HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-04-18943 « MINUTES COUNCIL CHAMBER, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 18, 1949 Mayor Greer called the meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present: LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. Members absent: Terry. Applications On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the following applications for for business licenses: business licenses were approved: Mrs. Kathleen A. Wardwell, 2039 So. Broadway, Santa Ana, California to conduct the business of concession (Eats), lower floor Pavalon. Lewis L. Pimlott, 622 - 8th Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business of dance hall at the Pavalon Ballroom. Murl Roberds, 103* Main Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business of surf riders rentals at beach concession #16. P. T. Archipley, 418 Morningside Street, Long Beach, California,to conduct the business of selling service station supplies, wheel -tax. Request to The City Clerk read a letter addressed to the Mayor and the City have old sumps cleaned -up. Council referring to the tragic death of tiny- Kathy Fiscus in San Marino, California, requesting that the City Council consider cleaning up, fencing or in some way protect our children from old sumps in the town lot area in order that a Kathy Fiscus tragedy would not occur in Huntington Beach, and to remove the ever present danger of these old sumps. The letter was signed by thirty nine residents of the City of Huntington Beach. The request was presented by Mrs. W. J. Jenkins of 320 - 14th Street, Huntington Beach, Mayor Greer referred the request of Mrs. Jenkins to the Oil Committee, 'Uhamber of Commerce, and the City Engineer for study and report. Standard Oil The City Clerk read the application for oil well permit of the Standard Co. Special Oil Well per- Oil Company of California presented on March 24, 1949 to drill a new well mit on the intersection of the center lines of 23rd Street and Ocean Avenue, 160 ft. northwesterly along the center line of Ocean Avenue, thence 123.25 ft. southwesterly at right angles, located southwest side of Ocean Avenue, well to be know as P. E. Jax #37, and the Clerk reported that notice of hearing of petition for special permit had been posted at the well location in accordance with Section 5 and 5a of Ordinance No. 418, publication for hearing had been set for Monday, thel8th day of April, 1949 at the hour arf 7:30 P.M. The Clerk reported that there had been no protests received. Mayor Greer asked if there was anyone in the audience that wished to pre- test the application for special permit. There having been no protests filed or voiced for the special permit the Mayor declared the hearing closed. P.E.Jax#37 On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the application of the Standard Oil Company of California to drill a new well in accordance with petition for specail permit to drill a new well P.E. Jam, #3?, was granted. Councilman Langenbeck not voting. 1 f A (Vs 44 Page #2 Minutes - City Council - April 18, 1949 Request to Reverend Robert A. Blume, pastor of the First Methodist ignore petition filed 4-4-49• Church of the City of Huntington Beach appeared before the City Council as representative of the Churches of Huntington Beach and presented a request to the Honorable City Council, requesting they ignore the petition presented to the City Council at its regularly held meeting on April 4, 1949 re- lating to gambling, as the petition contained a misstatement of facts and the Churches of Huntington Beach have never sponsored card parties. Reverend Blume stated that the Churches of Huntington Beach heartily endorse Ordinance No. 536 passed by the City Council and requested that the Honorable Body retain the ordinance as adopted. A Modification Mr. Les Oliver, cafe operator in the City of Huntington of Ord.536 asked Beach, Mrs. Jenkins, a resident of Huntington Beach and Robert Miller a resident of Huntington Beach addressed the Council and asked for a modification of Ordinance No. 536 as passed. Rev.A.C.Starn Reverend A. C. Starn addressed the Council and re- quested that the City Council retain Ordinance No. 536 as passed by the City Council. HB.Garden Club- The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Annual Flower Show Garden Club requesting that the -City of Huntington Beach help them with the advertising of the Annual Spring Flower Show to be held on May 14 and May 15, 1949 in the Memorial Hall, Huntington Beach, California for the pur- pose of helping to defray the expenses of this show. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge thatthe City of Huntington Beach authorize the an ount of $125.00 to cover the deficit of the Huntington Beach Garden Club Flower Q'how up to the amount of $125.00, was approved. Request of Ord. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the City governing Serve - your -self Gaso. Council and signed by eleven service station operators Station. and owners requesting that the City Council adopt an ordinance governing the regulation of Serve -Your -Self Gasoline Stations, as they fee3. that their cut-rate methods of doing business is unfair and would like as much protection as possible against unethical operations. The Mayor referred the request of the service station operators and owners to the City Attorney for study and report. Page #3 945 Minutes - City Council - April 18, 1949 Diana Oil Co. On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the request of Clean-up bond the Diana Oil Company for termination of clean-up bond liability for well on Lots 19 & 12, Block 414, H. B., was granted. City to buy pipe On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the Mayor lines from Union Oil Company and the City Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement for acquisition of the idle pipe lines offered to the City by the Union Oil Company of California as outlined in their letter of January 28, 1949 and the price of acquisition to be $100.00, was approved. Sanitary sewers On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the recommendations Blk. 912-1013- 1113-1114-1214. of the Sanitation