HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-11-15MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 15, 1948 Mayor Greer called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present: LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. Members absent: Terry Business On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the following applications Applications. for business licenses were granted. Glenn L. Schofield, Jr., 611* - 10th Street, Huntington Beach to conduct the business of selling Christmas trees at Main Street and Orange Avenue, Northeast corner. Willie Arrant, 1316 E. 99th Street, Los Angeles, to conduct the business of hauling scrap materials from oil fields. Clarence E. Snyder, 701 Delaware to conduct the business of restaurant at 626 Main Street. Wonderly Construction Co. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the request of WonderlX Construction'Co., for permission to break out curb and install a 12 foot driveway on Lots 10 & 12, Block 414, 15th Street, was granted. 9. G Hasson On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeck that the recom- Library Board mendations of the Library Board of Members to appoint Mr. E. Galen Hasson, 601 - 10th Street to fill the vacancy on the Library Board caused by the death of Mr. Charles P. Patton, was approved. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the request Orange Coast College - Rally of Kathryn Siegert, Director of Activities for Orange Coast on Beach College to hold a night rally at the bandstand area on the beach, the night of November 19, 1948, and a rally a week later with permission to excavate a shallow ditch and have fires, was approved. D. C Peace On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the request Officers Memorial Hall of D M. Blossom,, Chief of Police, on behalf of the Orange County Peace Officers Association for the waiver of charges for Memorial Hall use on November 10, 1948, was approved. Taxes - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the request Lots 15&16 Block 711, Wesley of H. F. Rampton of 202 Main Street, Huntington Beach for Park the Council to consider cancelling or paying the 1948-1949 taxes on Lots 15 & 16, Block 711, Wesley Park Tract, being used by the City of Huntington Beach as a playground was ordered filed. 1 1 1 1 • • 40 1 I 4 Page #2 Minutes - City Council - November 15, 1948 _ John Hayden On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the City Clerk - reply to the letter received from John Hayden in which he inferred that unsolicited clerical help had been provided the City Judge's Office, and that such rumor has no foundation as there has been no addition or changes in operation of the offices, was approved. Clean-up On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the recommenda- Bonds Oil Field Equip- tions of the City Engineer for the termination of the liability of ment & Supply Company the clean-up bonds filed by the Oil Field Equipment & Supply Co. covering oil wells located on Lots 2-4-25-27-26-28, Block 614, Huntington Beach Tract, was approved. Red Cross On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the request of James Horseshoe Club House S. Sayer, Chairman of the Huntington Beach Red Cross to permit the Alcoholic Anonymous Group to use the Horseshoe Club House once a week for a meeting place and for them to charge $8.00 a month to cover janitor services, was approved. The City Clerk read Besolution #1066, a resolution of the City of Reso #1066 Huntington Beach relative to Workmen's Compensation Insurance for registered volunteer disaster service workerejand on motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge Resolution #1066 was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer NOES: None ABSENT: Terry The City Clerk read Resolution #1067, a resolution of the City Oduncil Reso #1067 of the City of Huntington Beach accepting deed to certain property and authorizing recording of said deed, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard Resolution #1067 was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer NOES* - None ABSENT- Terry Bids -City At this time the City Clerk informed the Mayor that he had received owned equip- ment informal bids on the following City owned equipment: One, 1934 Dodge 6 1j ton truck One, 1934 Ford V-8 Turtle Back Coupe, One, 1936 Chevrolet 6 1j ton -stake body truck One, 1937 Chevrolet Coupe The Clerk stated that he had received the following informal.bids on the 1934 Dodge 6 1* ton truck: Bryant Motors Company in the amount of $100.00 W. T. Marshall in the amount of $75.00 The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience who desires to bid on this piece of equipment. There being no response or bids the Mayor declared the 1934 Dodge 6, 1,.� ton truck, sold to Bryant Motors Company for $100.00 0 11 892 E7 Page #3 Minutes - City Council, November 159 1948 On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the City Clerk be authorized to issue a Bill of Sale to Bryant Motor Company for the purchase of the 1934 Dodge 6 - 1i ton truck without warranty and all other bids be rejected was approved. The Clerk stated that he had received an informal bid from the Bryant Motor Company for the 1934, Ford V-8 Turtle Back M Coupe, in the amount of $75.00. The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience that desired to bid on this piece of equipment. Mr. W. T. Marshall bid $80.00 and there being no other bids forthcoming the Mayor declared the 1934 Ford V-8 Turtle Back Coupe sold to Mr. W. T. Marshall for the sutra of $80. 