HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-10-24MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, October .24, 1950 Pursuant to adjournment of the regular meeting of the City Council of October 16, 1950, the City Clerk called the meeting to order at 5:00 o'clock p.m., October 24, 1950. On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that Councilman Seabridge be appointed Mayor Pro tam in the absence of Mayor Langenbeck was approved. Bids - Mayor Pro tam Seabridge announced that this was the Resurfacing Huntington Ave. hour 5:00 o'clock p.m. set for the opening of sealed bids for at al the resurfacing of Huntington Avenue, California Avenue, Dela- ware Avenue, Indianapolis Street and concrete curb and gutters on Indianapolis Street and Florida Avenue in accordance with notice inviting sealed bids published in Huntington Beach News on October 13th and October 20th, 1950, and instructed the City Clerk to proceed with the opening of the bids. The sealed bids as opened and read by the City Clerk were as follows: Oct. 240 1 50 Engr.Est. 18,363.40 BIDS - Resurfacing Huntington Ave., at al Cox Bros. Griffith Co. Robt.J .Noble Sully -Miller J .J.Swigart P.O.Box 36 1060 S.Bdwy. 705 N.Main P.O.Box 432 Box 155 Stanton, Los Angeles, Santa Ana, Orange, Torrance, ITEM Calif., Calif. Calif. Calif. Calif. 1 ( Plant, mix surf.) 2233.,,Tons- - 10, 27.1.80 10, 696.07 109 718.40 90155.30 9 1 780.54 2 (Tack coat) 9.60 T. 273.60 499.20 240.00 192.00 264.00 3 (Crusher run base) 370 T. 832.50 1,036.00 925.00 925.00 925.00 4 (Excavation) 719 cu. yds. 719.00 1,006.60 719.00 862.80 898.75 5 (Comb. C & G) 4769 lin. ft. 69438.15 6,676.60 6,199.70 5,961.25 6,676.60 6 (Gutter) 275 Sq. Ft. 123.75 123.75 96.25 88.00 123.75 7 (Curb) 160 lin.ft. 168.00 192.00 160.00 .208.00 192.00 8 (Cross gutter) 965 sq. ft. 530.75 482•50 337.75 357.05 434.25 9 ( Curb removal) 349 lin. ft. 122.15 104.70 87.25 34.90 104.70 10 (Culverts removed) (2) 20.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 60.00 11 (Manhole raised) (1) 25.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 17.50 TOTALS 199524.70 209872.42 19,533.35 179839.30 19,477.09 - 41 1 1 A 1 1 ve Q3 Page-#2. blinutes - October 24, 1950 On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the bids received for the resurfacing of Huntington Avenue, California Avenue, Delaware Avenue, Indianapolis Street and concrete curb and gutters on Indianapolis Street and Florida Avenue be referred to the Assistant City Engineer for study and report, was approved. B.H.Dulaney ex. p. The City Clerk read the request -of B. H. Dulaney, accto Stato Peace Offo Chief of Police, for permission to attend the State Peace Convention Officers' Convention to be held in Pasadena on October 25th to October 27th, 1950, and requested that the budgeted amount be allocated for the convention. On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that B. H. Dulaney, Chief of Police, be given per- mission to attend the State Peace Officers' Convention to be held in Pasadena, California, on October 25th to October 27th, 1950, and that the necessary expenses incurred attending the convention be allowed and that B. H. Dulaney turn in an ex- pense account covering expenses incurred, was approved. Bisablad Amer. On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the Veterans Annual forget- request of the Disabled American Veterans Jack Fisher Chapter me -not sale 23, Incorporated, for permission to conduct their annual forget-me-not sale in the City of Huntington Beach on November loth and-11th, 1950, was approved. AssocoTelep. The Clerk read a communication received from the Coo,%tdo Rate Increases Secretary of the Bureau of Franchises and Public Utilities of the City of Long Beach, California, inviting the City to join theme in the further examination covering the applica- tion of the Associated Telephone Company, Ltd., for rate increases that have been filed with the California Public Utilities Commission. On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the City Clerk and the City Attorney be instructed to reply to the request of the Bureau of Franchises and Public Utilities of Long Beach, California, to the effect that the City of Huntington Beach would desire further information as to how the City of Huntington Beach can be of assistance in opposing the rate increases applied for by the Associated Telephone Co., Ltd., was approved. Removo & Recon- On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the struct Curbing - P A H.Constr,Co. City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the removal of approximately 1,850 linear feet of curb at ten cents ($.10) per lineal foot and to construct approximately 1,850 linear teat of curb at ninety five cents ($.95) per lineal foot as 99 Page #3 . - Minutes - October 24, 1950 contained in the proposal of P. & H. Construction Company, dated October 21, 1950, was approved. Ord-#566 - The City Clerk gave Ordinance #566, an ordinance Final Reading of the City of Huntington Beach, California, amending Ord- inance #322 entitled "An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach relating to and regulating -. traffic upon the public streets of the City of Huntington Beach and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith" as amended by adding a new section thereto, its second and and final reading by reference. On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard Ordinance #566 was passed and adopted by the follow- ing roll call: AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Greer, Seabridge NOES: None ABSENT: Langenbeck Resod #1131 - On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert Resolution No, Cancelling wood cleaning charges 11319 a resolution of the City Council of the City of Hunting- ton Beach, California, cancelling weed cleaning charges, was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Greer, Seabridge NOES: None ABSENT: Langenbeck On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Hunt- ington Beach was adjourned. _L MY Plark and ex-o f c o Uler of We City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, 9� 41. ATTEST: 1Mayor . tam City Clerk 1 La 1 1 90