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Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, November 17, 1947
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor Bartlett.
Councilmen present: Greer, Terry, Langenbeck, Bartlett.
Councilmen absent: Hawes (Councilman Hawes arrived at'7:55P.M.)
On motion by-Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the following business
licenses were approved, with the exception of Charles L. Tillapaugh to
conduct the business of raising canary birds commercially at 1005
Huntington Avenue was denied as the location does not comply with.the
zoning ordinance:
Marie Mathewson, 411* Eighth Street to conduct •the business of candy
store at 304'Walnut Avenue.
D. Freier, 4519 Danner Drive Lon Beach California for wheel -tax (r
I license to deliver photographs. g
' R.Donald Hall & H.M. Mansfield,dba California Redwood Materials Company,
1209 Coast Highway, Ne:'port Beach, Contractor's License.
Pauline Curnutt, 323, Ninth Street, to conduct_ the business of Girl's
apparel shop at 226 Main Street.
Emily S. Grant, 610 Ninth Street, to conduct the business of grocery
I�I store at same address.
l; I
Charles A. Gillmann, 464 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach, to conduct the
business of selling sporting goods at same address.
B. Mason, M.D., Third and Walnut, Huntington Beach, Physician and surgeom
at same address.
The application of Alice Ingersoll and Alva Hinkle to conduct the business
of cafe at 213-L'y Main Street was referred back for the approval of the
Chief of Police.
Application -
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the application of
Neon signs.
Billingsly Cafe, 412,Walnut Avenue, to erect Neon sign was approved.
On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, the application, of A.E.
Shandrick for building permit to erect Neon sign At 228J Main Street was
On motion by Terry seconded by Langenbeck, the application of
Duvall Beer and Wine for building permit to erect Neon sign at 522 Main
Street was approved.
The application.of Wig°,s Doughnut Shop for building permit to
erect Neon sign at 123 Main Street was approved.
Oil Well
On motion by Terry seconded by Greer,,the application for .oil well
permit of Standard -Oil Company to drill 'new well Hunt.H-32 on Lot 7,
Block 422, was approved subject to filing.of clean-up bond.
Councilman Langenbeck not voting.
On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, the application for oil well
permit of the Standard.Oi1 Company of California to drill new well
730 Page 2,
Minutes, Nov.17,1947
Oil well Hunt.H®30 on Lot 11, Block 321, was approved, subject to filing of
permit -
H-30 clean-up bond. Councilman Langenbeck not voting.
Oil well On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, the application for oil
permit well permit by the Standard Oil Company of California, to drill new
H- 31
well, Hunt.H 31, on Lot 5, Block 421,' was approved subject to filing
,of'clean--up bond. Councilman Langenbeck not voting.
Vickers The application f or'oil well permit of the Standard Oil Company
Community of California to.drill new well on Lot , Block 22, Vicker's
Well . #2 7 3
!Community Lease, Well No. 2,.was`approved subject to filing clean-up
bond. Councilman Langenbeck not voting.
Councilmen At this time 7:55 P-m-, Councilman Hawes arrived.
H awes,arrived.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, the application for
Black oil well permit of Chas. Ee Black to drill new well on Lots 9 and 11
9-11, 618
Block 619, 17th Street Section, was approved subject to filing of
drilling and clean-up bond and the required map.
Hunter &. On motion by Terry seconded by Greer, the application for oil well
Associates permit of Harry Hunter and Associates to drill new well on Lots
18-20, 614
19 and 20, Block 614, 17th Street Section, was approved.
Henry Duque The application for oil well permit of Henry Duque and Associates
26-28018 to drill new well on Lots 26 and 29, Block 318, Huntington Beach tract,
was approved subject to filing .of the required -agreement, and signature
of principal on bond.
Bids on AA this *Aa ,the date set for the opening of sealed bids for the
toilet bldgs. construction of two toilet buildings in the municipal trailer park in
accordance with publication in the Huntington Beach News of October
23rd and 30th, 1947, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the
City Clerk:
Rob°t.A. Diller, Gen'LContr.
