HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-08-07MI NU TES • Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 7, 1950 Mayor Langenbeck called the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 700 of Block P.M. Mayor Langenbeck called for a ten minute recess.. Mayor Langenbeck called the meeting to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck Councilmen absent: None Minutes On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard the minutes for the month of July, 1950, as transcribed and mailed to mem- bers of the City Council were approved. Monthly On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the monthly Reports reports for the month of July, 1950, of the City Treasurer, City Park Clerk, City Judge, Manager of the Municipal Trailer/, City Engi- neer, Chief of Police, Chief Lifeguard, as read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed was approved. Business On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the applica- License tions for business license to conduct business kaxaoocadrotatxbmnim mum in the City of Huntington Beach were granted as follows: A. A. Rittberner, 6561 S. Burnham, Buena Park, California, to conduct the business of cement contractor. Iola Adams, 310 Walnut, to conduct the business of cafe. H. B. Carr, 210 - 5th Street, to conduct the business of pool hall. Edward Richter, Highwag 39 and 101 junction, to conduct the business of service station. Warren Buchanan, 222j Main Street, to conduct the business of real estate salesman. United Tile Company, 18652 Huntington Beach Boulevard, to con- duct the business of tile contractor. La Carvina Cafe, 225 - 17th Street, to conduct the business of cafe. Norma Stockstill, 114 - Second Street, to conduct the business of motel. Oil Well Permit- On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the appli- Sowest Expl. State J-90 cation for oil well permit of the Southwest Exploration Company to drill a new well State J-90, was granted. Waste Water On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard the following Permits applications for waste water permits were granted: 11 CI 1 1 75 Page #2. Minutes - August 7, 1950 R , Boe Tunstall Company, Well - Irish #1, located on Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block 1014. Green, Parkin and:Tucker, Well- #1, Lots 1, 3, 5 & 7,.Block 618, 17th-Street..Section. Bryant.,- Erect On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the appli- neon sign cation of Roy-D. Bryant for building permit to erect a nevin sign at,,.401 Main Street,' was granted in,accordance.with.the written recommendation of the 'City. Engineer. Directional- On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the Cit y drlg.survey, eaI.oil well Engineer be instructed to request the filing of and obtain a drilled directional drilling survey for each oil well drilled within the City of Huntington Beach, effective this date, was approved. Dr.1g.Bond . On.motiop by Talbert seconded by Greer that the drilling Berryhill & Newenham b nd #458617, issued by Glens. Falls Indemnity- Company for Roy. J. Berryhill and D. N. Newenham, be accepted and that drilling bond #400751 of Glens Falls Indemnity Company.:in behalf of theDiana Oil Company -be terminated, in lieu- :of- Bond. #458617.,.. was. -approved* C .E Black, On -motion by ,.LeBard:..seconded. by -Greer.....tha.t the.. request trf. his lease.. of Charles E. Black to transfer his interest in that portion of the oil and gas lease entered into.on'August 7, 1947, by and between the City of Huntington Beach, California, on.property Ykich is subject to the lease and described as follows, was approved: : Lots 10, 16 and,18, in Block 618,..Seventeenth Street Section as per map thereof recorded in Book 4, page -10, Miscellaneous Maps,. Records of Orange County, California. So. Calif. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the re - Edison Co. to remove quest of -the Southern California' Edison- Company'for permission trees to remove certain trees in the City of Huntington Beach, as described -as follows, was granted: Removal of., -all. trees -.located on. the .east side of Lake Avenue between- .the. corner . of Lake and Palm Streets to a point of approximately four hundred feet north"-.of..'Indianapolis. ' All "trees removed will--b-e'replaced..with. Maple, "Sycamore or Carab trees which' ever one would_ be your choice. The entire cost of removal and replacement of said trees will be born by our Company. Mrs. Jones & Hasson re-aptd. to Library Board Purchase one Ford Spec. Police Car D.G.Higgins appointed Fire Chief Dirt purchased from Steverson Bros. Mrs. Higgins, complaint - Tally Feed Store No.Or.County Mun. Water Dist. Story on No. 0r . Co.Nun.Water Dist. to be published H.B.City Empl. Assoc. -picnic Pag-e 3. Minutes - August 7, 1950 • On motion by Talbert seconded by Greer that Mrs. Pearl Jones and Mr. E. G. Hasson be re -appointed to the Library Board of Trustees and to serve for a period of three years and said term to expire July 30, 1953, as recommended by the Board of Trustees, was approved. On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the City Ad- ministrative Officer be authorised to purchase from Don Grant Motors from Huntington Beach, California, one 1950 Ford Special Police Car in accordance with the specifications and price as contained in the informal bid presented by the Don Grant Motors, was ap- proved. On motion by Talbert seconded by Seabridge that Chief Lifeguard, Delbert G. Higgins, be appointed Fire Chief to fill the vacancy of Fire Chief in the City of Huntington Beach, and said appointment to be effective as of August 8, 1950, was ap- proved by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, Seabridge, Langenbeck NOES: Councilmen: LeBard, Greer ABSENT: Councilmen: None On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the Ad- ministrative Officer issue a purchase order to Steverson Bros. for the purchase of 2000 cubic yards of dirt to be delivered at a location on the City owned 52 acres and said area to be designated by the City Engineer and the dirt to be computed on } a compacted cubic yard basis at 64 per cubic yard, was approved. Mrs. Minnie Higgins appeared before the City Council and complained about the Tally Feed Store, hay storage facilities. Mayor Langenbeck referred the complaint of Mrs. Minnie Higgins to the Fire Chief for investigation and report. Mayor Langenbeck reported to the City Council the progress of the proposed North Orange County Municipal Water District and r, stated that the Metropolitan Water District Board had tentatively accepted the proposed area for inclusion. 0 On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge that the City Clerk be authorized to write a story for publication in the Huntington Beach News outlining the work done by the proposed North Orange County Municipal Water District and its progress to date and said story to be checked by Attorney Wellington and said story not to exceed one page of print in the Huntington Beach News, was approved. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the re- t quest of the Huntington Beach City Employees' Association requesting 76 Page-#4. Minutes - August 7, 1950 the Council to set aside the budgeted amount of $150.00 to be used for the Annual Employees' picnic to be held August 12, 1950, was granted. C. of C.- On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the request Bud.Amts .for Or.Co.Pair & of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce requesting that the Twine Conv. budgeted amountsat $250.00 for the Huntington Beach exhibit at the Orange County Fair, and $750.00 for the 13th Annual Southern Ord. #562, California Twins Convention be set aside, was granted. The City Clerk OrdinanceNo. 562, an gaveordinance of Accum.Sick Lv. Plan the City Council of the City of .Huntington Beach,. California, adopted amending Ordinance No. 431}, entitled, "An Ordinance Fixing and Regulating the Compensation of City Officers, Deputies, Assis- tants and Employees of the City of Huntington Beach*, its second, and final reading, by reference. On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge Ordinance No, 562 was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenb eck NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Ord. #563, The City Clerk gave Ordinance No- 563, an ordinance of Establishing a P1an.Comm., the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, lot reading establishing a Planning Caamission for said City and governing its powers and duties, its first reading., Co. of Orange On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the City to take over Assessing & Tax Attorney be instructed to procure from the County Counsel the Collection necessary arrangements for the County of Orange to take over the assessing and tax collection for the City of Huntington Beach, was approved. IInp.called into On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that all regu- Mi1.Serv. pd. to date of, lar city employees called into the armed services shall be paid induction by the City from the date called into service and until the date designated to report at the military induction center and such period of compensation shall not exceed thirty days, was approved. Emp.called into On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that any reg- Mil.Serv. to be reinstated to ular employee of the City of Huntington Beach called into the City Service Armed Services shall be reinstated to city service with full seniority in his classification provided the employee returns to duty within a six month period after honorable discharge from the service, was approved. Page #5. Minutes - August 7, 1950 • Demands On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved. Cancellation of On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the lease - Garrish City Attorney be instructed to prepare a notice of cancella-. tion of the lease made and entered into the lot day of January, 1946, by and between the City of Huntington Beach and Georgianna W. Garrish, was approved. Plans & Spec. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the City for 17th St. resurfacing Engineer be instructed to submit plans and specifications for the resurfacing of 17th Street from Ocean to Fain and Main to Clay, excluding that portion of the 17th Street new grade dress- ing, was approved. Plans & Spec. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the City new improv. of 1950-51 budget Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the proposed new improvements of curbs and gutters and resur- facing of those streets as contained in the 1950-51 budget, exclusive of the resurfacing of 17th Street, and the 17th Street new grade crossing, was approved. Widening of On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the City Florida Street Attorney be directed to secure the description from the Title Company and draft the papers for the City of Huntington Beach to acquire the necessary easements for the widening of Florida Street between Indianapolis and Hartford Streets, was approved. Signal Oil Co. On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the City vs. City Attorney be directed to accept service for the City in the case of Signal Oil Company vs the City, #54394 Superior Court of Orange County, California, and to accept for the City, service of the application, statement of facts, points and authorities, and notice in the proposed leave to sue in quo warranto on the relation of Southwest Exploration Company vs the City of Hunting- ton Beach, and in the event the Attorney General grants the request of said relater to issue summons in said suit to accept service on behalf of the City, was approved. Winter Rates at On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the winter Municipal Tr.Park rates for unoccupied trailers in the Huntington Beach Municipal Trailer Park as recommended by the Beach and Pier Committee be accepted, was approved. Purchase-2 On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the Administra- water heaters tive Officer be authorized to purchase from L. E. Worthy of Hunt- ington Beach, two (2) Day & Night Booster 80-252 water heaters at 1 V 1 r 1 Pago6. Minutes - August 7, 1950 "77 1 1 11 a cost of #323.00 each in accordance with informal bid pre- sented by L. E. WortIxy, was approved. Elmer "Combs On motion by LeBard seconded by Geer that Eimer Combs, appointed Chief Lifeguard Lieutenant in the Lifeguard Department be promoted to the posi- tion of Chief Lifeguard now vacant upon the appointment of Delbert G. Higgins as Fire Chief, and said appointment to be effective as of . August 8, 1950, was approved. Weight limit Mayor Langenbeck referred the matter of truck weight on Pier limitation and speed on the Huntington Beach Municipal Pier to the Beach and Pier Committee and the City Engineer for study and report. Chlorinator at . Mayor Langenbeck referred the survey report of the Talbert Drain. Pump Station Orange County Health Department regarding the possibility of setting up a chlorinator at the Talbert Drainage Pump Station to the Sanitation Committee and the Administrative Officer to most with other groups as mentioned in the survey report and to report their findings to the City Council. Delinquent City Attorney Bauer outlined the procedure to the City Waste Water Accts. Council that the City may take to affect the collection of the delinquent waste water accounts.. On, motion by Greer seconded. by Seabrtoge that the City Attorney be instructed to file the L` necessary actions to collect the delinquent waste water accounts, was approved. On motion by Meer seconded by Talbert the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. ATTEST: City Qyerk and ex-orriolo Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California c ft