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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, January 3, 1950
Mayor Greer called the regular meeting of the City,Coun-
cil of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: LeBard, Wood, Seabridge,Greer
Councilmen absent: Langenbeck (Councilman Langenbeck arrived
at 7:50 P.M.)
Mayor Greer appointed Councilman Wood to the Finance
Committee in the absenve of Councilman Langenbeck.
Dec.12, 1949 On motion by Seabridge seconded b7-Wood that the minutes
corrected for the Council meeting of December 12, 1949 be corrected to
read as follows: "Mayor Greer appointed a committee of the Streets
and Parks Committee and the City Engineer to contact Sherman Denny",
instead of reading "Mayor Greer appointed a committee of Council-
man Langenbeck and City Engineer Overmyer to contact Sherman Denny"
as per paragraph six of page #21 of the recorded minutes.
Minutes appr. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the minutes for
the month of December, 1949, as read by the City Clerk and cor-
rection to be made by previous motion,were approved.
Monthly On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the monthly
reports for the month of December, 1949, of the City Treasurer,
City Clerk, City Collector, City Engineer, City Judge,.Manager
of the Municipal Trailer Park, Chief of Police and the annual
report of the Fire Chief were accepted and ordered filed.
Councilman Langenbeck arrived at 7:50 o'clock P.M.
Applications On motion by Wood seconded by LeBard the following.appli-
license cations for business license to conduct business in the City df
Huntington Beach were granted:
Pony Express Fast Freight, 2059 Belgrade Avenue, Huntington Park,
California, to conduct the business of freight transportation.
Firestone Stores, 114636 Locust Avenue, Long Beach, California,
transporting tires and re -treads to service stations.
Fondren Dustcloth and -Wiping -Rag Company., 5701 Compton. Avenue,
Los Angeles.. California, for wholesale delivery.
R.R.Powers -
On motion
by Seabridge seconded by LeBard
the applica-
Oil well permit
tion of Roy R. Powers
for oil well permit to drill
a new well
on Lots 17 and 19,
Block 414, 17th Street Section,
was granted.
H. L. Wade -
On motion
by Wood seconded by LeBard the application
Neon sign
H. L. Wade, 112 E.
Ocean Avenue, Huntington Beach,
for building
permit to erect a neon sign at 112 E. Ocean Avenue, was granted.
Page #2.
Minutes - January 3, 1950
Hinshaw - On motion by Seabridge seconded by Wood that the re -
out curb
quest of Frank Hinshaw, Contractor for permission to cut curb
for driveway purposes at1019 - 12th Street,and said work to
be done,,.under the supervision of the.City Engineer, was ap-
proved., -
O.L.Bolton - On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the
term. of
clean-up bond request of 0. L. Bolton for termination of liability under
clean-up bond on Russeau Well #1, located on Lots 25 and 27,
Block 222, and as recommended by the City Engineer, was granted.
Swigart On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the
contract -
extension request of John J._ Swigart Company for an extension of 10 days,
as recommended by the City Engineer, on the contract covering
the resurfacing of Magnolia Avenue, Acacia Avenue,Huntington
Avenue,. and Geneva Street, was granted.
Stanford The City Clerk read an offer received from Charles 'B.
offer to buy
5 acres Stanford of 3451 E. Green Street, Pasadena, California, re -
acres, of the• 52:
questing the City Council to consider the sale of five (5)/
acre tract owned by the City of Huntington Beach.• The request
was ordered filed.
Ord. #557 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 557, an ordinance of
reading the City .of Huntington Beach, California granting to Southern
California Edison Company an extension of time in which to
file an acceptance of franchise granted by Ordinance No. 555
of the City of Huntington Beach, California, its first reading.
Ord. #556 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance No..556, an ordinance
districting amending Ordinance No. 495, the Districting Ordinance of the
City of Huntington Beach, California, entitled: "An Ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach, California, establishing
districts within the City of Huntington Beach and prescribing
regulations governing the use of land, the use and height of
buildings and structures, the open spaces around said buildings
and structures and the proportion of lot which may be -covered,
in the vgtlous districts; prohibiting certain uses and certain
types of buildings or structures in certain districts; adopt-
ing a map of said districts; describing and defining certain
terms used herein; providing for the enforcement and am®nd-,
sient hereof; repealing certain ordinances or parts of ordi-
nances which may conflict herewith and prescribing the penalty
for violation hereof", as*amended, its second and final reading
New library
builds ng
Lot 6, B1k.813 ,
W.P. 1/10th
int. ' offered
to City
Texas Co. -
contract for
oils and
Cord ,Oil Co.
proposed agree-
Page #3.
Minutes'- January 3, 1950
by reference, and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood Ordi-
nance No. 556 was passed and adopted by the following roll call
AYES: Councilmen: LeBard, Wood, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The City Clerk read an agreement between the City of
Huntington Beach and McFarland, McDonald, and Markwith,. Archi-
tects, -for professional services and supervision of work to erect
a reinforced concrete library building in the City of Huntington
Beach. The agreement was referred to the City Attorney for study
and report his findings to the City Council.
The City Clerk read a letter in which the collective owners,
owning 1/25th interest in Lot 6, Block 813, Wesley Park Section
offered their 1/10th individual interest for the sum of $5.00 or
a total of $25.00 for the entire 1/25th interest. On motion by
Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the offer made by the owners,
be accepted, for the 1/25th interest in Lot 6, Block 813,.Wesley
Park Section, and authorized the purchase of the 1/10th interest
at $5.00 each or'a total of $25.00 for the entire 1/25th interest
and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary
deed, was approved,.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck that the
Teas Company be awarded the purchase contract to furnish the
City of Huntington.$each their requirements for motor oils,
greases and lubricants for the calendar year January 1, 1950
to December 31, 1950, was.approved.
Mayor Greer declared a recess at.8:24 ofelock P.M.
Mayor Greer.called the City'Council to order at 8:30
o.dloek P.M.
Edward.D.'.Neuhoff, Attorney at Law, representing the
Cord Oil Company,.appeared before the City Council and read the
proposed changes in the proposed original, agreement between the
'Cord Oil Compan - and the City of Huntington Beach. The present-
ation of the changes by Edward D. Neuhoff were recorded on Sound -
scriber record #105 and 105A.
City Clerk The City Clerk read.proposal of the Cord Oil Company for
Gas and Oil lease.
Demands On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood the demands as
approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was -approved.
ti' /
reported on
Mun. Water
Memo.Hall &
Circle Park
Page A.
Minutes - January 3, 1950
Councilman Langenbeck reported to the City Council as a
member of the North Orange County Municipal Water District that
the water committee had instructed their Engineer to prepare the
necessary.maps and Attorney Wellington to prepare the details
for calling of the election to form the proposed North Orange
County Municipal Water District, and hoped to have a favorable
report at the next regular meeting of the Council.
City Engineer Overmyer presented to the City Council a
master plan of landscaping for the Memorial Hall grounds and
Circle Park as prepared by landscape architect, Dick Beeson,
and on motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabrid a thatt thhe landscaping
plans as presented by Harry A. Overmyer as the master plan fof the landscaping-
*nxdzzxp:IRg/of the Memorial Hall grounds and Circle Park be
accepted and filed, was approved.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourn until
January 6, 1950 at 700 o'clock P.M., was approved.
Xity Clerk and ex-o f icio Clerrc
.of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California