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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, October 16, 1950
Mayor Langenbeck called the regular meeting of the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
7:30 P.M*. o'clock.
Councilmen Present: Talbert, LeBard, Greer, Langenbeck
Councilmen Absent: Seabridge
Mayor Langenbeck appointed Councilman Greer to act
on the Finance Committee in the absence of Councilman Sea -
Applications for On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer the following
business licenses
applications for business license to conduct business in the
City of Huntington Beach were granted:
Nu -Art Neon Sign Co., 114 W. Amerige, Fullerton, to conduct
the business of neon signs.
Les Cline, 214 Main St., Huntington Beach, to conduct the
business of men's and boys' wear and footwear at 214 Main
Street, transfer from Al Brody.
Drill a new well- On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer the applica-
Hunt B-132
tion for oil well permit of Standard Oil Company of California
to drill a new well Hunt B-132, located in Tract #2 west side
of 23rd Street, was granted.
Bldg. Permit - On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard the application
T. B. Lake
of T. B. Lake of Anaheim for application for building permit
to erect a neon sign on the southwesterly side of Walnut St.,
#605, was granted.
Replace stds. On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard that twelve
Civic Center reinforced concrete light standards and twelve line material
sphereolite luminaires be purchased from the Pacific Union
Metal Company to replace the twelve existing upright lamp
standards bordering the Civic Center, as recommended by the
City Engineer, was approved.
St. Light - On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert the request
So.of llth St.
on Lake of E. B. Stevens of 956 llth Street, Huntington Beach, for
a street light on the first pole south of llth Street on
the east side of Lake Avenue, was approved.
St. Light - The City Clerk,read a petition received from seven
corner of
Lake & Loma property owners living on Lake Avenue requesting that a
street light be installed at the corner of Lake Avenue and
Loma Avenue. The request of the property owners living on
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Minutes - October 16, 1950 •
Lake Avenue for a street light at the corner of Lake Avenue and
Loma Avenue was referred to the City Engineer, and the City Ef3gi-
iieer' was instructed to make an investigation in the City of Hunt-
ington Beach as to other locations that may need street lights.
Bus.License -
On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard that the applica-
T.B.Talbert, auto
racing, conces-
tion of business license by T. B. Talbert, 219 Main Street, to
conduct the business of auto racing and concessions at the south-
F.F.Ferebee -
east corner of Atlanta and Highway 39 was granted.
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert the recommenda-
Sal ary
tion of Harry Overmyer, City Engineer, to place F. F. Ferebee,
Street Department employee, in salary classification "Truck
Driver" Range "E" at 0242.00 per month effective October 16, 1950,
was approved.
Ord.#566 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance #566 an ordinance of the
is t reading
City of Huntington Beach, California, amending Ordinance #322
entitled "An ordinance of the'City Council of the City of Hunt-
ingtop Beach relating to and regulating traffic upon the public
streets of the City of Huntington Beach and repealing all ordi-
nances inconsistent herewith", as amended by adding a new section
thereto, its first reading.
Wrecking Yard- The Clerk read a communication received from the Hunt-
H. R . Baker
ington Beach,Chamber of Commerce in which the City Council was
requested to object to the wrecking yard location as included
In the Use Variance Permit Application No. UV-155 presented
to the Orange County Planning Commission by H. R . Baker, 18522
Huntington Beach Boulevard. Mr. H. R. Baker appeared before
the City Council and stated that he was the owner of the prop-
erty on which he was requesting the Orange County Planning
Commission to issue a Use Variance Permit for a wrecking yard
and stated that the yard would be set back forty (40) feet from
Highway 39 and thirty (30) feet on Ellis Avenue. He stated it
would be entirely fenced in and that he would beautify the set-
back area with shrubs and plants.
Wrecking Yard- On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the City
provision to
beautify setback Clerk be instructed to inform the Orange County Planning Com-
ar ea
mission that the City of Huntington Beach is not opposing the
application for a wrecking yard as contained in the Use
Variance Permit Application before the Orange County Planning
Commission provided that if the Variance is granted there
should be included in the requirements of the Variance that
the setback areas be beautified and the junk yard operations
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Minutes = October 16, 1950
be conducted wholly within the enclosure, was approved,
Mayor Langenbeck voting "No".
