HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-04-17f MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 17, 1950 Mayor Greer called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Wood, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer Councilmen absent: LeBard (Councilman LeBard arrived at 7:45 P.M.) The Mayor appointed Oouncilman Wood to serve on the Finance Committee in lieu of the absence of Councilman LeBard. Councilman LeBard arrived at 7:45 P.M. Canvassing This being the date set for canvassing ballots cast at ballots the General Municipal Election held on Tuesday, April 11, 1950, the City Council proceeded to canvass and check the ballots cast. There being no errors found in the tally sheets of the Election Boards the Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 1116, declaring the results of said above named General Municipal Election and on motion by Seabridge seconded by Wood Resolution No. 1116 was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: LeBard, Mood, Seabridge, Langenbeck, Greer NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Results of The statement of results of election 10 :%.as follows: Election - STATEMENT OF RESULTS OF ELECTION That the whole number of votes cast in the City of Hunting- ton Beach at said General Election, including all absentee votes, is 2,097. That the names of the persons voted for, the offices for which they were voted; the number of votes given in each precinct to each of said persons, together with the whole number of votes which said persons received in the entire�City, are as follows: Names of Persons Voted for Vernon E. Langenbeck Herbert A. flood Roy D. Bryant Louise M. Jenkins Thomas B. Talbert John A. 4ligmore Ray H. Overacker Charles A. Bauer Celia W. Young Lucius C. Mullins Donald M. Blossom Ben H. Dulaney Total Office "A" "B" "C" "D" Votes Councilman 172 187 231 183 773 Councilman 173 187 212 155 727 Councilman 192 183 149 171 695 Councilman 1 1 137 10 139 546 Councilman 240 230 196 182 848 Councilman 94 80 72 69 315 City Attorney 225 193 206 205 829 City Attorney 29 23 4 00 27 1,225 1,681 City Judge 34 33 430 384 City Judge ill 81 75 22 359 Chief of Police 1q5 199 223 1 4 801 Chief of Police 360 325 292 301 10278 It is hereby found and declared that the following named persons were elected to the respective offices indicated opposite their names, to wit: 1 1 4 L� 1 as 5 Page #2. Minutes April 17, 1950 Vernon E. Langenback Councilman Thomas B. Talbert, Councilman Charles A.'Bauer City Attorney Celia W. Young City Judge -Ben H. Dulaney Chief of Police Applications On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the following for business licenses. applications for business license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted; Sparton Bros. Shows, to conduct the business of tent show at 17th Street Park, L. R. Wilson, P.O.Box 1193, Santa Ana, California, to conduct the business of general contractor. Santa Ana Electric Service Company, 922 E. 4th Street, Santa Ana, California, to conduct the business of electrical contractor. Leo's Produce, 236 Walnut Place, Costa Mesa, California, to con- duct the business of delivering produce wholesale. B. & M. Meat Company, 1241 East Anaheim, Long Beach, California, to conduct the business of delivering meat. Jack E. Taylor, dba Sunhill Electric, 700 Tuna Street, Terminal Island, California, to conduct the business of electrical con- tractor. George Stevenson, 641 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton, California, to conduct the business of servicing vending candy machines. S William Hess, 501 S. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, California, to conduct the business of peddling fruit and vegetables, house to house. James De Moss, 11601 E. 84th Street, Los Angeles, California, to conduct the businessof peddling fruit and vegetables, house to house. David Gorin, 8328 Reading Avenue, Los Angeles 45, California, to conduct the business of pie route, delivering packaged pies. Joseph Markowitz, 1320 E. 9th Street, Long Beach, California, to N conduct the business of food concession #24. Surety Bond- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the surety C.E.Willard bond of the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company for Charles E. Willard, dba Santa Ana Electric Service Company, be accepted, was approved. Surety Bond- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the Jack Taylor surety bond of the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York for Jack E. Taylor, Electrical Contractor be accepted, was approved. Mrs. H.Howard- On motion'by LeBard seconded by Wood the application for sign building permit of Mrs. Hallie Howard, 1161 Main Street, for per- mission to erect a neon sign, 2 feet by 5 feet, 15 feet above the sidewalk, was granted. sp Page #3. Minutes - April 17, 1950 Sowest Expl.Co. