HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-03A MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, October 3, 1949. Mayor Greer called the City Count it of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.14 Councilmen present: LeBard, Wood, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. Councilmen absent: None. Minutes On motion by Seabridge seconded by Wood the minutes for the month of September, 1949 were approved as read. Monthly The Clerk read the reports for the month of `September, 1949 submitted Reports by the following department: City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Engineer, City Judge, Manager Municipal Trailer Park, Chief of Police, Lifeguard Department, Recreation Director and City Collector. On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the monthly mports of the departments as read by the City Clerk were accepted and ordered filed. Business On motion by Wood seconded by Seabridge the following applications Applications for business licenses were granted: Pacific Plumbing Company, 313 No. Ross Street, Santa Ana, California, to conduct the business of plumbing contractor. Douglas N. Robison, 617 - 16th Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business of peddling novelties house to house, veteran license. Southland Heating, Inc., 3605 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach 7, California, to conduct the business of heating and ventilation. Jessie H. Fagan, 302 - 2nd Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business of paint and body shop at 301 - 5th Street. Joe Campbell, 1108 England Avenue, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business of garage and used parts at the Southwest corner of Quincy and Alabama. Daniel D. Dwight to conduct the business of peddling produce house to house, veteran license. Mr. C. S. Wickliffe, 922z - lOth Street, Huntington Beach to conduct the business of service station at 502 Ocean Avenue. R. F. Stuart, 510 Delaware Avenue, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business of wheel -tax. Eugene J. wolfe, 626 - 9th Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct the business , of peddling Christmas novelties house to house, veteran license. R. R. Walker, 4809 Firestone Boulevard, South Gate, to conduct the business of contractor, pump unit service. Iierbert S. Britton, 14278 Chamberlain Street, San Fernando, to conduct the business of self service laundry at 120 Main Street. Bond - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard the bond #863609-C of the Pacific Plumbing Company Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore in behalf of Henry Schulter, dba Pacific Plumbing Company, said bond furnished in accordance with provisions of Ordinance No. 327 of the City of Huntington Beach, was approved. I Page #2 - Minutes, October 3, 1949 1 9 10 L 1 New well - Sowest Expl. State 144 New well - Sowest Exple State 120 Steverson - pipe line Peterson - Quonset but for garage., Drilling bonds Rev rfacing Acacia,et al Reso.10914 Wages on Acacia, et al On motion by Seabridge seconded by Wood the application for oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well 'State 14142 was granted. On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the application for oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State 120, was granted. The Clerk read copies of letters written by J. L. Steverson to the Huntington Beach Company and the Southern California Water Company to J. L. Steverson in regards to 693 foot of 14 inch cast iron pipe line, necessary to be installed to serve the home of J. L. Steverson, now under construction, and that the Southern California Water Company informed J. L. Steverson that it would be necessary for him to advance $1500,00 to finance construction of said water line. Dave Wilson, local accountant, Chris King, Realtor, and Mr. Stank, of the local water company talked to the City Council on the matter brought up by J. L. Steverson. Mayor Greer referred the subject of the water line construction, as outlined in the letters read, to the City Attorney for further study. Mr. C. C. Peterson of 311 - llth Street, appeared before the City Council and requested permission to erect a quonset but 181 % 401 on his property to be used for a garage, and stated that the building permit had been denied by the City Engineer. Mayor Greer referred the request to the Building Committee for study and report. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood the drilling oil well bonds #LA6232-33-34-35, issued by the New Amsterdam Casualty Company in behalf of O'Meara Construction Company in lieu of Drilling Bonds on file for the oil well on Lots 10-12-114-16, Block 519, Morton & Kohlbush, owner; oil well on Lots 18-20-22, Block 1420, owner West American Oil Company; oil well on Lots 2 & 4, Block 612, owner West American Oil Company and oil well on Lots 6-8-10-12, Block 516, owner Joe Shell, operator, was approved. The City Clerk submitted to the City Council plans and specifications; presented by the City Engineer for the resurfacing of certain portions of Acacia Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, Huntington Avenue, and Geneva Street with an estimate of the cost. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the specifications and special provisions for the resurfacing of Magnolia,Avenue, Acacia Avenue, Huntington Avenue, and Geneva Street in the City of Huntington Beach as submitted by the City Engineer, Harry A. Overmyer, be accepted, was approved. On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood Resolution No. 10914, a resolution of the City of Huntington Beach establishing the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed in the 1.1 Page #3 a Minutes, October 3, 19490 I Notice inviting sealed bids on Acacia Ave., at al So.CalifoEdison Co. - electric franchisee Golf Course R.M. Marshall Contract and bond e Ma:° shall Mollica resurfacing of Magnolia Avenue, Acacia Avenue, Huntington Avenue, and Geneva Street in the City of Huntington Beach, was passed and adopted by the following roll calls AYES: Councilmen: LeBard, Wood, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSEW : Councilmen: None. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the City Clerk be authorized to have a notice published in the Huntington Beach News on October 13th, and October 20th, a notice inviting sealed bids for the resurfacing of Magnolia Avenue, Acacia Avenue, Huntington Avenue, and Geneva Street in accordance with"the plans and specifications and special provisions now on file in the office of the City Clerk and the City Engineer of said City and�eachibid to be:submitted in strict accordance with the specifications set forth and said sealed bids to be opened in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of Huntington Beach at a regular meeting of the City Council to be held on November 7, 1949 at 8:00 o'clock P.M., was approved. The City Clerk read the application for electric franchise presented by the Southern California Edison Company and also read the proposed resolu- tion of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California declaring its intention to grant an electric franchise to the -Southern California Edison Company. Mayor Greer appointed a committee of Councilman Langenbeck, Councilman LeBard, Administrative Officer, City Engineer, to study the proposed resolution to grant electric franchise to the Southern California Edison Company. 