsmen Mayor Bartlett suggested to the Council that the Sportsmen Inc., be
advised that if negotiations in regard to their proposal -contract with the,
City of Huntington Beach was not completed by July 7, 1947, the negotiations
Z Page 07,
Minutes, June 16, 19470
shall be deemed terminated and cancelled, and on motion by Grable seconded
by Langenbeek, the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to
Sportsmen Inc4f
Memoo.,Hall City Engineer Overmyer discussed at length the proposed altera-
Storage - I
space. tions in Memorial Hall to take care of'proposed storage space under the
stage to permit storage of tables and chairs, cost not to exceed $100.00
and on motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeek, the City Engineer was
authorized to proceed with the alteration as he outlined.
Beach Wm. H. Gallienne, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, appeared
before the Council to advise that Engineer Patterson and Mr. Warner
were leaving for Washington, D.C. in reggrd to the beach erosion work to
be done at Surf Side by the Government and that the City of Huntington
Beach should bear in mind that whatever proposed work is to be done at
Surf Side may have a direct bearing at Huntington Beach and.to instruct
Engineer Patterson and Mr. Warner that in the consideration of any plans
the Government intends to proceed on at Surf Side may effect the beach at
Huntington Beach and due consideration Should be given to this condition.
The matter was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee to take immediate
airti on.
4th of July Dr. Douglas Hough appeared before the Council in regard to the
celebration. - , •
Fourth of July plane. and introduced Wm. Gallienne who discussed in
detail the entire Fourth of July program to be held here and then intro-
duced Ken Baker who described to the Council in detail the set-up of the
show known as the Cavalcade of ttie Golden West and was advised that his
organization takes full charge and relieves the City of any worry as to
the efficient functioning of the entire program.- At this.time Wm. Gallienne
discussed the. financial setup for the show and -asked that the City of
Huntington Beach underwrite the expenses, and on. motion by. Langenbeek
seconded by Terry, the City of Huntington Beach agreed to underwrite -
the program in the amount of $5,000.00 divided as'follows8'
Show at the race track bowl $3,000.00, all other expenses relative to
the parade and other expenses -in the City $2,000.00, and that the City
of Huntington Beach is to receive 50% of all net receipts from the entire
program to be held during the days of July.4th, 5th 'and 6th, 1947.
motion carried unanimously.
On motion by Grable seconded by Langenbeek the meeting adjourned
until 5:30 P.M. Thursday, June 19, 1947.
City Clerk-
Ci y, Clerk and ex -of f icio Clerk
of he City Council.
May or