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Wood that the appli- new well - State #527 cation for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State #527, was granted. " State C-7 On motion by LeBard seconded.by Seabridge that the appli- cation for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State C-7, was granted. " State J-67 On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeck that the application for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Com- pany to drill a new well State J-67, was granted. " State J-92 On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the appli- cation for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State J-92, was granted. Letters pro The Clerk read letters received from the Huntington Beach testing bait stand-Hwy.#39 Chamber of Commerce, Charles B. Stanford, owner of Dwight's Drive - and Hwy.#101 In and Texaco Service Station on Highway #39 and Highway #101, and Dwight Clapp, lessee of the Drive -In, known as Dwight's Drive -In, protesting the application for variance of Verne Dwight Spaulding for permission to erect a fish bait stand directly across from the junction of Highway #39 at Highway #101. Public Hear- On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the City ing - V. Spaulding Clerk be instructed to advertise for a public hearing on the petition for conditional exception of Verne Dwight Spaulding for S permission to erect the gait stand at the southeast entrance to the States Beach Park at Highway #101, and said hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 21 19502 at the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the city of Huntington Beach, was approved. Sale of Tax The Clerk read a communication from Don S. Mosley, County Delinquent prop.- County Tax Collector stating that the County has an offer to purchase Tax Coll. at public auction tax delinquent property described as T. J. Watsons Resub All Ex Und 1/3 Int in W. 30 Ft. Lots 3 and 4. Block 1401, and as the property is located within the City limits of Huntington Beach they ask that the City of Huntington Beach ad- vise them if they object or consent to the sale of said parcels. On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that Don S. Mosley, County Tax Collector be advised that the City will consent to the sale of said parcels and that the City Clerk be instructed to forward a certified excerpt of the minutes giving consent to the sale of said parcels, was approved. Plans for The Clerk read a communication from the Huntington Beach New Public Library Public Library in which they stated that the Library Board of Trustees on April 12, 1950 had approved the plot plan, floor A I 5iC Page #�}. Minutes - April 17, 1950 1 V 1 plan and exterior plan of the Library building as drawn by arch- itects, McClellan, MacDonald, and Markwith, and recommended the plans to the City Council for approval. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck that the plot plan, floor plan and ex- terior plan of the Library building as recommended by approval of the Library Board of Trustees, be approved subject to the approval of the City Engineer, was approved. Ext.of sewer On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that the main on 13th Street City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the extension of the 10 inch sewer main on 13th Street, said extension to be 360 feet, using extra strength vitrified clay pipe, and install one rein- forced concrete drop manhole, was approved. Hinshaw - On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge the re - Cut Curb quest of Frank Hinshaw for permission to out the curb for drive- way purposes on Lots 1 and 3. Block 206, Huntington Beach Tract, was granted subject to the supervision of the City Engineer. Geo.Deundian- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the Cut Curb request of George Deundian of 414 - 8th Street, for permission to cut the curb for driveway purposes at 1025 - 12th Street, was granted, subject to the supervision of the City Engineer. W.Mellott - On motion by Seabridge seconded by Langenbeck that the cut curbs on Quincy Ave. request of falter B. Mellott of the Southcoast Construction Company for permission to break the curbs along Quincy Avenue for the purpose of installing the approaches for the drive- ways involving Lots 1 to 10, involving 5 houses in Block 1214, and Lots 1 to 6, involving 3 houses,in Block 1114, all facing Quincy Avenue, was granted, and all work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer: W.Mellott- The request of Walter B. Mellott of the Southcoast request removal of sidewalks, Construction Company requesting the City Council to consider Quincy Ave. the complete removal of'the sidewalks, running along and ad- jaeent to Quincy Avenue in the Wesley Park Tract, as the sidewalks have apparently been in for many years and not safe for use and that they are completely beyond repair, was re- ferred to the Streets and Parks Committee. Adm.Officer- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Seabridge