00. On motion by Langenbeok seconded by Seabridge that the City Clerk be authorized to issue a Bill of Sale to W. T. Marshall +, for the purchase of the 1934 Ford V-8 Turtle Back Coupe for the sum of $80.00 and that all other bids be rejected, was approved. The Clerk stated that he had received the following informal bids on the 1936 Chevrolet 6 - 1* ton stake body truck; Bryant Motor Company in the amount of $100.00 W. T. Marshall in the amount of $150.00 SIDS The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience that a wished to bid on this piece of equipment. There being no res- ponse or bids from the audience the Mayor declared the 1936 Chevrolet 6 - 1* ton stake body truck sold to W. T. Marshall for the sum of S150.00. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the City Clerk be authorized to issue a Bill of Sale to W. T. Marshall for the purchase of the 1936 Chevrolet 6 - l* ton stake body truck for the sum of $150.00 and that all other bids be rej- ected, was approved. The Clerk stated that he had received informal bids on the 1937 Chevrolet Coupe as follows: - City of Seal Beach in the amount of $227.00 Bryant Motor Co. in the amount of $$200.00 Homer C. Dowty in the amount of $300.00 4" The Mayor asked if there was anyone in the audience that des- ired to bid on this piece of equipment. R M. Thomas bid $305.00. Homer Dowty bid $308.00. R. M. Thomas bid $312.00. Homer Dowty bid $315.00. There being no further bids the Mayor declared the 1937 Chevrolet Coupe sold to Homer Dowty for the sum of $315.00. 0 If 893 Page #4 - Minutes - City Council, November 15, 1948 On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the City Clerk be authorized to issue a Bill of Sale to Homer Dowty for the purchase of the 1937 Chevrolet; Coupe for the sum of $315.00 and that all other bids be rej- ected was approved. Mr. Thom pson Mr. Cupo of the Airport addressed the City Council and introduced Mr. Mfg Plant at Airport J H. ThompsofP 7517 Compton Jobanra Road, Bell Gardens, California who requested the City Council to consider giving him permission to erect a manufacturing plant on the acreage leased to the Garrish Bros. , location of plant to be on unused portion of the airstrip. The req- uest was referred to the Airport Committee and the City Engineer for study and report. Pavalon On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeok a request of Lew W. Kinney, Celebration 11-23-48 Chairman Merchant's Division, for the use of the Pavalon Ballroom on Tuesday evening November 23, 1948 in connection with the celebration for the Santa Claus parade was approved. One motion by Langenbeok seconded by LeBard that the problem of open- ing and closing Pavalon Ballroom on Tuesday evening November 23, 1948 for the Santa Claus parade and celebration be referred to the Beach and Pier Committee, was approved. Memorandum On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the letter of memoran- H B Co dum requested by the Huntington Beach Company covering the playing time of Standard Oil Company employees and said memorandum to become a part of the Huntington Beach Golf Course enlargement agreement was approved, and the City Clerk be instructed to acknowledge the memoran- dum. Flame On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the City Administrator Proofing be instructed to carry out the recommendations of the Building and Insurance Committee for the flame -proofing of the drapes in the Horse- shoe Clubhouse,Stage of the,Memorial Hall, and in the Chamber of Commerce along the lines as recommended by the Committee, was approved. Committee- Mayor Greer appointed Councilman Langenbeck and Seabridge, the City Community Center Bldg. Engineer and the City Administrator as a committee for the purpose of y promoting progress towards completion of the Community Center Building located on the 17th Street Park. P. E R. Co On motion by Langenbeok seconded by Seabridge that the proposed lease Trailer Park rejected offered by the Pacific Electric Railway Company for the right of way ' strip between the Pacific Electric Railway Company right of way and the Municipal Trailer Park east of the entrance be rejected and the City Administrator be authorized to forward a letter advising the Pacific a - Railway Company of the Council's action, was approved. s 0 4 Page 5 Minutes - City Council - November 15, 1948 Rosenow Concession Qualified person to take inven- tory Purchase - Office Equip- ment Golf - Committee Demands Extension ' of Trailer Park City Parks GI On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the lease between the City of Huntington Beach and Verl Rosenow for the concession at the Pavalon Ballroom, was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeck that the City Administrator be authorized to employ a qualified person to make a complete inventory of all City buildings and their contents, and said qualified person to be placed on the payroll under the classification of Senior Clerk, Schedule "A", was approved., 0 On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the City Administrator be authorized to purchase three typewriters, three counter high box drawer filing cabinets, one portable adding machine stand and four posture type chairs with casters, was approved. Mayor Greer appointed himself, Councilman Terry, and City Clerk Henricksen on the Golf Committee. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard demands as approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the work along the lines as outlined in the plans presented to the City Council for the westerly extension improvement of the Trailer Park with the exception of that portion of the plan showing the underground garage, was approved. Councilman Langenbeck, Chairman of the Streets and Parks Committee, reported that it w§s the recommendation of that Committee that the children be permitted to play in the City parks. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the meeting adjourned. ATTEST" ., ) Tfto fity Clerk CiY Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California WIM" 1 0 1 4 40 4 1 40