HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-01-09MINUTES
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, January 9, 1950
Pursuant to adjournment of the regular adjourned meeting
of January 6, 1950, Mayor Greer called the City Council to order
at 9:00 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: LeBard, Wood, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer
Councilmen absent: None
Mayor Greer ordered a recess at 9:01 o'clock P.M.
Mayor Greer called the City Council to order at 9:43
o'clock P.M.
Nat'l.Advertising On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the applica-
Co. - license
tion of National Advertising Company of 5350 Atlantic Avenue,
Long Beach, California, for business license to conduct the
business of Outdoor Advertising, was granted.
Ord. #557 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 557, an ordinance of
Extension given
to So.Calif. the City of Huntington Beach, California,, granting to Southern
Edison Co.
California Edison Company an extension of time in which to file
its acceptance of the Franchise granted by Ordinance No. 555 of
the City of Huntington Beach, California, its second and final
reading by reference, and on motion by Seabridge seconded by
LeBard Ordinance No. 557 was passed and adopted by the follow-
ing roll call:
AYE'S: Councilmen: LeBard, flood, Seabridge,Langenbeck, Greer
MOBS: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Request of VFW The City Clerk read a communication received from the
the option of
Library bldg. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Huntington Beach Post #?368, request-
ing the City Council to give the Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Huntington Beach Post #7368 the option of the Library building,
disposition to be made by the City Council when the present
Library premises are to be vacated. The request was ordered
E.B.Stevens - Councilman Langenbeck, Chairman of the Streets and
Tree to be
removed Parks Committee, reported that the Streets and Parks Committee
had investigated the request of E. B. Stevens, of 509 - 8th
Street, for the removal of three (3) Eucalyptus trees located
in the parkway on Lake Avenue, abutting the property on Lots
51 and 52, Block 910, Wesley Park Tract, and reported that the
Streets and Parks Committee recommends that the center tree of
the three (3) Hxcalyptus trees be removed and the parkway area
be graded.
Page #2.
Minutes - January 9, 1950
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the recom-
mendations of the Streets and Parks Committee for the removal
of one (1) Eucalyptus tree and grading of the parkway abutting
the property on Lots 51 and 52, Block 910, Wesley Park Tract,
was approved.
Request of Councilman Langenbeck, Chairman of the Streets and
W.Mellott of
H.M.S.Inc., Parks Committee, reported to the City Council that the Streets
to be dis-
cussed by and Parks Committee had investigated the request of Walter
Mellott of the H.M.S., Inc., for curbs and gutters on both
sides of Pine Street between 13th Street and Quincy Avenue,
north side of 13th Street and south side of Quincy Avenue, and
recommended that the Streets and Parks Committee meet with
other members of the City Council to discuss the request, for
final disposition.
Garage for City Engineer, Harry A. Overmyer, presented the City
Lifeguard roll-
ing stock at Council with plans for the garage to be located at the Munic-
ipal Trailer Park to house the lifeguard rolling stock, and
on motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City Engineer
be instructed to proceed with the construction of the garage
at the Municipal Trailer Park as per plans presented to the
City Council, was approved.
Street Lights On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that
on Ocean Ave.
the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the purchase
and installation of the street lights on Ocean Avenue as
recommended by the Streets and Parks Committee, was approved.
Demands On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that
the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered
paid, was approved.
Cord Oil Co. Jim Bryce, Attorney for the Cord Oil Company, and
Attorney George Busch, Counsel for the Cord Oil Company
appeared before the City Council and renewed their discus-
sion with the City Council regarding the proposed agreement
between the City of Huntington Beach and the Cord Oil Company
oil and gas lease.
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Minutes - January 9, 1950
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned,
TM -Clerk and ex-orricio Cler
of he City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California