Planning Comm. Mayor Langenbeck placed before the members of the
City Council the names of W. L. Schryer and Herbert A. Wood
the City of
of Huntington Beach to serve on the Planning Commission of/
Huntington Beach for a one year term. On motion by Talbert
seconded by Greer that the nomination by the Mayor of W. L.
Schryer and Herbert A. Wood to serve on the Planning Com-
mission of the City of Huntington Beach for one year, was
Bevo Vrilling Co.- The Clerk read a request received from the Bevo
Request reduce
.oil royalty Drilling Company asking the City to reduce the royalty on
the Huntington Beach City No. 1 Well, formerly owned by C.
E. Black, from 1/6 royalty to 1/8 royalty when the price
of the oil is below *$1.50 per barrel. On motion by Talbert
seconded by Greer that the request of the Bevo Drilling
Company for reduction of royalty on City of Huntington Beach
City Well No. 1 was referred to the City Attorney for study
and report.
Municipal Library The Clerk read a letter from the City Engineer, Harry
Building contract
awarded Overmyer, in which he reported to the City Council that he
Buttress &
McClellan had analyzed the bids'for the construction of the new Munic-
ipal Library building and that his investigation disclosed
that the bid of Buttress & McClellan of Los Angeles to be
the low bid of the two bids received and that the low bid
exceeds the architect's estimate in the amount of $1,163.00.
His investigation further disclosed that members of the firm
of architects for the designers of the structure are reported
to be interested in the construction firm who is the low
• bidder. He also reported that he inspected the hospital
unit at Los Angeles County Parm which was built by Buttress
& McClellan and designed by the same firm of architects who
designed the Library Building and found good construction
in the project, and also, that the firm of Buttress &
McClellan has a very fine reputation and from personal
inspection of other work done for the County of Los Angeles
states that they do very good work and believe them to be a
reliable and reputable firm.
QN motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the con-
tract for. the construction of a new Municipal Library build-
ing be awarded to the low bidder, Buttress & McClellan, of
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Minutes - October 16, 1950
1900 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, for the amount of
$120,780.00 and that all other bids be rejected was
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the
Mayor and
the City Clerk be
authorized to
execute the
between the City
of Huntington
Beach and Buttress
& McClellan for the construction of a new Municipal Library
building was approved.
Resolution re: On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the City
sale of City -
owned U.S.Bonds Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution providing for
the sale of the U. S. Government Savings Bonds owned by the
City, was approved.
Henderson The Clerk notified the City Council that the Industrial
Hearin set
for 112150 Accident Commission of the State of California filed notice cf
hearing of application for adjustment of claim of Arthur S.
Henderson by E. A. Henderson, his guardian ad litem, and said
hearing to be held in the Board of Supervisors' room in the
County Court House, Santa Ana, at 9:30 A.M., November 2, 1950.
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the City Attorney
be instructed to attend the hearing in Santa Ana on the appli-
cation for adjustment of claim of Arthur S. Henderson, was
Recp dst City Councilman LeBard, Chairman of the Real Estate Com-
bid for State
Tax Title in mittee, recommended that the request of Don S. Mozley, County
Tax Collector, for the City to make a bid for the State Tax
Title in Lots 15, 17 and 19 and the westerly 16 feet of Lot
21, Block' 215, Huntington Beach Tract, and that a title report
be obtained and approximate cost necessary to clear title. Mayor
Langenbeck referred the request to the City Attorney for study
and report.
52 Acres - Councilman Talbert reported to the City Council that
Lateral Drainage
Lines consideration should be made to have lateral drainage lines
installed on the 52 Acres at this time while the contractor,
who is installing the drainage lines for the TalbertDrainage
District, was in the vicinity. Mayor Langenbeck referred the
request of Councilman Talbert regarding the lateral drainage
lines on the 52 Acres to the Real Estate Committee and the
City 19hgineer' for study and report.
Resurfacing On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard that the City
Orange between
17th & 23rd Sts. Engineer be authorized to proceed with the resurfacing of
Orange Avenue between 17th Street and 23rd Street, was approved.
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Minutes - October 16, 1950
Demands On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the demands
as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid, was
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the
City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourn until
5:00 P.M. o'clock, Tuesday, October 24, 1950, was approved.
ity 9/3,Ark and ex-offic o Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, Californis,4 4,
--City Clerk