Committee to process for construction the Sanitary Sewers in Block 912, 1013, 1113, 1114, and 1214 in Wesley Park Tract, in accordance with proposal contained in letter to the City Council by the City Engineer, Harry A. Overmyer, dated April 180 1949, was approved. Ord. -Connecting On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the City charge 8150.00 Attorney prepare an ordinance to permit property owners in Block 9129 1013, 11139 1114, and 1214 in Wesley Park Tract to hook up to the Sanitary Sewers to be constructed and the connection charge to be $150.00 for each service, was approved. Resurfacing of On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the loth St., etc. recommendation of the Streets and Parks Committee to authorize tr the resurfacing of loth Street between Main Street and Lake Avenue and llth Street between Main Street -and Lake Avenue in accordance with proposal as contained in letter from the City -�`'ngineer, Harry A. Overmyer, was approved. Advertise the On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck that the City tax title lots - auction. City Clerk be instructed to advertise the city tax title lots as appraised by the Building Committee to be sold at public R auction at the regular meeting of the City Council in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 16th, 1949 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. and terms of said sale as follows: Cash, lawful money of the United States to be paid upon delivery of grant deed not later than thirty (30) days following said sale. Bids shall be submitted in wktting to the City Clerk at the City Hall in the City of Huntington Beach for opening at time of said sale at which time any person may raise the original bid in the sums of not less than 10% and thereafter 00 946 Page #4 Minutes - City Council - April 18, 1949 in sums of not less than five dollars ($5.00). The City of Huntington Beach reserves the right to reject any and all bids at the time of said sale and to wLthdraw any said lots from sale, was approved. Demands On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. Reso. #13, The Clerk read Resolution No. 13, a resolution of H. B. Planning Commission. the Huntington Beach Planning Commission recommending amendments to Ordinance, No. 495, and -reported that the City Planning Commission had held two public hearings on March 17th, and March 31st, 1949 and that there were no written or verbal protests at either of the hearings covering the provisions and regulations of the proposed R-5-0 District and changes in district boundaries and i farther recommending that Ordinance No. 495 be amended by the addition of a section to be known as Section 3.1 and that Section 24h be amended. Hearing on change On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that . in district boun- daries and rec- :the City Clerk be instructed to advertise and post the lassification property covering the area for change in district boun- daries and reclassification and said publication setting 1 hearing to be held at the City Council �'hamber at the re- gular meeting of the City Council on Monday,May loth, 1949, at the hour of 8:30 P.M., for the purpose of holding a hearing on the recommendations of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission for the district boundary changes and the reclassification of the area, *as appointed. --. Ord. /#5b,2 pro- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 542 an ordinance of the # hibits change of clothes in public City Council of the City of Huntington Beach prohibiting places. the changing of clothes in public places, its first read- ing. Agreement between On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck that Derigo & City. ` Lower Pavalon the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Charles A. Derigo, said agreement covering the assignment of theI rights of Frank M. Linnell to Charles A. Derigo, and a- mending paragraph 3 of lease -}geld by Frank M. Linnell and assigned to Charles A. Derigo, whereby lessee, Charles A. Page #5 947 Minutes - City Council - April 182 1949 Derigo agrees to pay for the use of the lower floor of the Pavalon, a minimum rental of $100.00 commencing on the first day of February, 1946 and continuing on the first day of each and every month here- after during the term of t3ais lease, provided however that from and after the date hereof the minimum rental for the months of November, December, January, February and March shall be in the sum 'r of $50.00 per month and in addition lessee agrees to pay 5% of the monthly gross income over and above the sum of $2,000.00 derived from business operated on the said lease premises, was approved. New department Councilman Seabridge, Chairman of the Beach and Pier Committee, created - Beach & Pier Dept. reported And recommended to the City Council that a new department be created and called "Beach and Pier Department", which at the pre- sent time would include the Municipal Trailer Park, the toilbts on the beach, under the Pavalon, and out on the end of the Pier and the cleaning of the Pier and of course the management and operation of the Trailer Park and the Manager of the Trailer Park would be in charge of all that, operation and not maintenance, and would be directly responsible to the City Council and recommended that an ordinance be drawn up to that effect, also that the Beach and Pier Committee recommend that as Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park, Mr. L. H. Berry of 601 - 7th Street, Huntington Beach, a resident t since March, 1939 and at present employed by the Lucky Strike Oil Company as production foreman, be employed to head the recommended new Beach and Pier Department and that he be paid a salary of $350.00 per month. R 1 Pft 1 L. H. Berry - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the recommendation Manager of Mun. Trailer Park of the Beach and Pier Committee to employ Mr. L. H. Berry as Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the Council meeting adjourned until Monday, April 25, 1949 at 6:00 o'clock P.M. CEW Clerk and ex-officio ulerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: Mayor C tyUlerki L�- Ic