HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-08-21Applications for
business licenses
Drill a new well -
State J-80
Bevo Drlg.Co.,
Waste water
Sperry & Fieber g
on monthly payroll
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
MondW , August 21, 1950
Mayor Langenbeck called the meeting of the City Council
of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Talbert,, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer,
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert the following
applications for license to conduct business in the City of
Huntington Beach were granted:
Barbara Ann Baking Company, 3545 Pasadena, Los Angeles 31,
California, wheel -tax.
J. R. Sargent, 531 So. Bush Street, Santa Ana, California,
painting contractor.
Mrs. Lou D. Querry, 518 Main Street, Huntington Beach, frozen
Carl Brooks, 1366 Coronado Avenue, Long Beach, building con-
Thomas A. Warren, 425 Narcissus Avenue, Corona Del Mar, Wheel -
Snyder Transfer Company, Inc., 3928 San Fernando Road, Glendale,
Wheel -tax.
Pepsi Cola Bottling Company, 1345 - 17th Street, Long Beach,
C. L. Anderson, 1st & Atlanta, Trailer Park.
J. F. Kimble, 1�44 Miramar Drive, Balboa,California, Wheel -tax.
Leslie C. Mock, 220 - 13th Street, Huntington Beach, Begonia
On motion by Talbert seconded by Greer the application
for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to drill
a new well State J-80, was granted.
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert the application
for waste water permit of Bevo Drilling Company of 743 E. willow
Street, Long Beach, for well located on Lots 16 & 18, Block 618,
Huntington Beach Tract, City Well #10 was granted.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the request
of L. H. Berry,:Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park, to
place the following employees on the regular monthly payroll
in Range 16, Bracket "A", $193.00 per month effective as of
September 1, 1950 was approved:
Charles E. Sperry - Laborer
Peter J. Fieberg - Laborer
Page, #2.
Minutes - August 21, 1950
W. Pickering On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the re -
on Fire Dept.
quest of D. G. Higgins, Fire Chief, to appoint Wayne Pickering
as fireman Engineer in the Fire Department commencing as of
August 21, 1950, in Range 22, Bracket "A% effective August
219 1950, was appr.aved, .and. when ,employed to be given notice
that the length of his employment is predicated upon the
position created by a vacancy due to being called into the
armed forces and such position may terminate upon the return
of the former employee called into military servAce.
Weight & Speed The Clerk read a report from the City Engineer, Harry
limitation on
Mun.Pier A. Overmyer, relative to the subject of allowable weight
limitation and speed for trucks on the Municipal Pier and
his investigation discloses that the pier is used more or
less daily for truck use and a gross load of any truck should
not exceed 20,000 pounds and that all trucks should be limited
to a maximum speed of 10 miles per hour.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the City
Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance which will
limit the gross load of trucks on the Municipal Pier and the
speed as contained in the recommendations of the City Engineer,
was approved.
Ord. #563, The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 563, an ordinance of the
establishing a
P1ann.Comm. City Council of the City of Huntington Beach establishing a
Planning Commission of said City and establishing its powers
and duties, its second and final reading by reference. On
motion by Greer seconded by Talbert Ordinance No. 563 was
passed and adopted by the following roll call:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck
NOES: None
Reso. #1126, On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard Resolution
Tax Rate
No. 1126, a resolution of the City Council of the City of
w Huntington Beach, California, fixing the tax rate for said
City of Huntington Beach for the fiscal year 1950-1951, was
passed and adopted by the following roll call:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck
NOBS: None
O.L.Bolton to Mayor Langenbeck announced that this was the hour
drlg. bonds. 7:45 P.M. as set for public hearing relative to the appli-
cation of 0. L. Bolton to terminate drilling bonds hereto-
fore filed under Ordinance No. 418, as amended.
