HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-05• 0 sz MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 5, 1950 Mayor Langenbeck called the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 700 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge; Greer, Langenb eck Councilmen absent: None Minutes On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert the minutes for the month of May, 1950, as transcribed and mailed were approved. Monthly On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer the monthly reports ' Reports for the month of May, 1950, of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, Chief of Police, City Judge, Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park, City Engineer, were accepted as read by the City Clerk and ordered filed. Applications On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert the follow - far business license ing applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were approved as follows: Barnard Electric, 140 Coast Blvd., Laguna Beach, California, to conduct the business of electrical contractor. Pacific Fence Company, 2840 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, to conduct the business of fencing contractor. R Joe Carpenter, 3838 So. Western Avenue, Los Angeles, to conduct the business of electrical contractor. E. J. Wight, 8915 So, Normandie, Los Angeles, to conduct the business of plastering contractor. H. C. Frick, 400 So. Acacia Street, Compton, to conduct the business of plastering contractor. Benjamin Black, 2626.E. 14th Street, Long Beach, to conduct the business of peddling holiday cards, veteran's license. R. G. Lindley, 841 Frankfort Street, Huntington Beach, to con- duct the business of food concession, at east end of Municipal Trailer Park. Hallie J. Howard, 1171 Main Street, Huntington Beach, to con- duct the business of hotel, Kenwood Annex, at 1171 Main Street. Neon sign - On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the appli- 32 q Main St. cation for building permit of Electrical Products Corporation to erect a neon sign east side of Main Street, 320J, was granted. Bond - On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the elec- J.C.Electric Co. ,For J.C. tricians bond No. 408486 of the Ohio Casualty Insurance Company/Electric be accepted as approved for form by the City Attorney, was Company approved. Page #2 Minutes - ,Tune 5, 1950 • Drlg.Bond On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that oil well J .& I .Robinson drilling Bond No. 2529338 of Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company in behalf of John and Ione Robinson be accepted as approved for form by the City Attorney, was approved. Bond - On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the elec- Mongeon Ele c . tricians bond No. 203993 of the Pacific Indemnity Company for Leo G. Mongeon db a Mongeon Electric be accepted as approved for form by the City Attorney, was approved. Bond - On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the Barnard Elec. electricians bond No. 5136055 of the Fidelity and Deposit Com- pany of Maryland for Albert T. Barnard, electrical contractor, be accepted, as approved for form by the City Attorney, was approved. Wright - On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the re- cut curb quest of Elizabeth H. Wright for permission to cut the curb for garage entrance on Frankfort Street between California and Huntington Avenues, subject to supervision of the City Engineer, was granted. V.Terry - On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the re- cut curb quest of Victor and J. P. Terry, for permission to cut the curb at Lots 1 and 3, Block 317, Huntington Beach Tract, subject to the supervision of the City Engineer, was granted. Clean-up bond, On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the termi- Slim Harrell' Assoc. nation of liability of clean-up bond of Slim Harrell Associates, for well located on Lots 17 and 19, Block 518, Huntington Beach Tract; in accordance with report of the City Engineer that oper- ator had complied with requirements of Ordinance No, 515, was granted, and the City Clerk instructed to inform the�Glens Falls Indemnity Company of 548 So. Spring Street, Los Angeles 13, California, that termination of liability bond was granted. Notice of On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the con - Completion P.DiCarlo- tract work done by Philip DiCarlo covering the installation of Sewers sewer'in Block 1013, 1113, 1114, and 1214 Wesley Park Tract, be accepted in accordance with the recommendation of the City Engi- neer, was approved and the City Clerk instructed to file Notice of Completion with the County Recorder. Rent waived - On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the request Wallace & Ingersoll -barge of G. W. Wallace and E. Ingersoll for waiver of rent on sport barge lease for the period of time between May 1st, 1950 to May 34 1950 inclusive, was granted. Extension of The Clerk read a communication from Shannahan, Incorp- time - repairs to pier orated requesting the City Council to accept the work for the 1 E9 4 1 C 63 Page #3. Minutes - June 5, 1950 major repairs to the City Municipal Pier in order that they may receive their final completion payment at this time and the retained percentage after 35 days from June 5, 1950, and also requested extended time for completion to be extended to June 5, 1950, in order that they may be protected against a penalty charge. On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that Shannahan Incorporated be granted an extension of time for completion of major repairs to the Municipal Pier under contract, and said time be extended to June 5, 1950, was granted. Final Mayor Langenbeck referred the request of Shannahan Acceptance Request Incorporated for final acceptance of the work to the City Eng- inewr and the Beach and Pier Committee* Sully -Miller The request of Sully -Miller Contracting Company pro - fill Mat'l posing to furnish an unspecified amount of fill material deliv- ered in trucks to the city property located northeast of Highway #101 for the sum of $.53 per compacted yard, was referred to the Real Estate Committee. