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Council Chamber,'City Hall,
' Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, September, 2,, .1947
The regular meeting of the City.Council was called to order at
7:30 P. M. by Mayor Bartlett.
Councilmen present: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett.
Councilmen absent: None.
On motion by_Grable seconded by.Langenbeek, minutes for the
month of August were approved as read.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk,
City Collector, City Judge, City Engineer, Chief of Police and Chief
Lifeguard, and on motion�by Langenbeck seconded:by-Grable, same were
and ordered filed.
Fleece Ins.
The Clerk read a letter from Ila N. Dabney requesting the Council
for�fraenewal of the fleet insurance covering all city owned equipment
for the year commencing September 26, 1947. She pointed -out that by
taking out the.$50.00 deductible collision it would be a,premium
saving of $429.00. The Council requested Mrs. Dabney to submit•a
.figure based on $100.00 deductible collision so the Council can re-
view the coverage at the next regular meeting.
On motion by Hawes seconded by-Grable, the following applications
for business licenses were approved:
John A. Wigmore, 210 Sixth Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct cafe
at 123 Main Street.
Bart N. Hodak, 610 N. Willow Street, Compton, to conduct the business
of lumber yard at 100 Frankfort Street.
Kenton & Bailes Construction Company, 1935 E. Wardlow, Long Beach,7,
to conduct the business of rig building contractors.
-Crawford°s Department Store, 223 Main Street, to conduct the business of
selling merchandise. -
Donald T.�Minnie, to conduct the business of meat market at 409 Frank-
fort Street:
Sam Kinsfather, 619 E.Bay Avenue, Balboa, California, to conduct the
business of plumbing,contractor.
South Coast Materials Company, 229 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa, wheel -tax
Oil well On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the application for oil
permit m
Lots 21 & well permit by Morton and Dolley to drill new well on Lots 21 and 23,
23, Blk 322
,.Block 322, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section, was approved.
On motion by Hawes seconded by Terry, the application for oil
Oil Co. well permit ':of Pacific American Oil Company to drill new well on
Lots 13 &
15,419 Lots 13 and 15, Block 419, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section,
was approved.
Paige 2, Minutes 9-2-1947
Lots 9 & 112 On motion by arable seconded by Hawes, the application for
Blk 622 0
Norton oil well permit of Harold C. Norton to drill new well on Lots-
9 and 119 Block 622, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section,
was approved.
Liot.s 25 & 279 On motion by Terry seconded by Hawes, they application for oil
Blk 615, well permit of J. B. Nelson to drill new well on Lots 25 and 27,.
Block 615, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section, was approved.
Surety bond` On motion by Terry seconded by Hawes, the surety bond of Pacific
Xinsfather Indemnity Company for Sam Kinsfather, plumbing and sewer contractor,
was approved.
Lots 6m8-10-12, On motion by Curable seconded by Terry, the application for
Bik 619 ,
Royal Pet.0o. oil well permit.of Royal Petroleum Company to drill new well on
Lots 6, 8, 10, and 12, Block,619, Huntington Beach Seventeenth
Lots 22, 24 & 269,
Blk 317
Lots 10 12,
Blk 419
Killingsworth &
Resod 1020
Tax rate for
Street Section, was approved.
On motion by Terry seconded by Hawes, the application -,for oil
well permit, of 0. L. Bolton to drill new well on Lots 22, 24, 26
and 29, Block 317, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section, was
v 4)n motion by C#rable seconded by Terry, application for oil well
permit of Killingsworth and Smith to,drill new well on Lots 10 and
12, Block 419, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section, was
approved subject to signature of the principal on the bond and
The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 1020, a resolution of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California; fixing
the tax rate for said.City of Huntington Beach for the fiscal year
1947-1949, and on motion*by Hawes seconded by arable, Resolution No.
1020 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:' Councilmen: Arable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeek, Bartlett.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None-.
Resod 1021 The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 1021, approving
¢ gas tax
Memorandum of Agreement for expenditure of J¢'das Tax allocated for
streets and highways, and,on motion by Langenbeek seconded by arable,
Resolution No. 1021 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: arable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeek, Bartlett.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
o Meftuley David B. McCauley of 169 Bay Shore Avenue, Long Beach, appeared
before the City Council and stated that he had a four-wheel drive :.
Army service truck for sale, and that it would be useful for the
life guard department. Councilman Langenbeck stated that they were
not in the market for such a truck and a purchase could not be con-
sidered as such equipment was not included in the budget for 1947-1949.