7938 E. Burns, Downey; Calif.
South Coast Constr.Co.
615 Coast Blvd -Corona Del Mar
(Cashier's Check of $2,500.00
accompanied the bid.)
Catching Bros.
Huntington Beach, Calif.
One Bldg.
Frank R. Hinshaw,
501 Walnut, Huntington Beach
(certified check in the amount of
$2,572.63 accompanied the bid) 12,963.17
Two Bldgs.
Bids referred On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, that the bids as read
to City Engr.be referred to the City Engineer for analysis was approved.
Mr. Berry Lem Berry, Commander of the American Legion Joseph Rodman Post No.
Teen-a,ge 133 of Huntington Beach, appeared -before the Council and extended
the thanks of the Legion -for the splenAld cooperation the City of
Huntington Beach gave the organizations in making the Armistice Day
4 ,.C.
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Minutes, Nov.17,1947
Mr, Berryparade possible. Mr. Berry requested the Council to consider the use of
dances. Memorial Hall for teen-age (school students) to hold dances on Friday
nights without the use of kitchen or refreshments being served, fees to be
waived, dances to be supervised by members of the Veteran organizations.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded.by Hawes, that the request of the
American Legion be granted subject to priority use of the hall whenever
other requests for use of the hall falls on Friday night, was approved.
Hinshaw - On motion by Hawes seconded by Greer, the request of Frank R.
Cut curb
13il4-15, Hinshaw to out the curb for driveway on Lots 13-14--15, Block 1103,
Vista Del Mar Tract, was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee
was approved.
Palm tree,"-- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the request of
203 Alabama Lloyd Hamren that a palm tree located next to the driveway at 203
Alabama Avenue be removed was referred -to the Streets and Parks
Committee was approved.
Mrs. Sutton On motion by Hawes seconded by Langenbeck, that the request of Mrs.
j Bldg.
Lorella Sutton/of Santa Ana, California, to move a building from Santa Ana,
on to a lot at the corner of Delaware and Knoxville be denied, as" the
building in accordance to the report to the council by the city engineer,
j does not conform to the Building Cod®. Motion carried.
UMr.Popovich- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the request of J.E.
extension of
time. Popovieh, contractor, for an additional ten working days to complete the
storm drain job on Ocean Avenue and Main Street was approved.
Public address The Clerk read recommendation of J.C. Lauer of the Firm
system in
memo.hall. of Buss Radio & Appliance Service for the equipment necessary to repair
.the obsolete and completely inadequate public address system located in
the Memorial Hall, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by'Terry, the
recommendation be referred to the building committee for further
study was approved.
Mrs. Tovatt On -motion by 4awes seconded by Greer, the appointment of Mrs.
Library board.
Berta Tovatt by the Library Board of Trustees to fill the unexpired
term of the late Mrs. Mollie Hardy was approved,
Houseshoe The Clerk read the request of Father Lahart, pastor of St.Simon &
Club house,
Jude Catholic Church of Huntington Beach, for the use of the City
building known as the Horseshoe Club House for the bi-monthly meeting of
the newly established Cdurt of the Catholic Daughters of America, these
to be held on the first and third Monday of each.month. The City Clerk
was instructed that the be notified to take the sub ect u with the
Y j p
local Red Cross as that organization has the full use of the Horsehhoe
Club House at the present time.
Youth Council. The Clerk read a communication received from DEnto Siracusa president
and Nancy Gautier, secretary, of the Youth Council in which the
Page #4
Minutes, November 17, 19470
Youth Council .following excerpts taken from the General Meeting of the Youth Council
held on November 13th reads as follows:
to be pur-
chases from
War Assets
"l. A motion,was made seconded and carried that the General Committee
of Youth- Council approve of the Air Base Building now under consider-
ation by the City Council and recommend --it be purchased and placed
on 17th Street Park as a Community Youth Recreation Building.