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Minutes - August 21, 1950
The Clerk reported that he had not received any statements
verbal or written regarding the public hearing for termination
of drilling bonds as filed in the application of 0. L. Bolton
Mayor Langenb eck asked if there was anyone in the
audience that wished to make any statements for or against
the application of 0. L. Bolton to terminate certain drilling
bonds as advertised in the Huntington Beach News. Mr. 0. L.
Bolton appeared before the City Council and stated that he is
informed and believes and alleges that each of said wells do
not depart from the vertical aB he himself gave personal super-
vision to said wells in direction of survey known as Single
Shot Survey, which was made of each well at various stages to
determine the drift from the vertical and if any drift was
shown steps were immediately taken to correct same.
On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the term-
ination of the drilling bonds as requested in the application
of 0. L. Bolton be terminated subject to the findings of the
hearing, was granted.
McGuckin & On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the
City Engineer be instructed to write to McGuckin and Bennigs-
dorf Oil Company requesting further information to determine
the location of the bottom of well located on Lot 2, Block 1402,
Watsonts Resubdivision and to report to the City Council, was
Reso.#1127 The City Clerk read Resolution No. 1127,'a resolution
Wage scale,
17th St. of the City of Huntington Beach establishing the general pre -
vailing rate of per diem wages for each craft, type of workman
or mechanic needed in the resurfacing and installation of
concrete curbs on 17th Street in the City of Huntington Beach.
Mayor Langenbeck asked if there was anyone in the
audience that wished to speak on the general prevailing rate
of per diem wages covered in Resolution No. 1127 as read by the
City Clerk:
City Engineer, Harry A. Overmyer, outlined and explained
to the City Council the rates and the trades or occupations in
the general area as established by contracts between contractors
and the labor unions. There being no comments from those
present regarding the per diem wages as outlined in Resolution
No,, 1127, Mayor Langenb eck declared the hearing closed.
Sheet #4-
Minutes - August 21, 1950
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer Resolution
No. 1127 was passed and adopted by the following roll cell:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck
NOES: None
ABSENT: bone
Hunt.Signal Oil Mayor Langenbeck announced that this was'the hour
Co. -terminate
drlg.honds. 8:00 o1clock P.M. set for the public hearing on the appli-
cation of the Huntington Signal Oil Company for termination
of drilling bond on Crane Well #10, located 1251 S and 1081 E
from NW corner of Block 2401, East Side Villa Tract. On
motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the City Engineer
be instructed to request the Huntington Signal Oil Company
to furnish the City with information that the well is within
the perpendicularboundary of the property on which it was
drilled, was approved.
Advertise for On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the
bids-17th St.
Resurfacing plans and specifications for resurfacing 17th Street be
approved and that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise
for bids in accordance with the legal procedure after the
State Division of Highways of California has approved the
project, was approved.
Amend S . E.R . S . The Clerk read the request of the Huntington Beach
contract -
employees leav- City Employees' Association asking the City Council to give
ing for mil.
service consideration to amend the city contract with the State
Employees' Retirement System to include the provision per-
mitting the City to pay the employee's contribution for the
employee during the period in service with the armed forces.
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the City
Clerk be authorized to execute the request of the California
State Employees' Retirement System to make further valuation
and reports under amendments to the retirement law as described
in items 5 A to E of Form 529, was approved.
Library plans On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge that the
& Specifica-
tions. City Engineer be instructed to review the plans and specifi-
cations on the proposed new library building that will be
submitted by McDonald & Markwith, Architects, and to prepare
the necessary resolution of the City of Huntington Beach
establishing the general prevailing rate of per diem wages
for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed in the
construction of the proposed library was approved.
Disaster Council Mayor Langenbeck reported briefly to the members of
Exec.Officer the City Council the present status of the City of Huntington
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Minutes - August 21, 1950
Beach Disaster Council ordinance and recommended to the mem-
bers of the City Council that Delbert G. Higgins, Fire Chief,
be named executive officer to the Disaster Council of the
City of Huntington Beach.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the
recommendation of Mayor Langenbeek to appoint Delbert G.