1. Mayor Jack Greer, as Chairman of the Golf Committee, reported to the City Council that the Golf Committee has reviewed the proposal of R. M. Marshall to take over the present nine hole golf course and to construct an additional nine holes and recommend that the proposal of R. M. Marshall be accepted. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a contract between the City of Huntington Beach and R. M. Marshall consistent with the terms of the recommendations of the Golf Committee and his proposal and to fix the good performance bond in the sum of $5,000.00 and to set a time limit of twelve months to complete the construction of the additional nine holed,vas approved. Angie Mollica appeared before the City Council and eilpressed his appreciation to the City Council for their kind coopeitation with him and for permitting to opergte -the Municipal Golf Course and that the City Council did him a great favor in leasing it to him and that the relations with the City and his operations have always been the finest and expressed his desire that Mr. Mkrshall would go ahead with his proposal and complete it and that he considered it was a fine offer that the City had received. 1 1 Fj 1 1 4 Page A, Minutes., October 3, 19490 s Hensley On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Se4bridge that the recommendation reclassified as laborero of the City Engineer to reclassify employee Ernest R. Hensley, from that of - classification - Equipment Operator to Laborer in Bracket "E", of Range "1611, salary $231.00 per month, be effective as of October 1, 1949, was approved. Tooker - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the recommendation classified as laborer. of City Engineer, Harry A. Overmyer, to place Myrle M. Tooker in classification of Laborer, Range 111611, Bracket "Co. salary $211.00 per month effective October 1 , 1949, was approved. Blossom to On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that theirequest of D. M. Blossom, attend Peace t Off icersI Conv. Chief of Police, to attend the Peace Officers' CBnvention to be held in Sacramento from October 5th to 8th, inclusive and that the budgeted amount be appropriated, was approved. Elsie Miller - The Clerk read a letter from Wim. J. Procter, Recreation Director for Assot.Recr.Dir. the City, advising that the Recreation Commission had appointed Elsie Miller as the Assistant Recreation Director. Burnett - The City Clerk read a communication received from G. H. Burnett, bid on concession. 5272 - 12th Street, Huntington Beach, requesting that he be given consideration for the "leasing of the concession on the southeast and of the Municipal Trailer Park, when available, was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. C.Phillips - The Clerk read a communication received from Calvin Phillips of bid on concession. Huntington Beach stating he would like to place a bid on the concession franchise located near the entrance of the State Park, when said concession would be available, communication was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. ' Co Phillips - The City Clerk read a communication received from Calvin Phillips offering fill dirto offering to the City of Huntington Beach fill dirt of good mesa soil at 800 per cubic yard delivered and dumped anywhere within the City limits of the City of Huntington Beach, and stated that he had approximately 75,000 yards of fill dirt available, the offer was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee•. Two Resolutions The City Clerk read two resolutions presented ,by the Huntington Beach from Library - State Retirement Board of Library Trustees that resolved as follows: The Officers and Employees of the Public Library are hereby declared to be subject to and covered by that certain contract entered into//and between the City of Huntington Beach and the Board of .,Administration, State Employees, Retirement System, as authorized by Ordinance No. 487 of said City; that said contract and agreement is hereby ratified and adopted and the City of Huntington Beach is hereby requested to include the officers and employees of the said Public Library in -said retirement system as the same now is or may hereafter be amended. That the proposed amendment to the present contract between the City cf Huntington Beach and the State Employees' Retirement System, as set out in Resolution No. 1092 of said City, subject to the vote of the employees, be Page #5 - Minutes, October 3. 19490 A and the same is hereby approved. Resod 1093 - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood Resolution No. 1093, a Cancelling weeds. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, cancelling weed cleaning charges, was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES; Councilmen: LeBard, food, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. NOES: Councilmen: Nohe. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Ord. #550 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 550, an ordinance of the City Council Setting fee for sewero of the City of Huntington Beach, California, setting the fee for connecting with sewer lines and providing penalties for violation thereof its first reading. Ord. #551 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 551, an ordinance of the City Council Amending #535 of the City of Huntington Beach, California, amending Ordinance No. 535, en- titled "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, creating various classes of positions and providing for the rate of compensation ,of positions in each class and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith", as amended by adding a new section thereto, its first reading. Ord. 549 On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck Ordinance No. 549, an Traffic. Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, amending Ordinance No. 322 of said City entitled "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach relating to and regulating traffic upon the public streets of the City of Huntington Beach and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith", as amended, was passed and adopted by reference by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: LeBard, Wood, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Sewer line in On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the City Engineer of Blk. 912o the City of Huntington Beach be authorized to proceed with the construction of approximately 593 feet of sewer line in Block 912, Fain Street Section,vas approved. Calif. League of On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that Councilman Wood, Cities Convention. Councilman LeBard, Councilman Seabridge, the City Attorney, the City Engineer, Administrative Officer, and Public Relations Director, be authorized to attend the California League of Cities Convention to be held in San Francisco on October 24th,_ 25th, and 26th, 1949 and to pay expenses in accordance with budgeted item for the California League of Cities Convention, was 4)proved. Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the demands as approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. 0 1 • :A Page #69 Minutes,, October 39 1949® 7 On motion by Iangenbeck seconded by Wood the regular meeting of the City Council adjourned. City C erk and ex-officio 'Clerk of the City ouncil of the City of Huntington Beachs California. ATTEST: q;d='e City Clerk