HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-10-06714 MINUTES j Council Chamber, City Hall _ Huntington Beach, California October 5, 1947 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Bartlett. Councilmen present: Terry, Langenbeck, Bartlett. Councilmen absent: Hawes. - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, minutes for the month Minutes of September were approved as read. Terry on Mayor Bartlett appointed Councilman Terry to serve on the Finance Finance Comm. Committee in lieu of Councilman Hawes who was absent. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the appointment of Jack Greer appointed Jack Greer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Councilman Fred councilman. T. Grable was approved by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Terry, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Hawes. The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer, city clerk, Monthly reports city collector, city judge, city engineer,.chief of police, chief life- guard, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, same were accepted_ and ordered filed. The City Clerk administered -the oath of office to the newly Oath of Office appointed Councilman, Jack Greer, which oath of office was duly signed in the presence of the Council. Mayor Bartlett -appointed Jack Greer to the following committees, Committees Fire and Police, Parks and Streets, Oil and special golf committee. , On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the following appli- Business Licenses cations for business licenses were approved: E.E. McHenry, R#2, Box 403, Anaheim, California, to conduct the business of selling pets and pet supplies, at 520 Main Street. B.H. Blakely, 325 Wakeham, Santa Ana, California, to conduct the business of cleaning and dyeing at 219 - 5th Street. Ed Sherier, 226 so. Virginia Avenue, Hynes, California, to conduct the business of trucking. f H. Stanley Smith, 516 - 15th Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct, the J business of service station at 220 Ocean Avenue•o Forest M. and Artie E. Duvall, P.O. Box 137, Huntington Beach, to conduct 1-" the business of selling beer and wine at 522 Main StreeV. Herschell E. Ratliff, 356 E. Artesia, Bellflower, California, to conduct the business of selling photographic supplies at 217 Main Street, Hunt- ington Beach. 715 O Business licenses Q 0 G 0 t _ i Oil Well Permits: Standard Oil Co. Hunt.H$26 Hunt aH-27 Page 42, Minutes, October 6, 1947, J. C. Ashbourne, 330 W. 19th St. Long Beach, California, to conduct the business of roofing contractor. Wm. Johnson,.110 Main Street, to conduct the business of shoe shop at 110 Main Street. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. P. Hall, 321.- llth Street, to conduct the business of produce market at 207,Main Street. Supreme Meat Products Company, 4017 So. Central Avenue, Los Angeles, wheel-taz license. L. E. Johnson, 327'Sixth Street, to conduct the business of selling and installing glass windows in autos at 220 Fifth Street. Pacific American Oil Company, 1241 E. Burnett Street, Long Beach , to conduct the business of oil well drilling contracting. Ace Builders and Supply Company, 1451 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, to conduct the business of building contractor. R.M. Henry, 907 Palm Avenue, to conduct the business.of general building contractor, office 1152Rgain Street. Petrolane,.Ltd., 2901 Orange Avenue, Long Beach, to deliver liquified petroleum gas in the City of Huntington Beach. Haas, Baruch and Company, Box 2377, Terminal Annex' Los Angeles, for wheel tax License. On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, the application for oil well permit of Standard Oil Company to drill new well, Hunt.H-29, was approved. Councilman Langenbeck not voting. On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, the application of Standard Oil Company to drill new well, Hunt. H-26, was approved. Councilman Langenbeck not voting. On motion by Greer seconded by. Terry,: the application: of Standard Oil.Company for oil well permit to drill new well, Hunt. H-27, was approved. Councilman Langenbeck not voting. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the application of the P ac-Amer. Oil Co. Pacific American Oil Company, 1241 E. Burnett Street, Long Beach to 13-1 5-17- 322 drill newwell on Lots 13, 15 and 17, Block 322, H.B.- Seventeenth Street Section, was approved subject to filing of satisfactory map. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the application for R.K.Russell 26-617 oil well permit of R.K. Russell, 5659 Wilshire, Los Angeles 36, to drill new well on Lot 26, Block 617, was approved subject to signature of Robert Hicht, attorney in fact, to complete the bond filed. On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, the application -for oil J.B.Nelson 25-26-619 well permit of J.B.. Nelson, 3035 Cherry, Long Beach to drill new well on Lots 25 and 27, Block 619, was approved. Page 43, -Minutes, October 6, 1947 I Hunter On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the application for oil •I 13-15-616 well permit of Harry Hunter and Associates, 523 - 17th St., Huntington Beach, to drill new well on Lots 13 and 15 Block 616, was approved. Mr. Murphy Chas. F. Murphy of Huntington Beach appeared before the Council Soot from and stated'that he represented himself ae-x a. resident as well as other ail wells. residents who have homes between the streets of Magnolia and Orange, and called the attention of the Council to the soot nuisance caused by the boilers from the drilling operation -of W. E. Medearis who is drilling in that vicinity. The soot from the diesel fired boilers blabkens laundry on the lines of the residents as well as all the houses and yards. The Mayor referred the matter to the oil committee to contact Mr. Medearis and have the situation corrected° f Mr. King Mr. Chris King, realtor,' appeared before the Council and brought alleys their attention to the necessity of grading alleys in the Lake Street section before the rainy season in order to permit the owners of the, new homes,reeently constructed access to their homes when the rainy season begins. Mr. King was informed that the street department is now prepared to correct that condition in the section of Lake Street Or. 517 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 517, an ordinance of the City of passed. Huntington Beach amending Ordinance 495, an ordinance providing changes in the general provisions and exceptions.covering the use of land, the use and height of buildings and structures and the proportion of lot which may be covered, in the various districts; prohibiting certain uses and certain types of buildings in certain districts,, its second and final reading, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, Ordinance No. 517 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Greer, Terry, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen:. None. ABSENT: Councilmen: Hawes. Offer on The Clerk read a letter received from Lloyd Russell Brinkerhoff lot .rejected in which he requested the city to consider the sale of Lot 22, in Block 617, H.B. 17th Street Section, enclosing a check in the sum of $400.00 representing the amount of his offer. On motion -by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, that the offer be rejected and the Clerk instructed I I to return the check was approved. Crossing - The Clerk read the order from the State of California, Third & Chicago - Application No. 28670, of the Pacific Electric Railway Company author- izing the City of Huntington Beach to construct a crossing at grade in the vicintty of Third and Chicago Streets, across two spur tracks of the Pacific Electric Railway Company's Newport line, in Orange County, crossing to be identified as 6E-32.96-C. Motion made by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, that the City engineer be instructed to proceed with the work as outlined .in the order was approved. 0 X Page #4, 717 Minutes, October 6, 1947 RC li C-11 1i 17 V. F. W. Girl Scout Troop 5 Girl Scout Council On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the request of H.B. Post No. 7368 V:F.W. for cancellation of the rent of Memorial Hall in the amount of $60.00 was approved. On motion by Terry seccn ded by Langenbeck, the request of Mrs. A.D. Millis on behalf of the Girl Scout Troop 5 to use the Lake Park Club house for every Thursday from 3:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. beginning October 2 was approved subject to the rules and regulations governing the supervision of the Lake Park Club house. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the request of .Ethel Dwyer, secretary of the Girl Scout Council, to use the Lake Park Club house on the second Wednesday of each month, 10 to 12, was approved subject to the rules and regulations governing the supervision of the Lake Park Club house. Demands On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, demands*.approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. On motion by Terry seconded by Langenbeck, the recommendation Salaries Police of Chief of Police D.M. Blossom for changes in the pay schedule listed Dept. as follows'was approved: Officer P. F. Darden, L.E. Ross and W.F. Pinkerton, having finished their probationary period, be changed from classification "B" to "C" ie: - $190.00 to $205.00. Officers R.L. Roberts -and E. Hillis, having completed one year with the Department be changed from classification "C" to "D", le:-'$205.00 to $215.00 per month, as per'salary ordinance #498. Changes to take effect