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the fill dirt offered by Sully -Miller Contracting Company at $.53 per compacted yard be purchased provided the dirt is acceptable by the City Engineer and the Real Estate Committee and said pur- chase of dirt not to exceed an expenditure of over $5,000.00, was approved. Ord. #561 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 561, an ordinance Setting fees for Sewer of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, setting the fee for connecting with sewer lines in Block 1701, Tract 12, and providing penalty for violation thereof, its first reading. Supplemental On motion by Talbert seconded by Greer that the supple - agreement - R.M.Marshall & mental agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Robert A.. Marshall M. Marshall and Agnes A. Marshall as joint tenants to substitute « and place as paragraph 15 in original agreement dated 8th dar of October, 1949, was approved, and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the supplemental agreement. Wallace & The Clerk read an agreement of assignment made and Ingersoll to purchase entered by and between Maude R. Walker, assignor, and E. Inger- Walker's bait concession soll and E. G. Wallace, referred to as assignee, and said assign- ment subject to assignor securing written consent of the City of Huntington Beach to assign her rights to conduct the business of selling live fish and salt fish as bait for fishermen upon the Municipal Pier. Page #4. Minutes - June 5, 1950 Jack Long - Jack Long appeared before the City Council and objected to the assignment requested by Maude R. Walker, and stated that he had an agreement between himself and Maude R. Walker which contained a no assignment clause and would require his consent, before Mrs. Walker could assign her interest in the business. Mayor Langenbeck ordered a recess at 8:12 P.M. Mayor Langenbeck called the City Council to order again at 8:25 P.M. Mrs. Walker's City Attorney C. A. Bauer, explained to the City Council agreement the lease between the City of Huntington Beach and Maude R. Walker and stated that it was his opinion Jack Long has no'interest whatsoever in=the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Mrs. M. R. Walker. Mayor Langenbeck referred the matter of the assignment between Maude R. Walker ' and E. Ingersoll and E. G. Wallace to the Beach and Pier Committee for study and report. Goodman - The request of E. D. Goodman for a concession on the concession on beach, 8th St. beach front either at the foot of 7th, 8th or 9th Street, and to either lease a building which the City would build or build one to suit the requirements of the City, was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. Additional The City Clerk read requests of the department heads, classification to salary plan Chief of Police, City Engineer and Chief Lifeguard, for additional classifications to be added to the salary plan of the City as f ollows: Truck Driver Maintenance Electrician Police Lieutenant Police Sergeant Apprentice Lifeguard Reso. 1121 - The City Clerk read Resolution No. 1121, a resolution of add. classifi- cations the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, approving the establishment of new classes of positions to the classification plan and providing for the rate of compensation, said resolution creating the following new classes within the a classification plan with the rate of pay for each such class as follows: Class Title Salary Range Apprentice Lifeguard 14 $176.00 - $193.00 Truck Driver 17 202,00 - 242.00 Maintenance Electrician 19 221.00 - 2 5.00 Police Sergeant 2 265.00 - 318.00 Police Lieutenant 24 2?7,00 - 333•00 On motion by Talbert seconded by Greer Resolution No. 1121 a resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, approving the establishment of new classes of positions I Page #5: Minutes June 5, 1950 To 7 LEI I W L 1 to the classification plan and providing for the rate of compen- sation, was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Talbert, LeBar d, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck NOES: None ABSENT: None Chief Life- The City Clerk read a communication from D. G. Higgins, guard request to employ Chief Lifeguard, for authorization to employ the necessary personnel necessary personnel to be used during the summer in the Lifeguard Depart- Notice to destroy weeds "Dancing" sign at Pavalon Dept.of Army, Impr. of Harbor ment with a list of the qualified persons recommended for em- ployment starting the 16th day of June, 1950,'and a request -to' carry one extra lifeguard on the payroll with the provision that one person be off each week without pay and the schedule of personnel to include a Chief Lifequard; a Captain; three Lieutenants; a Dispatch Clerk; twenty-one Lifeguards; and three apprentice Lifeguards. On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the request of Chief Lifeguard D. G. Higgins, to employ the necessary personnel as outlined in the schedule presented, was approved. The City Clerk read affidavit of posting notices to destroy weeds as required by Resolution.No. 1120, passed by the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach on May lst, 1950. Mayor Langenbeck announced that this was the date set for the hearing covering the proposed removal of weeds growing upon or in front of property as included in Resolution No. 1120, passed and adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the 1st day of May, 1950. Mayor Langenbeck asked if there was anyone in the audience that had anything to say for or against the removal of such weeds. There being no response from anyone present Mayor Langenbeck declared the hearing closed. On motion by Talbert seconded by Seabridge that the Street Superintendent be instructed to abate the nuisance of ol9noxious or dangerous weeds, was approved. The City Clerk reported that the Street Foremants inspection of the "Dancing" sign on ,top of the Pavalon shored that the sign had deteriorated and was unsafe and did not warrant expense of repair. Mayor Langenbeck referred the con- dition of the "Dancing" sign on top of the Pavalon to the Beach and Pier Committee for study and report. The City Clerk read public notice of the Department of the .Army, Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, con - corning the improvement of a harbor at Playa Del Rey, California, of Page #6. Minutes - dune-5, 1950 and that all parties interested in the desired improvement are invited to submit within a period of thirty dW s, from the date of the notice, May 31, 1950, statements and argu- ments bearing upon the necessity and justification of the improvement fully or partially Federal expense in the light of the comments contained in the public notice. Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. Cross walk On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the City Lake Park Engineer be instructed to have a cross walk painted on Main Street at Lake Park for pedestrian crossing, was approved. Sub -lease to On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that in accord- A.H.Canpbell ance with the Oil Committee that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a sub -lease to A. H. Campbell to cover surface rights for the erection of a garage thereon and said sublease for a term of five years' subject to the mineral rights at a rental fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per month and buildings erected thereon to revert to the City at the end of the lease period, said location being on City tax title lots 1 and 3. Block 413, Huntington Beach Tract, was approved. Amend.to On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the City Accum.Sick Attorney be instructed to draw up an amendment to Ordinance No. Leave 434 to eliminate the clause covering absence account of sickness or otherwise, except on vacation, during any fiscal year and to provide in the amendment an accumulative sick leave plan to include the following provisions to -wit: 1. Seven days per year, which is the present time allowed, and to accumulate thirty-five days (35), but no sick leave to exceed thirty-five (35) days in any one year. a 2. An employee sick in excess of three days or more must file with the City a Doctor ' s statement. 3. When an employee is disabled due to injury in line of service and receives State Compensation Insurance the City shall pay the employee the difference between State Compensation Insurance benefits and his or her basic salary, not to exceed the period of unused accumulated sick leave. 4. The female employee will be allowed one year leave of absence, - without pay, due to pregnancy, provided notice is given in advance to her department that she intends to resume her duties. Motion carried unanimously. a Page P. Minutes - J=6 `5, 1950 • Fill dirt for On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that in accord- 52 acres ante with the recommendation of the Real Estate Committee there being included in the 1950-51 budget sufficient requirements for dirt to fill the 22 acres of the City owned 52 acres adjacent to Highway #101, was approved. C. Ingersoll to On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that in accordance vend popcorn balls on city with the recommendation of the Real Estate Committee that Chester property F. Ingersoll and Ada L. Ingersoll's request to use the city prop- erty for the purpose of vending Crispette Popcorn Balls at the northeast corner of Junction of Highway #39 and #101 be granted subject to the option of the Adair Construction Company and said permission be on a day by day basis at the will and pleasure of the Council, was approved. Orange Co. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the City Plumbing Code Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance adopting the Orange County Plumbing Code with certain recommended changes, was approved. Curbs & gutters On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the City 12th & Quincy, etc. Engineer be instructed to proceed with the construction of the necessary curbs and gutters on Park from 12th to. Quincy Street, 13th Street from Main to Park, and on Loma from Main to Park, Subject to the recommendation of the Finance Committee ascer- taining that there is sufficient funds to proceed, with the work, was approved. Abandonment of On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge that the City Wesley St.- betwn 17th & Attorney be authorized to draw up a resolution or the necessary 23rd procedure to hold a hearing for the purpose of the proposed abandonment of Wesley Street lying between Seventeenth Street and 23rd Street, was approved. F.Hermann - Fred Hermann appeared before the City Council and stated Alabama & Memphis that he has a place at Alabama and Memphis Street and that the grade of the street does not permit surplus water to flow away and it sets in front of his property and requests that the City Council instruct the City Engineer to correct the drainage problem on Memphis Street. Mayor Langenbeck referred the re- quest to the Streets and Parks Committee for study and report. J.Colvin of Jack Colvin appeared before the City Council and the airport - request use announced that the C. A. P. is molding an Air Show at the of grader Municipal Airport on July 2, 1950, and requested that the Council permit City equipment to blade off some weeds and foreign materials at the Airport, and also requested a sub- Page #8. Minutes - June 5, 1950 I lease for that area of the property where the quonset but is located. Mayor Langenbeck referred the request of Jack Colvin for the use of the City grader to blade off some weeds and foreign materials at the Municipal Airport site to the Streets and Parks Committee, for study and report. Mayor Langenbeck referred the request of Jack Colvin for sublease on the area where the quonset but is located to the City Attorney for study and report. On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer the meeting. of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. City�plerk and ek-office o Clerk of We City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: 1 1 f N I LI