2. A motion was made seconded and unanimously carried that the
General Committee of Youth Council recommend to the City Council
that Basketball Backboards be installed on various available vacant
lots about town as soon as possible."
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, that the City Clerk
be authorized to proceed with the purchase of the building identified -
as T®1099, located at the Santa Ana Army Air Base, Santa Ana, Californta,'
and draw a warrant to the War Assets Administration in the amount of
$4,117.00 was approved.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the City Clerk
be instructed to negotiate with the War Assets .,Afinistration for
basketbdll backboards located at the Santa Ana Army Air Base was
Paramount On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the city Clerk
pest control,' be authorized to issue a purchase order to renew the agreement of the
Paramount Pest Control Service for another six months at the rate of
$30.00 per month and to request the Paramount Pest Control Service that
they submit a work order signed by R. R. St.Clair the manager of the
trailer park camp., Bud Higgins, chief lifeguard and P.L. Huddle,
street foreman, at the conclusion of each month of service rendered
was approved.
1946 B1dg.Code. On motion by Hawes seconded by Greer, that the City Attorney be
instructed to draw up an ordinance to adopt a 1946 edition of the
Uniform Building Code as published -January 1, 1946, by the Pacific
Coast Building Conference of which the City of Huntington Beach is
a member and as recommended by the City Building Inspector Harry A.
Overmyer in a letter submitted to the City Council was approved.
H.B.-Chamber of The Clerk read a report submitted by the Huntington Beach Chamber
Commerce of Commerce covering:; the beautification and clean-up program of the
oil field district between 9th and 23rd Streets.. The report was
ordered filed.
The City Clerk made a report of the audit made of the leases and
the city judge's dockets for the month of October.
On motion by Terry seconded by'Greer, the demands as approved by
the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 518, an ordinance of the City of
Page. 05 733
Minutes, Nov.17,1947
Ord.518 Huntington Beach amending Ordinance No. 495 an ordinance providing changes
passed. in the present classification of certain,pnoperby in the City of
Huntington Beach, its second and -final reading, and on motion -by Hawes
seconded by Langenbeck, Ordinance No. 519 was passed and adopted by
the following vote:
Greer, Terry,
Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett.
Clerk read
Resolution No.
1025, a resolution of the City
weed charges
of the City
of Huntington Beach,
California, cancelling weed
Tax Title
g , and
on motion b Y
Terry seconded by Greer, Resolution
No. 1025
was passed
and adopted by
the following roll call:
Greer, Terry,
Hawes, Langenbeck, Bartlett.
Ord.#519 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 519, an ordinance' amending Ordinance
first reading po. 322, an ordinance regulating traffic upon public streets in the
City of Huntington Beach and repealing all ordinances inconsistent
therewith, received its first reading.
Ord 4520 The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 520, an ordinance amending
first reading.
®rdinance No. 434, of ordinance fixing and regulating compensation of
city officers, deputies, assistants and employees of the City of'
Huntington Beach, its first reading.
Ord-#521 The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 521, an ordinance amending
first reading.
Ordinance No. 515, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach pro-
viding certain regulations coverl&gr., the drilling of oil wells within
said city, its first reading.
Ordo,#522 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 522, an ordinance amending
first reading,.
Ordinance No. 189, an ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach
establishing the office of poundmaster and defining his duties,
making it unlawful to permit certain animals to run at large and pro-
viding for impounding fees, dog licenses and fees therefor, its first
Contract - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry, that the City Attorney
Calif .Surf
Riders Inc. be instructed to draw up a contract to renew the lease between the
California Surf Riders, Inc. and the City of Huntington Beach as
recommended by the Beach and Pier Committee and the percentage.of gross
sales be set at 15% was approved.
Vacation On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Hawes, that the City Clerk be
City Clerk.
given a one week's vacation to be taken at any time before January 1,
1948, was approved.
734 Page #6,
inutes, November 179 19 u
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Greer, the meeting was
adjourned until 7:00 P.M. Monday, November 24, 1947-
City Clerk and ex Cl C erk
of the City Council.
City Clerk