Minutes Sept.291947
1'; c
Armistice Dray The Clerk read a letter received from the Huntington Beach
Nov.11,,1947 Orange County Armistice Day.celebration wherein the general ehair-
man-D.E.Burry and R. D. Copeland, Commander Post.7368 V.F.W. and
Lem H. Berry, Commander of Joseph Rodman Post No.133,_American
Legion, requested the Council to set aside $2,500.00 for the
Armistice Day November 11, 1947 celebration to be held in the City
of Huntington Beach, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes,
the request that the sum of $2,500.00 be set aside for the celebra-
tion was approved,
Airport The Clerk read a letter signed by Mr. Claude J.B.Grimwood and
Dopelopment ,
John Garrish, contents of which covered the municipal airport
development with the assistance of public funds. Mr. Cupo introduced
Mr. H. K., Freedland, district airport engineer of the Department of
Commerce. Mr. Freedland spoke on the airport needs of the City afld.
suggested that an engineering survey should be made of the site in
order that present requirements and future requirements be ascertained
before any money should be expended needlessly and further related that
there is an urgent need for an airport in the City of Huntington
Beach whether it bea new site or reconstruction and developing the
present site. He also discussed -methods to be used in filing tar
federal aid. The Mayor referred the matter to the airport committee
and the airport committee set a date of September gth,7;30 P.M. to
Mrs Po ovich meet with th ap1licants.
p The Clerk read a letter received from J. E.. Popovieh, contractor,
storm drain in which he requested permission to change the location of the storm
drain on Main Street between stations 3 } 78.and 3 4 77 a distance of
399.feet.. The reason for his request was, because of insufficient space
to permit the digger,to operate because of, certain extension of oil
sump banks. The Council members discussed the request with City
' Engineer,Overmyer and upon being advised that it will in no way affect
the contract or work to be performed, on motion by Langenbeck seconded
by Hawes,, -the request was granted,
Quotation The Clerk read a quotation received from the Culbertson Chev-
from Culbertson
Chev.Coo rolet Company, Inc. of Huntington Beach quoting the following price
Pick -yap for 1947 Chevrolet j ton pick-up $1,072,00
Freight 133.50
Dealer delivery & handling, 15.00
Plus state sales tax s 1,22
Prices are quoted for delivery at the present time and the advertised
price at time of delivery will apply. On motion by Langenbeck seconded
by Terry, the City Clerk was authorized to place a: purchase order with the
Culbertson Chevrolet Company, Inc.., for the price and conditions.as
Miss Carge-
Page ^# r
Minutes Sept- 29 1947
The Clerk read a letter received from Constance Carge,
Planning ,
recommends -
variance L
1934 Sea Drive, Whittier, in which she complimented the City
of Huntington Beach for the manner in which they are caring for
their splendid beach and suggests that,the City angle -mark the
area between the last parking meter and the trailer camp thus
making room -for about half again as many cars as can now be
parked at the edge of the sand., The letter was ordered filed,
The Clerk read a letter reporting the findings and action
of the City Planning Commission on the petition for conditional
exception filed by Roy A. Guppy, 201 Frankfort Street, The City
Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the
variance be granted. On motion by Hawes seconded'by Langenbeek,
the recommendation was approved and the City Attorney instruct-
ed to draw up a resolution granting the variance..
Collier -Bo ne The Clerk read a letter from the State of California, De.
Hi hway Act-
19V7 partment of Public works, relative to the Collier -Burns Highway
Act of 1947, that provides for a system of major city streets in
each City. It further provides that the system of major city 3
streets shall be selected by the City Council on the basis of
greatest city importance, subject to the approval of the depart-
ment. The matter was referred to the City Engineer and the Streets
and Parks Committee for decision on streets of major importance.
Bids o Investi The Clerk read the engineering proposal of Donald R. Warren
gation & report on
pier & Company, -engineers of Los Angeles, California, submitting a bid
of $800.00 for the investigation and report of the Huntington
Beachrpier, On motion by.Langenbeck seconded by Grable, the bid
price of 675.00; submitted by Quinton Engineers,,Ltd., 916 So,
Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, be accepted and the Mayor and Clerk
be authorized to sign the agreement between the -City of Hunting-
ton Beach, California, and Quinton Engineers, Ltd.,was approved. -
Ord. #515 0
The Clerk gave the second and final reading to Ordinance No.
515, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach, California, pro -
Drilling -of viding certain regulations covering the drilling of oil wells,
oil wells
within -said city, was passed and adopted by -the following roll'eall:
AYES: Councilmen: Grable-, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeek, Bartlett,
NOES: Councilmen: -'None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
`. Delinquent _
The Clerk reviewed with the Council members a detailed list of
past due business licenses-. On motion by Langenbeek seconded by
Hawes, that the City Attorney prepare a form that can be mailed -to 1
the delinquents, giving them formal notice to comply with the pay=
ment'request within tentdays, was approved.
4th of July On motion by Grable seconded by Terry, that the budget for.the
budget ,
Fourth of July celebration be raised $2,000.00 was approved.
Fae,.,#5 T
Minutes Sept.2,1947
On motion by Grable seconded by -Terry, demands, as approved by
the Finance Committee, were ordered paid,
First reading
At this time,the Clerk gave Ordinance No. 516 its first reading,'
an -ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach, California,,amending
Ordinance No, 280, an ordinance providing certain fire prevention
measures in the oil field; regulating the use of certain streets and
highways within the city.
'Leases o
The Clerk read oil and gas lease, Form 960 revised, entered into
Oil &E gas
between the City of Huntington Beach, a municipality,,and Harry Hunter
and Associates, to drill an oil well on Lots 21 and 23, Block 616,
Harry Hunter
Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section, in the City of Hunting-
&, Associates
ton Beach. On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the Mayor and City
Clerk were authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City
of Huntington Beach. Motion put and carried by the following vote:-
AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
The Clerk read oil and gas lease, Form 86C revised, entered into
between the City of Huntington Beach, a municipality, and W. E. Medearis,
to drill oil wells on Lots 1, 3, 5, 7,. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 in Block
413, Huntington Beach Seventeenth Street Section, in the City of Hunting -
Oil Co.
Third Sto
ton Beach, and on motion by Langenbedk seconded by Hawes, the Mayor and
City Clerk were authorized to execute, the Agreement on behalf of the City,
of Huntington Beach. Motion put and carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett."
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
The Clerk read oil and, gas lease, Form 96C revised, entered into
between the City of Huntington Beach, a municipality., and Atlantic Oil
Company, to drill oil wells on Lots 9, ll,,-13 and 15, Block 515, Hunt®
ington Beach Seventeenth Street Section, and on motion by Hawes seconded
by Grable, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the
Agreement on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach, Motion put and
carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Grable, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett.
NOES: Co-dneilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None,
City Engineer Overmyer called to the attention of the Council the
condition of.the Third Street lighting system; that the lead cable has no
pothead and has been patched and recommended that potheads be put in, and
on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the City Engineer was instructed
to proceed with the necessary repairs. Motion approved.
;1 e
Minutes Sept.2 a 1947
Fainting City Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that the painting
city bldgs° and repairs that have been budgeted for -Memorial Hall and City
Hall should be done now and also recommended that sand blasting be
done to eliminate the many coats of paint that have been placed on
the buildings previously and which should be removed in order to
give a sound base for the new paint job. His recommendations were
referred to the Building Committee.
East side -City Engineer Overmyer called to the attention -of the Council
curios gutters the proposed work on the east side curbs and gutters and invited
suggestions from the councilmen as to the area of work that
should be undertaken. On motion by Langenbec:k seconded by Terry,
the City Engineer was instructed to proceed with work on the streets
in the general area bounded by 'Atlanta -said Alabama, Alabama to
Memphis, Memphis to California, California to Indianapolis, Indian-
apolis to Hampshire, Hampshire to Atlanta and Atlanta to Alabama,
and instructed the city engineer to submit detailed plans and
specifications for the stated area and submit them to the Council
at a future meeting,: was approved.
Trailer park On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the City
rentals Attorney be authorized to file application for decontrol of
trailer park rentals, was approved,
Fire Chief
Fire Chief J. K. Sargent asked the Council for permission to
leave the City on leave of absence from September loth, 1947, to
October 1, 1947., and that the budgeted amount of $150,00 for the
Seattle Convention be advanced.
Hawes, the request was granted.
On motion by arable seconded by
Mayor Bartlett appointed a committee composed of Arable, Terry,
Overmyer and Higgins to organize and supervise the City of Huntington
Beach Employeest picnic to be held at Lake Park September 13,-1947,
4:00 P.M.
On motion by Langenbeak�seconded by Hawes, the Council
City Clerk
C y Clerk and ex�offieio lerk
of the City Council.