that Annual St. Report the Administrative Officer of the City of Huntington Beach be designated to prepare and sign the Annual Street Report to be filed with the State Controller for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, as required by the Collier Burnes High- way Act, was approved. Page #5. Minutes - April 17, 1950 f Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the demands as approved by th-e Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. City to On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City of purchase 2 bldgs. from Huntington Beach purchase from Amos Anshutz two frame buildings A. Anshutz with fixtures, located at the easterly end of the Municipal Trailer Park on the beach for the sum of $2,088.77 in accordance with the recommendation of the Beach and Pier Committee and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the Escrow instructions and conditions of the purchase, was approved. Oaths of The Clerk administered the oath of office to the newly Office elected officers as follows: Celia W. Young, City Judge; Vernon E. Langenbeck, Councilman; Thomas B. Talbert, Councilman; Charles A. Bauer, City Attorney; Ben: H. Dulaney, Chief of Police. On motion by Seabr idge seconded by Langenbeck the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 8:30 otclock P.M. CiY Clan and'ex-officio Cler of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: M 2, M:.� •. , 1 1 0 U 1 W 53 1 IP 1 1 Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 17, 1950 Langenbeck The Clerk called the new Council to order and informed elected Mayor them that the first order of business was that of choosing a Mayor for the ensuing two years, whereupon on motion by Seabr idge seconded by LeBard, Vernon E. Langenbeck was elected Mayor by the City Councilmen on the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: LeBard, Seabridge, Greer NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Councilman Talbert not voting. Statement- Mayor Langenbeck asked if any of the outgoing officials Outgoing Officials wished to make a statement at this time. Ray Overacker, Donald Blossom and Herbert Wood addressed the Council and the citizens present at the meeting and thanked them heartily for their sup- port during their past years of service, and extended their congratulations to the newly elected officials and stated that they would give them their cooperation and support as citizens. Statement - The elected officials, Charles A. Bauer, Ben H. Dulaney, Elected Officials and Thomas B. Talbert addressed the City Council and the Citi- zens present and expressed their appreciation for the support they received in the election and stated they would continue to ask the support and cooperation of everyone. Mayor Mayor Langenbeck thanked the City Council members for Langenbeck their faith and confidence in selecting him as their Mayor for the next two years and also expressed his appreciation and thanks to the people of Huntington Beach for re-electing him to the Council and said that he would require their full coop- eration in public matters and would do his best to give the people, with the cooperation of the Council, a good and efficient goverrmient during his term of office. Surety Bond- On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer the surety bond Ben.H.Dulaney of Glens Falls Indemnity Company for Benjamin Hester Dulaney covering the office of Chief of Police and Tax Collector be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. Surety Bond- On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard that the surety C.A.Bauer bond of'Glens Falls Indemnity Company for Charles A. Bauer covering the office of City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed, was approved. so Page #2. Minutes - April 17, 1950 Ben.H.Dulaney, On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that Ben H. appt.Tax Coll. Dulaney be appointed to the office of City Collector and said compensation to be in Bracket "E", as per ordinance No. 498, effective as of April 18, 1950, was approved. City Att'y On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the City Office Exp. Attorney's Office be allowed $200.00 per month for stenographic and office expense effective April 18, 1950, was approved. C.A.Bauer, On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that City Attorney appointed to Plan. Comm. Charles A. Bauer be appointed to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Ray H. Overacker, was approved. Tax Collector On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the appt.H.Newland & M.Grimwood as recommendation of Ben H. Dulaney, City Tax Collector, to appoint Dep.Cjty Coll. Mrs. Helen N. Newland and Mrs. Minnie C. Grimwood to officiate as Deputy Tax Collectors in the Tax Collector's Office, was approved. On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. C t Flerk avi i n ex -off c o Clerk of t e City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: