HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-11-030 MINUTES 10 t C`> C: Minutes Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 3, 1947 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. By Mayor Bartlett. Councilmen present: Greer, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. Councilman absent: Terry (Councilman Terry arrived at 9:4.0 P.M.) On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, minutes of the previous meetings were approved as read. ,M6nthly On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, monthly reports of the reports City treasurer, City Collector, City Engineer, City Clerk, City Judge and Chief of Police were approved and ordered filed. Resolution On motion by Hawes seconded by Greer, that the City Attorney prepare cancelling resolution for cancellation of weed cleaning charges in the amount of weed -cleaning charges $111.515 against City tax title property -for 1947, was approved. Councilman Terry At this time, 8:40-P.M., Councilman Terry arrived. arrives. - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the following appli- Business . licenses cations.to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were approved. approved. A.H. Marsh, 615 E. Olive Street, Compton, to -conduct the business of weld- ing. J. J. Wimer, veteran, Alto Hotel, Los A ngeles, veteran's free license to sell balloons on streets Armistice Day. Nina B.,Patten, 2384 San Francisco Ave., Long Beach, California; to con- duct the business of merchandise at 113,Main Street. R.M. Irwin, 3622 Falcon Avenue, Long Beach, California, to conduct the business of building contractor. Acme Drilling Company, 3095 Cherry Ave., Long Beach,7, California, to conduct the business of oil well drilling contractor. Crissman Drilling Company, 615 E. Willow St., Long Beach 6, California, to conduct the business of drilling contractor. Acme House Moving Company, 2300 California Ave., Long Beach 6, California to conduct the business of housemover. Bond - "me On motion by Hawes seconded by Greer, the housemoveras bond of Housemoving Acme House Moving Company, 2300 California Avenue, Long Beach, approved Co. by the City Attorney as to form, was accepted and ordered filed* Plumbing The application of V. L. Murphy, plumbing contractor, was re - contractor jetted for failure to furnish bond. 11 LeBor-Mc1Vee do On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the application of Lebow, Rubin _ McNee and Rubin of Torrance, California, to drill new well on Lots 23, 25 dai,ll oil well. and 27, Block 419, H.B., was approved. Page . 0?, Minuteu, November 3, 1947 Mrs. Westmoreland On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the request of Mrs. Beulah Westmoreland in regard to her lease was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. E.W. Coxwell On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the request Trees. of E.W. Coxwell for the removal of trees at Lots 49 and 51., Block 705, Wesley Park Section, was approved subject to his paying for one- half the cost of removal. Bad condition of City Engineer Overmyer called to the attention of the City Council trees in the bad condition of jt'rees in certain locations of the city that certain locations. should be removed. The matter was referred to.the Streets and Parks Committee.. Armistice Day Buss Lauer, representing the Armistice Day Celebration, re® Parade e Stands quested permission to set up trailer bed trucks to be used for stands during the Armistice Day parade, Also requested that the City Street Department move one of the trailer beds to the downtown location and also for the use of city truck to, haul chairs and other stands. On motion by Hawes seconded by Terry, the request was granted. Do s The Clerk read letter received from Hal Shawlee of 419 Seventh Ha Shawlee 1. Street, Huntington Beach, protesting the method used by the paund master, in picking up licensed dogs. The letter was ordered filed. Mr. Hermann Fred C. Hermann appeared before the Council and vigorously protested the constitutionality of the dog ordinance and stated that it has been declared unconstitutional by the-Appelate Court and cited a case in Los Angeles. Mrs. Jenkins Mrs. Louise Jenkins Addressed the Council and requested the continued enforcement of the dog ordinance as now being carried out. The Case cited by Mr. Hermann was -referred to the City Attorn$y. Golf Courseo The Clerk read a letter received from Angie Mollica, pro - New Equipo manager of the Huntington Beach Municipal Golf Course requesting needed. the City to purchase and replace present obsolete equipment. The request was referred to the golf committee. Pier The Clerk read communication from the U.S. Engineer's Office Wave re- of Los Angeles, California, asking approval of the preliminary print corder submitted which shows the installation for the wave recording apparatus for the Huntington Beach pier. On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the preliminary zprint,.'was ::approved: H. B. Chamber : ' "On mnotton�rby::Langenbeek_.. seconde.&�" by 15reeir,.1 he:::;requoatcof ,.thae. of Commerce _ Huntingt_oni.peaah::.Chamber. of Comfteree*-•for,�.:the= City<:bucige.ted item ®Y $5-00°000-.. for. Christmas decorations...and-,$300.D©;,,for city labor to help place and erect the decorations was approved. 0 Q 727 Page . #3, Minutes, Zovember 3, 1947 I Old Age Pension The request of A. E. Spikes on.behalf;of the Citizens Committee Mr. Spikes for Old 'Age Pension for use of Memorial Hall, November 5, 1947, Deposits on tax title lots. Appraisers Tax Title lots. 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. for the purpose of having a speaker and that charges for the hall be waived was referred to the City Clerk for further information and final disposition. The City Clerk read to the Council a list showing the name's the amount of deposits and,the.date of deposits that were made on offere-. to purchase tax title lots. On motion by Langenbeek seconded by Terry, the City Clerk was instructed to return the deposits and to advise the applicants that they would be notified should these lots be advertised for sale and placed on public auction was approved. Mayor Bartlett appointed himself , Councilman Greer and City Engineer Overmyer as a committee to appraise city tax title lots that have been cleared. Memorial Hall On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck,.t he request that the Charges charges for use of Memorial Hall by the Orange County Peace Officers waived. Association for Wednesday evening, June 19, 1946, be waived, was granted. Daniel M. Waite. On motion by Langenbeek seconded by Greer, that the request Dep.Assessor of the City Clerk to appoint Daniel M. Waite as deputy Assessor of the City of Huntington Beach was approved. Sound- The -Clerk read proposal of J.T. Raymond, representing Lowen scriber stein°s Radio Service of Santa Ana, California, .recommending the City i . purchase thh Soundscriber or some type of recording equipment. The letter was ordered filed. t Bldgo The Clerk read communication from the War Assets Administration, War Assets Adm. 155 W. Washington Boulevard, Los Argeles, California, advising that the application for building No. 7®1099, located at Santa Ana Army Air Base, Santa Ana, California, had been accepted. Price of building is $4,117.00 and request that a certified check.,cashier-°s check or Post Office, Money Order made payable to the Treasurer of the United States in the amount of $4, 117.00 be forwarded. On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeek, the City Clerk was authorized to reply to the communication s � informimg the War Assets Administration that the City Engineer would i inspect the building for the purpose of ascertaining ways and means of I t moving it from its present location to the site in Huntington Beach, j California, and that his findings would be presented to. the' City Council at its next regular meeting to be held on November 17th at which time f their request.will be acted upon. Southwest On motion by Langenbeek seconded by Greer, the application for C t Exploration Company in the amo-qnt- Expl.ro. refund of city taxes by the Southwest f _ - I Refund taxes. of $7,04o.16 was approved by the following roll call: L Page #4, Minutes, November, 3, 1947 0 AYES: Councilmen: Greer, Terry, Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT:' Councilmen: None. Ord. - 518 Ordinance No. 518, an,:.ordinanee of the City of Huntington Beach, first reading. California, amending Ordinance No. 495 of the City of Huntington Beach, California, received its first reading. M6ngeon Elect. On motion by Hawes seconded by Lagenbeck, that an agreement do° be entered into between the Mongeon Electric Company and -the City of Huntington Beach, to furnish and install lighting fixtures as recommended by the Southern California Edison Company for the City judge's office and the City Hall general office as per the quotation submitted, i.e. $63.00 for the City Judge's Office and $930.00 for the City Hall general office, was approved. Janitor On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, the janitor service service. was placed under the jurisdiction of the City Clerk, motion approved. -On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the quotation Paint for bldgs. of Warner Hardware of Huntington Beach, California, to furnish W.B. Fuller Company One -Coat Stucco paint in five gallon cans at $3.35 per gallon, was approved. Demands On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, that the demands as pre- sented and approved by the Finance Committee be paid, was approved. City Engineer Overmyer reported a nuisance condition at 14th Nuisance and Main Streets resulting from debris and other oil well equipment over lapping the sidewalks in that area. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the City Attorney take regular action for the removal of the nuisance now existing, was approved. Open,toilet City Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that an -outside toilet, open to the ground, was in use at 2300 Florida Avenue. The City Clerk was instructed to notify the Health Officer. Mr. Bannister'",.. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that Richard E. Planning Comm. - Bannister of the City of Huntington Beach be appointed to the Huntington City Beach/Planning Commission to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Robert Davis, was approved. On motion by Hawes seconded by Greer, the Council adjourned. e y Clerk and ex-officio Cler of the City Council. ATTEST: �D Mayor City Clerk