HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-03-07MINUTES ri [inutes Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 7, 1949 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Greer at 7:30 P.M. councilmen present: LeBard, Terry, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. Councilmen absent: None.. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the minutes for the month of February, 1949 were approved as read. fearing- Mayor Greer announced that this was the time set for the iroposed ann- :xation, hearing on the proposed annexation of contiguous territory to the easterly boundary of the city limits of Huntington Beach, as published in the Huntington Beach News on February 17th and 24th, 1949• 'o protests The City Clerk reported that there had been no.verhal or written protests on the proposed annexation received. udience Mayor Greer asked if there was anyone in the audience that wished to be heard on the proposed annexation. No response was received. On motion by,Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the hearing on the proposed annexation be closed, was approved. bnthly On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry the monfly reports eports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Judge, Chief of Police, City Collector and City Engineer for the month of February, 1949 as read by the City Clerk were approved and ordered filed. pplications On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the following or licenses applications for business licenses were granted: R. W. Watson, Long Beach Egg Farms, 3708 East Anaheim, Long Beach, to conduct the business of wholesale delivery of eggs. Alexander &,Co., byC. J. Alexander, to conduct the business of plastering contractor at 412 - 12th Street - office- only. Economy Cleaners, by Isaac Parnakian, 312 Chicago Street, to conduct the business of cleaning and pressing at 328 Main Street. Cottle, Coleman & Bell Inc., dba Coastal Supply Co., by Bernard L. Bell, 1829 Newport Avenue, Costa Mesa to conduct the business of war surplus sales at 312 Walnut Avenue. Calvin Phillips, 311 Frankfort Street, to conduct the business of metered washing machines at the Municipal trailer Park. James Campbell, 14881 Gunther Street, Santa Ana, to conduct the business of delivering newspapers - home delivering and news - stands. Electrolux Corporation, 417 Montgomery Street, San Arancisco, to conduct the business of selling and servicing vacuum cleaners - Roy R. Ray, 12035 Nelson Street, Norwalk, California, solicitor. 1 Im 4 1 El 1 0 Page 2 Minutes - City Council - March.7, 1949 ,927 0 r 1 Sign - ShydIs Cafe Terry's garage, sign Economy cleaners, sign D. B. Boyden, Box 76 Dana Point, California, wholesale delivery of sea foods. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Terry the Ep plicatlon of Snyd's Cafe, 624-k main Street, Huntington Beach for building permit to erect a sign was granted. On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the application of Terry's garage,.419 Walnut Street, Huntington Beach for building permit to erect a sign was granted. 0 On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry the application of Economy Cleaners, 328 main Street for building permit to erect a neon sign was granted. Southwest Expl. Co. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the application of South - new well StateC-21 west Exploration Co, to drill a new well State C-21, was granted. State 82 On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the application of youth - west Exploration Co. to drill a new well State 82, was granted. State 83 On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the application of South- west Exploration Co. to drill a new well State 83, was granted. Agreement between On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the 14tayor and H.B.Co.et al,pipe line the City Clerk be authorized to execute an agreembnt between the Buntirg ton Beach Company, a corporation; Pacific Electric Land Company, a corporation; 'Pacific Electric Railway Company, a corporation, and the City of Huntirg ton Beach granting a right of way and easement to lay, construct, maintain, Saunders -driveway Cadillac Oil Co. & O.L. Bolton, termination of clean-up bonds. operate, repair, renew, and remove a pipe line and necessary attachments for storm drain purposes across that part of the property located at Ocean Avenue and Ocean frontage on the westerly side of 16th Street and the term of said agreement be for a period of ten (10) years, was approved. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the request of Vincent H. Saunders; 617 Crest Avenue, Huntington Beach for permission to remove fifteen (15) feet of curbing to make a driveway entrance at 617 Crest Avenue, Huntington Beach, corner of 14th Street and (rest Avenue, was granted. On motion by LeBard seconded by Terry that the request of the Cadillac Oil Co. for termination of the liability of their clean-up bonds covering wells located on Lots 13 & 15, Block 414, H. B. and O. L. Bolton for wells located on Lots 1, 39 5, & 7, Block 418, H. B., and upon the recommendation of the City Engineer that Ordinance No. 515 had complied with regarding the clean-up after completion of the well, said requests of Cadillac Oil Co. and 0. L. Bolton were granted. I Annexation Ordinance No. 541, an ordinance of the City.Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California annexiiig.:nertain uninhabited and contiguous territory to said city received its fitst reading. El • 928 Page 3 Minutes - City Council - March 7, 1949 0 Impr.Wesley & The City Clerk read a letter from the City Engineer Quincy St.- Swigart Co. advising the Council that the bids received for the imp- rovement of Wesley Avenue and.Quincy Street, had been analyzed and found that the bid submitted by John J. Swi- Bart Co. of 2053 So. Normandie Avenue, Torrance, California, to be the lowest and responsible bid. On.motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the bid of John J. Swigart Company for the improvement of Wesley Avenue and Quincy Street be accepted and all other bids re- ceived be rejected, was approved. Contract- On motion by'Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck that the Swigart Co. Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract between the City of Huntington Beach and John J. Swigart Company for the improvement of Wesley Avenue and Quincy Street, was approved. Union Oil Co. The City Clerk read a letter received from the Union pipe lines. Oil Company of California regarding certain steel pipe lines owned by the Union Oil Company of California along the alley between Walnut and Ocean Avenues and suggesting that the City of Huntington Beach might prefer to own the pipe lines and be in a position to control the use made of such lines in the... - handling of oil field waste water. Mayor Greer referred the information extended by the Union Oil Company to the Oil Committee, for investigation and report. Ord.#539 The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 539, an ordinance Recreation Commission creating a public recreation commission, prescribing terms of members, organization and powers and duties, its' second and final reading and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard Ordinance No. 539 was passed and adopted by the follow- ing roll call: 4. AYES; LeBard, Terry, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Reso.Bd.of The City Clerk read a resolution of the Board of Super - Supervisors= Users Tax Fund visors of Orange County, California which resolved that in Quincy Street. order that the County of Orange in accordance with findings and determination, agreed to grant to the City of Huntington Beach the sum of $5,328.00 payable out of the County's portion of the California Highway Users Tax Fund, to be used by the City of Huntington Beach exclusively for the purpose of im- proving of Wesley Avenue and Quincy Street in the City of W. 1 1 1 LM _M I* 4 wo 1 i� Page 4 029 Minutes - City CoAncil - March 7, 1949 Demands. Letters to City Council -Trailer Park. Tr.Park petitions .discussions Seabridge-report of committee. Huntington Beach in accordance with the Resolution of the City Council of said City requesting said aid, and requested that the City of Hunting- ton Beach accept the grant in writing. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard-that the City Clerk be instructed to accept the terms of the Resolution in writing, was approved. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the demands as approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. The City Clerk read 23 letters that were addresse.4 to the Olayor and City Council from former and present tenants of the municipal Trailer Park voicing their opinions as to the management, sanitary conditions and rent increases as covered by the petitions presented to the City Council on February 21,1949. Mayor Greer asked if there was anyone in the audience that wished to speak on the Trailer Park petitions. The City Clerk recorded by ' r Soundscriber on records 65, 65A, 669 66A, 67 and 67A the discussions of people who addressed the City Council on the Municipal Trailer Park. petitions. Mayor Greer .called a recess for 10 minutes at 9:50 P.M. Mayor Greer called the City Council to order at 10:04 P.M. Councilman Seabridge, Chairman of the investigating committee appointed by the Mayor to investigate the management, conditions and rent increases at the Municipal Trailer Park, made the following report: "First, we recommend that the Manager be relieved from his duties immediately, and the management of the Trailer Park be turned over to ex-officio manager, Harry A. Overmyer, to work with us through the Council until such a time that we can employ a regular manager. Secondly, as to the conditions we find that there are many conditions down there that need correction and it is going to take a long time to do, such as sanitary facilities and so forth, which brings us down to the rent S situation. We believe there should be consideration given both to -the -summer people and to the all year around people, but for the moment we are going to recommend that the rents stand as they are now, since.we raised them, that is until such time that we can get to work on the idea of installing meters.down there, electric meters - individual meters, so we will know what kind of rent we are getting, and that is all there is to it. Hope you can be in accord with that. And as far as what the direct amcu nts of the difference between the winter rate and summer rate we haven't.any particular recommendation to make on that." 930 Page 5 Minutes - City Council - March 7, 1949 Councilman Seabridge'made a motion that the re- commendations be placed in the form of a motion and was seconded by Councilman Terry. Mgr.Tr.Park Mayor Greer asked for a roll call on the first part of the motion, recommending that the manager of the Mu- nicipal Trailer Park be relieved from his duties immed- iately and the management of the Trailer Park be turned over tbeex-officio manager Harry Overmyer to work with a the Committee through the City Council until such/time that a regular manager can be employed,,roll call as follows: AYES; LeBard, Terry, Seabridge. NOES: Langenbeck, Greer ABSENT: None Motion carried. Meters & Mayor Greer asked that a roll call be taken for the Sanitation conditions. second part of the motion that electric meters be install- ed In the Municipal Trailer Park and the sanitation•con- ditions be improved at the earliest possible date, roll call as follows: AYES: LeBard, Terry,.Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. NOES: None ABSENT: None Rent increases Mayor Greer called for a roll call on the third part• of the motion that the Municipal Trailer Park rents stand as approved by the City Council, roll call as follows: AYES: LeBard, Terry, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. NOES: None ABSENT: None Sign at Lake Councilman Langenbeck reported for the Streets and Park Parks Committee that a Scotch Type Directional Sign had been ordered for Lake Park. Lifeguard Chief Lifeguard, Bud Higgins, discussed the coming problems. season's lifeguard problems in relations to the new State Park adjacent to the easterly city limits of Huntington - Beach. Discussions, Mayor Greer again asked if there was anyone in the Trailer Park audience who cared to discuss further the Municipal TrAller Park petitions. The City Clerk recorded the talks on the Soundscriber record No. 67A. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the meet- ing adjourned. civ Clerk and ex-officio lark of the City Council of the City of Huntington Bench, •Califgrnia. 1 0 1 E M3 1 ATTEST: 11L or