HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-08-19• MINUTES
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Thursday, August 19, 1948
The regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Planning
Commission was called to order by Chairman Warren Bristol
at 7:30 P.M. O'clock.
Members present: Kaufman, McNeil, Hamann, Overacker, Tovatt,
Henricksen, Bristol, & Consulting Engineer Parks
Members absent: Overmyer, Bannister.
@harry &,-
The Chairman announced that this was the date and hour
Elsie Baker
set for the hearing on the petition for variance of Harry &
Elsie Bakee to permit decrease of required sideyard distance
from four (4) feet to approximately three (3) feet four (4)
inches to correct error in construction of duplex located on
Lots 35, 37, & 39, Block 201, Huntington Beach Tract.
The Secretary reported that there_.had been no written
or verbal protests filed. The Chairman then asked if there
was anyone in the audience who had any objection to the
applioantts variance. No objections were forth coming.
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Hamann that the Comm-
ission recommend to the City Council that the application
for variance of Harry & Elsie Bakre be granted was approved.
Sam F. Rhoads
The Secretary read the petition for a conditional ex -
ception filed by Sam F. Rhoads, 210J- Main,Street, Huntington
Beach, requested that he be permitted to re -drill or repair
an old oil well located on Lots 3, 4, & 6, Block 911, Wesley
Park Tract. Attorney -at -Law Charles Bauer representing the
applicant discussed at great length the reasons why his client
should be granted the variance. The discussion on the petition
by the members of the Commission and Attorney Bauer were record-
ed by Soundseriber-Record 6 and 6A.
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Tovatt that the Secretary
be instructed,to publish a legal notice of public hearing for
the purpoeea of considering the petition of Sam F. Rhoads for a
conditional exception and date of hearing to be held on Sept-
ember23, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. o'clock, was approved.
R-5-0 District
The Secretary reported that the City Council had re-
ferred the proposed R-5-0 District back to the Planning Commission
for further study taking into consideration the request of
T. B. Talbert to consider areas within the proposed district
for business zoning.
On motion by Bristol seconded by Kaufmann that consultant
G. Millard Parks make further studies of the proposed R-54
District and report his recommendations at the next regualr
meeting was approved.
Motion by
City Council
The Secretary reported that at an adjourned meeting of
the City Council held.on August 13, 1949 the City Council passdd
a motion "That the City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission
give immediate attention to that territory bounded by Highway #39
and Atlanta Avenue and its extension through to the Santa Ana
River and thence towards the Ocean along the Santa Ana River,
thence up the Coast on a line just north of the Coast Highway
to our now City Boundary taking in that area with the thought in
mind of Incorporating it into the City of Huntington Beach."
Page #2
Minutes - August 19, 1948
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Tovatt the meeting adjourned.
J. L. Henricksen
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