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Uouncil Chamber, City. Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, March 21, 1949 ,
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order by
Mayor Greer at 7:30 P.M.
Councilmen present: Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer.
Councilmen absent: LeBard, Terry.
Mayor Greer appointed himself to the finance committe in the ab-
sence of Councilman Harry LeBard.
Applications On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the following appli-
business licenses
cations for business licenses were granted:
Larsen and Musolf, 301 Walnut Avenue to conduct the business of painting
Carl M. Stewart, 2721 Hampshire to conduct the business of food
concession at Concession No. 28.
Seabreeze Trailer On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the application of
Park signs.
Seabreeze Trailer Park for building permit to erect two signs - Seabreeze
Trailer Park and Seabreeze Village, was granted.
Union Oil Co. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the application of the
to move sign
Union Oil Company for building permit to move the 76 sign to new location,
was granted.
0. L. Bolton On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the application of
New well
0. L. Bolton Company to drill a new well on Lot 23, Block 317, 17th
Street Section, was granted subject to filing of satisfactory map.
Southwest Expl. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the application of
Co. State J-76
Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State J-76, was granted.
" State 106 On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the application of
Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State 106, was gran#_ed.
" State 88 On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the application of
Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State 88, was granted.
" State J-83 On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the application of
i Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State J-83, was granted.
Potts -Clean-up bond On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the request of Worth
C. Potts for release of liability under the clean-up bond and drilling
• bond as the well will not be drilled, was approved, in accordance mi th
Cadillac Oil
Clean-up bond
I.Coplin & Bennings-
dorf Clean-up bond
the recommendation of the City Engineer.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the request of the
Cadillac Oil Company for release of liability under clean-up and drill-
ing bonds on Lots 21 & 23, Block 313, H. B., for well known as Greer #1,
was approved in accordance with the recommendation of the City Engineer.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the request of
Coplin and Benningsdorf for release of liability of clean-up bond for
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Minutes - City Council - March 21, 1949 f
well on Lots 2 & 4, Block 513, H. B., and GL.Bolton for well
on Lots 22-24-26 & 28, Block 317, H.B., was approved in accor-
dance with the recommendation of the City Engineer,
R. A. Murphy The Clerk read letter received from Robert A. Murphy,
to relin uish
his leas-Pav-lessee of the Pavalon Ballroom, to the effect that he was
relinquishing his lease as he was unable to put it on a pay-
ing basis and reported a loss of several thousand dollars.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the request
of Robert A. Murphy to relinquish the lease on the Pavalon
be accepted, was approved.
Wm. Lewis- On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck.that the
payroll recommendation of the City Engineer to place Vm. S. Lewis,
Engineering Department employee on the regular monthly pay-
roll in Classification Senior Engineering Aid, Range "A",
Salary $277.00 per month, effective as of March 15, 1949, was
Talbert Drain- The Clerk read a letter recbtved from the Talbert Drainage
age District
District giving the City of Huntington Beach official notice
terminating the agreement entered into with the -City of Hunt-
ington Beach and'the Talbert Drainage District dated the 12th
day of .'une, 1949s and pertaining to the carrying of effluent
from the Huntington Beach Sewage Treatment Plant through the
pipelines of Talbert Drainage District be terminated on the
1st day of April, 19,50 in accordance with said agreement.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the notice from
the Talbert Drainage District was ordered filed.
H.B.C. of C.-
The Clerk read a letter received from the Huntington Beach
proposed Char
Chamber of Commerce by J. S. Sayer, Chairman of Civic Affairs
Committee, requesting him to present the sketch with reference
to the proposed War Memorial tb be placed in the Civic Center
honoring the men and women from Huntington Beach who served add
died during World War II and that the Board of Directors of the
Chamber of Commerce unanimously approved the selection of the
War Memorial to be completed by May 30, 1949, Memorial Day, for
unveiling ceremonies, and requested the acceptance by the City
Council of the plan for its construction.
Request City J. S. Sayer, Chairman of Civic Affairs Committee for the t�C�
funds for Chamber of Commerce appeared before the City Council and pre -
War Memorial
sented the sketch of the War Memorial and described it in de-
tail and requested that the City appropriate $2,325.00 for the
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i Minutes - City Council - March 21, 1949
purchase of the War Memorial and the City to construct a concrete
foundation to receive it. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by
Seabridge that the City appropriate $2,325.00 from the unexpended
balance of the Music and Promotion Fund for the purchase of the
War Memorial as presented to the City Council by J. S. Sayer and the
City Engineer be instruc§ed to proceed with the work to build a found-
ation to receive the War Memorial, was approved.
y Probf of loss On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the Mayor and
claims - di-
gester at H.B. the City Clerk -be authorized to execute the proof of loss presented by
�- Sewage plant.
the General•Adjustment Insurance Bureau Inc., covering the insurance
claim presented by the City for the repairs to the digester at the -
Huntington Beach Sewage Plant, said proof of loss claims in the amount
,of 01,300.88 and $1,300.89, was approved.
BohdslfD±nlshed On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the faithful
0. anGee performance bond and the material and labor bond furnished by the
Indemnity Insurance Company for the Contract work for the improvement
of Quincy Street by John J. Swigart Company, was approved subject to
0. L. Bolton
Lot at 17th &
i Bonds furn-
ished by Paci-
fic Union
Metal Co.
Midway City
Tr.Park sign
Howell -
angle parking
approval of form by the City Attorney.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the City Clerk
be instructed to write a letter to Mr. 0. L. Bolton commending him on
the splendid manner in which heycleaned up the lot located on the South-
west corner of 17th and Orange, was approved. a
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck that t he faithful
performance bond and the material and labor bond furnished by the National
Surety Corporation for the Pacific Union Metal Company for the complete
erection of 22 light standards on Ocean Avenue, was approved subject to
the approval of form by the City Attorney.
The request of L. L. Ghirardi,'owner of the Midway City Trailer
Park for permission to locate a sign west of the bait stand adjacent
to the intersection of Highway 101 and Highway 39 was referred to the
Beach and Pier Committee.
The request of H. D. Howell, manager of the Howell Ranch Company
and owners of the Huntington Inn located at 804 Ocean Avenue for per-
mission to remove curbing, palm trees and earth from parkway to allow
servic:11g_; for angle parking off the highway and to impose parking time
limit to conform to metered parking limits on Ocean,Front and the in*
stallation of new curbing at sidewalk line was referred to the Streets
and Parks Committee.
Traffic Sign The request of Walter C. Van Dyke, owner and operator of the Van
at, Main &
Ocean Cab Company at 104 Main Street to consider moving the sign showing
a right turn may be permissible -on the red signal directly on the pole
above the lighting signal, location of signal is at the northwest
corner of Main and Ocean, the request was referred to the Streets and
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Minutes - City Council - March 21, 1949
Parks Committee.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the
Appraise City
tax title lots
Mayor be -authorized to appoint a committee to appraise the
City tax title lots released by the City Attorney, and to
report to the City Council at the next regular meeting on
April 4, 1949, was approved.
Mayor Greer appointed Councilmen Langenbeck, Seabridge,
LeBard and real estate operator Chris King as the appraisal
committee for the City tax title lots.,
Tent space
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck on re-
commendations by the Beach and Pier Committee that tent
space be made available for the period from April 8, 1949
to April 189 1949, then closed and to be re -opened for _
the regular season from May 1, 1949 to October 1, 19499
was ep proved.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the
demands as approved by the•Finance Committee be paid, was
Renovation of On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the
City Hall.
City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the renovation
of the City Hall as recommended by the Building Committee,•was
Bids- re- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that
novation of r
Memo. Hall the City Clerk be authorized to proceed and advertise for
informal bids for the interior renovation of the "`emorial
Hall was approved.
Mayor Greer called for a recess at 8:15 P.M. o'clock.
Mayor Greer called the Council to order at 8:40 P.M.
Pavalon On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that
the mental for use of the Pavalon on Saturday nights be
fixed at $35.00 was approved.
V.F.W. - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that ,
Memo. Hall
the fee be waived for the use of Memorial Hall as requested
by the V. F. W. and Auxiliary for April 212 1949, was
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the
meeting adjourned.
Cit Clerk an Ex-officio lerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California