as of October 1, 1947. Southwest The Clerk read letter received from the Southwest Exploration Expl. Co. Company in which they stated that the payments being withheld on production of State lease #392 will be made in the near future. The letter was ordered filed. Stray � d s The Clerk read letter received from Mrs. Ira S. Nichols, 602 - 7th Street, Huntington.Beach, in which she related the troubles that she and her husband have had with stray dogs on Frankfort Street and vicinity and requested that the Council take some action to avoid such occurrences in the future. On`motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the motion that the Poundmaster be instructed to proceed along the, lines to enforce the dog ordinance outlined by the City Attorney. St -Light On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the request of Mrs. B.M. White, Mrs.* J.L. Lof gren, Mrs. S.E. Williams, Mrs. Earl D. Hawkins, C.'S. Ehret and Mrs. Ray Palmer that a street light be'installed at the corner of Chicago and Alabama and for the city engineer to arrange the installation, was approved. . Page - Minutes, October 6, 1947 On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the request of C.P., Vacation o , , .Judge Patton Patton, city ,judge, for a vacation from October 14th to 30th, 1947,- was approved. Shoreline The Clerk read the invitation of the Shore Planning Association-. meeting of California,,Inc. announcing the meeting of October 10, 1947 to be held in the City of Santa Monica, California. The Clerk was instructed e to make the necessary reservations. C. of C. The Clerk read , a letter from the H.B. Chamber of Commerce in which they informed the City Council that by unanimous opinion the City of Huntington Beach should arrange by lease or sale the strip of property between the Municipal Trailer Park entrance and Highway 39, situate between Highway 101 arr! the Pacific Electric Railway tracks. This strip is approximately 75 feet wide. The letter was ordered filed. The Clerk read letter from the H.B. Chamber of Commerce announcing C. of C. the Sanitation meeting scheduled for the City Councilmen of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach Wednesday, October 8, 1947, at Corona Del Ma.r. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Gallienne that -City Engineer Overmyer, Councilmen Terry, Langenbeck and Bartlett will attend. First Aid On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, that Bud Higgins Bud Higgins Chief lifeguard, attend tha First Aid and Accident School conference to Health Officer Report Fire Chief be held. at Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, October 20th to 26th, and that a fee of $30.00 for the entire week'and �tansportation and in- cidental expenses of the trip be authorized was approved. Oa motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the'request of the City clerk for permission to attend the class session of instructions for assessors to be,held in Los Angeles on October 9, 1947, was approved. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, that the city Attorney by instructed to draw up an ordinance to establish the office of health officer for the City of Huntington Beach was approved. Fire Chief Sargent reported briefly on the Fire Chiefs' con- vention he attended recently. City.cAtt'vy. City Attorney. Ray H. Overacker reported on the meeting of the National Institute of Law Officers' convention held in Los Angeles, California. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, that the city clerk Block 417 be instructed to write a letter to the Huntington Beach Company re- garding the slant drilling of Block 417, along the lines as outlined by the city attorney,.was approved. Page #6, 719 11inutes, October 6, 1947, On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, that a letter be)` Golf Course transmitted to the Huntington Beach Company outlining the general re- quirements and proposal for the extension of the municipal golf course and,to transmit,a map showing the contemplated property required for the extended area was approved. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, that the city 23rd St. engineer proceed with the resU facing of 23rd Street was approved. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the City engineer Alleys - east side was instructed to proceed with the black-topp ng on the alleys on the east side of the City as designated, was approved. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, to confirm the order Drainage - for 6000 feet of 15 inch clay pipe and to prepare the plans for the interceptor lines from 12th to 1st Streets, was approved. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the Council adjourned. CitVClerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. ATTEST: �. Mayo City Clerk