Higgins as executive officer of the City of Huntington Beach
Disaster Council, was approved.
Demands On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the
demands as approved by the Finance Committee be paid, was
Mun.Airport Councilman Talbert reported to the councilmen on the
meeting held with Merle H. Stevenson, California Aeronautics
Commission Representative, and H. K. Friedland, District Air-
port Engineer of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, U. S.
Department of Commerce, in regards to the possibility of build-
ing a municipal airport and financing the project through federal
aid and other agencies.
Lease-G.Garrish, City Attorney, Charles A. Bauer, reported to the City
cancel lease
Council the present status of the Georgianna W. Garrish lease
on the airport area and outlined the procedure necessary for
the City to cancel the lease, as contained in the terms of
said lease.
Talbert Councilman Talbert reported to the City Council on
Drainage Distr.
the progress of the Talbert Drainage District and that they
will lay the drain lines at their own expense and may subse-
quently involve installation of a booster pump and also require
easements for right of way over City property.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Seabridge that the
City Clerk inform the Talbert Drainage District to proceed
with the installation of the drainage line in accordance with
the gravity line plot plan as submitted to the City of Hunting-
ton Beach, was approved.
Rental waived, On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the
Allen & Walker,
conc.on pier rental for the month of May, 1950, on the pier concession of
Hazel Allen and Maude Walker be waived due to the interruption
of service on account of the major repairs to the pier, was
Purchase fill Councilman LeBard, Chairman of the Real Estate Com-
mittee reported to the members of the City Council that it
was the recommendation of that committee to purchase fill dirt
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Minutes - August 21, 1950
for the 52 acres that has been offered at a price of $.60
per compacted cubic yard and to be delivered in the area
of the 52 acres as designated by the City Engineer, and that
the funds budgeted be spent for fill dirt on the 52 acres.
Advertise for On motion by 'Seabridge seconded by Greer, that the
City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the furn-
ishing and delivering of dirt as recommended by the Real
Estate Committee, and the amount of dirt to be advertised
for to be based on the unexpended amount for fill dirt in
the budget computed at $.60 per cubic yard and that inser-
tions covering notice inviting bids be placed in the Hunting -
ton Beach News on the 24th and 31st of August, 1950, and
that bids be opened September 5, 1950, 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
was approved.
R.Pate - On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the
removal of
Palm trees request of Reginald Pate for the removal of Palm trees
adjacent to his lots on 14th Street and the repair of the
sidewalks damaged by the said trees be repaired, was approved.
W.E.Spikes On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the
removal of
tree request of W. E. Spikes, 915 Florida Avenue, requesting the
removal of a tree adjacent to the alley between Ehgland and
Florida Avenue in the 900 Block, was approved, subject to
investigation by the City Engineer to determine if the tree
is situated entirely in the alley easement.
Tax Title Lots, City Attorney, Charles Bauer, reported to the City
Council on the status of the titles to the City tax lots
that were sold at public auction to E. D. Harpold, Orville
Hanson and 0. L. Bolton. On motion by Seabridge seconded
by Greer that the City Clerk tender an offer to E. D. Harpold,
Orville Hanson and 0. L. Bolton to return the money deposited
with the City Treasurer for the tax title lots purchased
from the City or wait for further possible action of the City
to clear title, was approved.
Greer request
Councilman Greer requested leave of absence from the
'br leave of
City and the State of California during the month of Sep-
tember, 1950. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert
the request of Councilman Greer to leave the State of Cali-
fornia during the month of September, 1950, was granted.
City Clerk -
On motion by Talbert seconded by Seabridge that the
request of the City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach
to take his vacation fcr two weeks starting on August 28,
1950, was granted.
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Minutes - August 21, 1950
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert the meeting
of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
t4-4 -P
y er an x-o c o er
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California