HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-09-23E] MINUTES i 1 O` 1 1 Il� Business Applications. Koecelnik - Out curb. Huntington State Co. Gaso.Storage Excelsior Creamery - Trailer Park Girl Scouts Lake Park Clubhouse. Martineau Palm tree. Variance - Sam F. 1hoads u a Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Thursday, September 23, 1948 Pursuant to adjournment of September 20, 1948 Mayor Greer called the City Cougoil to order at 7:30 P.M. Councilmen present: LeBard, Terry, Seabridge, Langenbeok, Greer. Councilmen absent: None. On motion by Langenbeok seconded by Seabridge the following applications for business licenses were approved: Maxwell Brenneman to oond of the business of Electrical Appliances and PortraitiStudio at 474 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach. R. A. Russell, 9201 - 20th Street, Westminster, California to conduct the business of Electrical Contraoor., Hazel Renfro and Millicent L. Nitzkowski of 403D - 7th Street, Huntington Beach to conduct the business of fountain and eating place at 214.5th Street, Huntington Beach. Max H. Casper to conduct the business of cafe at 113 Main Street, Huntington Beach. On motion by Langenbeok seconded by Seabridge the request of John G. Kosoelnik, 425 - 13th Street, Huntington Beach for permission -to out curbing on property located on Lots 25 & 27, Block 413, was approved subject to the supervision of the City Engineer. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Terry the request of the Huntington State Company for permission to install a 1500 gallon tank, for underground gasoline storage, and the pump for gasoline to be located at the Huntington State Company' dcOffioe..at-803¢- 20th- Street, Huntington Beach, was approved. The request of the Excelsior Creamery Company, Ltd., for permission to allow their retail delivery man to enter and serve retail customers a in the City Trailer Park in Huntington Beach, California was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the request of Mrs. Hazel Whittaker 306 Third Street, Huntington Beach for the use of the Lake Park Clubhouse for the Girl Scouts of Troop II on Mondays between the hours of 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. with charges waived, was approved. On motion by Terry seconded by Langenbeok that the request of Olive Martineau to have Palm tree located in the driveway at 211 Baltimore Street removed, was approved subject to the usual fifty percent (50%) of the removal cost to be incurred by the applicant, _ The Clerk presented the petition for conditional exception filed by Sam F. Rhoads of 2101 Main Street, Huntington Beach, covering request to re -drill or repair a well located on Lots 3, 4 & 6, Block 911, Wesley Park traot, Huntington Beach, California. ft 1 870 Page #2, Minutes, ' September 23, 194g 4 The petition for conditional exception had a public hearing Variance before the City of Huntington Beach Planning Commission on Thursday Rhoads. the 16th day of September, 1946. The Huntington Beach Planning Commission members by a vote of five (5) to one (1) recommended to the City Council that the petition be rejected. Charles Bauer, Attorney, representing the applicant Sam F. Rhoads appeared before the City Council and stated reasons why the petition should receive consideration as it was parallel to adjacent wells that were re -opened recently. Further discussion on the application was tabled until the next regular meeting of the City Council to be held on October 4, 1949, Quotations - The Clerk reea quotations received from the Travelers Insurance Insurance Company; • St.Paul Indemnity Company Insurance Companyf and the Pacific Indemnity Company represented by Ila N. Dabney, Chris H. King and Dave Jones, covering comprehensive liability, property damage, auto- mobile liability and property damage, plUe material damage as per • sbhedule furnished on all City equipment. Premiums quoted by the various companies are for identical coverage and are quoted on a one (1) year and a three (3) year basis except material damage on the City Fleet, which is quoted on a one (1) year basis only, premium to be adjusted yearly. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the City -Clerk be authorized to purchase the Insurance as quoted by the Pacific Indemnity Company represented by Dave Jones and said purchase to cover the quotations for the three (3) year premium and the one (1) year premium on the Automobile Material Damage, was approved. Purchase On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the City Administrator Plymouth be authorized to purchase the PlMouth Taxi -Cab Paekage'including heater as per quotation of the Handle Motors, Inc., Huntington Beach, dated September 22, 1949. Said amount of quotation $1085.27, was approved. • Steverson Carl R. Steverson appeared before the City Council and requestea Access road. permission to build up the road on the City property at the west end extension of Huntington Avenue to an approximate distance of 200 rfeet for the purpose of access road to the Talbert property for the purpose of operating his trucks hauling rotary mud. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Carl R. Steverson 40 to permit access over the City property and build up a road on said area, was approved. QN 1-2 871 Page #3, Minutes - September 23, 1949 0 0 Garrish The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Garrish Bros. Bros., who hold the lease agreement on the City property at the Airport location, to appear before the City Council, to discuss the delinquency payment on his agreement, on October 4,_1948 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber, City Hall. Mayor Greer appointed Councilman Seabridge and himself to the Airport Committee, Lot 1, The Streets and Parka Committee reported on the condition of Blk. 8139W.P. the property located at 14th and Main, namely Lot 1, Block 913, Wesley Park Tract. The City Attorney was instructed to send a registered > letter to the owner or owners of the pimperty requesting them to make preparations to clean the property immediately. Storm Drain On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeek that the City Lake Ave. Engineer bd authorized to purchase material and install same for the storm drain,as outlined by the City Engineer,aeross Lake Avenue at the - City Playground, was approved. Dump trucks On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the City Engineer hired._ be authorized to hire two dump trucks to haul excess dirt fromthe Sewer Project to the City owned 52 acres at Ocean Highway, was approved. Davis and On motion by Langenbeek seconded by LeBard tl*t the bid of Davis Markey - Curbs and and Markey for the construction of curbs and gutters from Acacia Avenue gutters. to Lake Avenue on Twelfth Street be accepted subject to acceptance of the rough grade specifications, was approved. On motion by Langenbeok seconded by Seabridge the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: ' v city Cleric VIk1yJClerk an x-OY icio Clerk 6Te City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Calif ornia. r 1 C