HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-07-15H.B. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, July 15, 1947 The regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present: LeBard, Furr, Kaufman, Overacker, Henricksen • and Consulting Engineer Parks. Members absent: Davis, Overmyer, Bristol, Tovatt. On motion by Furr seconded by Kaufman, Ray Overacker was appointed Chairman pro-tem. Amend Minutes On motion by Furr seconded by'Kaufman, the secretary was 6-17-47 instructed to amend the minutes of June 17, 19470 by inserting prior to statement regarding Resolution No- 4, to include the second hearing relative to amending Ordinance No. 495, and that the chairman asked the secretary if his office had received .any verbal or written objections. The Chair was informed that • no verbal or written objections had been filed with the secretary. The Chairman also asked if there was anyone in the .audience who had any objections to the proposed restrictions. There was no response from the audience. M�720' On motion by Furr seconded by LeBard, the secretary was instructed to correct the minutes of May 20, 1947, whereas Resolution No. 3 be corrected to read Resolution No. 1. Consulting Engineer Parks reviewed and checked with the Commission, the boundaries of the restriction changes as outlined in Resolution No. 3- • Hearing This being the date set for the second hearing relative Reso.3 to change in restrictions outlined in Resolution No. 3, the Chair asked the secretary if his office had received any verbal or written objections. The Chair was informed that no verbal or written objections had been filed with the secretary. The Chairman asked if there was anyone in the audience who -had any objections to restrictions outlined in the resolution. There was no response from the audience. Reso-5 Consulting Engineer Parks read Resolution No. 5 which covers the hearings, summaries of findings and transmitting of proposed changes as adopted by Resolution No. 3, and on motion by -Fury seconded by Kaufman, Resolution No. 5 was passed and adopted by the following vote: • AYES: LeBard, Furr, Kaufman, Overacker, Henricksen. NOES: None ABSENT: Davis, Overmyer, Bristol, Tovatt. Letter Orange The secretary read a letter received from Raymond R. Co.Plan. Reed, Acting Assistant -Secretary of the Orange County Planning Comm. Commission as follows: "Santa Ana, July 3, 1947 City Clerks City Hall, • Huntington Beach, California Dear, Sir: The Orange County Planning Commission, at its last meeting, requested that a letter be sent to all cities in the 0 Page #2, Minutes, July 15, 1947 Or. Co. County informing them that it is the policy of this Planning Commission, to refer all Land Use Permit Applications that Comm. are within one mile of the boundaries of these cities or within the zone of influence shown on maps filed with the Commission, to the respective city. In -order to facilitate the processing of these appli- cations, so that the applicant will not be unduly delayed, it is requested that the City notify the Orange County Planning Commission, upon receipt of the application, either by telephone or mail, if it is requested that action be deferred because of the City Planning Commission not meeting before the date specified in the -letter. If no communication is received, it'Will be assumed that the City has no objections to the proposed business. Your cooperation with regard to this matter will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, Raymond R. Reed, Raymond R. Reed, Acting Assistant Seely RRR:slf Orange County Planning Commission." The secretary presented the applications for business license the City Council asked that the Commission - - review, as follows: Cartwright Lee J. Cartwright, to conduct business of fawn mower sharpening and -repairs at 515 California Avenue. Potter L.W. Potter to conduct the business of Real Estate Broker at 719 Alabama Avenue. On motion by Furr seconded by Kaufman, the Commission in- structed the secretary to report to the City Council that they have no objections to the request of Lee J. Cartwright to operate and conduct the business of sharpening lawn mowers at 515 California Ave. On motion by Furr seconded by LeBard, the secretary was instructed to report to the Council that they have no objections to the request of L.W. Potter to operate as a real estate broker at 719 Alabama Avenue, provided that the size of sign (3 sq.ft.) be adhered to in accordance with provisions of Ordinance No. 495, and for the Council to instruct the olerk�to so advise the applicant by legter calling his attention to the requirements in the ordinance. Purdy On motion by-Furr seconded by LeBard, the application of A.C. Purdy for conditional exception was again deferred for further consideration. Enter- Consulting Engineer Parks presented the Commission prises. with a classifications of Enterprises for zoning purposes and requested that each member of the Commission be given a copy to use as a ready reference and guide for the types of business that come under the C-3 Commercial District; M-1 Light Manufacturing, and M-2 Heavy Industry. On motion by Furr seconded by Kaufman, the Commission adjourned. 1 1 1 • • • • •