HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-11-20MINUTES 1 a It 1 1 Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, November 20, 1950 Mayor Lsngenbeck called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Councilmen present: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenb eck Councilmen absent: None Hearing v The Mayor announced that this was the hour 7:30 P.M. Spec.permit Oil Well o'clock and the date set for the hearing as published in the Huntington Beach News November 9, 1950, on petition for special permit to erect a derrick and drill for oil as per conditions urd er Sections 5 and 5A of Ordinance No. 418, as amended, of the City of Huntington Beach. Standard Oil Co. The Clerk read the application for special permit of the Standard Oil..Company of California under, Ordinance No. 418, as amended by Ordinance No. 478, of the City of Huntington Beach, California, requesting to construct a derrick and drill for oil within the City limits of Hunt- ington Beach at the following surface location: From the intersection of the center line of Palm Avenue and Seventeenth Street 613.9 feet northeasterly along the center line of Seventeenth Street thence 55.0 feet northwesterly at right angles. The Clerk reported that there had been no protests filed on the petition for special permit of the Standard Oil Company of California to erect a derrick and drill for oil, as per application read by the Clerk. Hearing Closed Mayor Langenbeck asked if there was anyone in the audience that had any statement to make for or against the petition for special permit. There being no protests filed or protests from anyone in the audience the Mayor declared the hearing closed. On motion by Talbert seconded by Greer that the application of the Standard Oil Company of California for special permit to erect a derrick and drill for oil on the site at the location as included in the application read by the City Clerk was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None *• Page #2. Minutes - November 20, 1950 Light The City Clerk read a communication received from Industries representatives of the merchants of Huntington Beach re- questing the City Council to create an industrial commis- sion to endeavor to secure light industries in Huntington Beach and asked that two (2) members of the City Council be r'epr esented on a committee to work with the commission. Industrial Mayor Langenbeck asked if there was anyone in the Commission audience that desired to discuss the request of the Hunt- ington Beach merchants relative to the creation of an in- dustrial commission. The following business men of Hunt- ington Beach appeared before the City Council and made short talks in regard to the creation of an Industrial Com- mission and thought that immediate action should be taken to further the studies for the purpose of inducing light manufacturing to locate in the City of Huntington Beach: Burl Ries, Dave Jones, Roy Bryant, Oscar Myhre On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that an Industrial Commission be created and the details be worked out by the City Attorney and 'the Finance Committee with the Committee to be appointed from the merchants of Huntington Beach, was approved. Graser - On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the Peddling License application for license of John R. Graser, 218 - 8th Street to conduct the business of peddling Watkins Products house to house in the City of Huntington Beach, was granted. Ord. #567- Taxes The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 567, an ordinance collected by County'' of the City of Huntington Beach, California, electing to have city taxes assessed, equalized and collected by the County of Orange its second reading by reference. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert Ordinance No. 567 was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck , NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Notice - 'On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the parcel maps available to City Clerk be instructed to prepare a notice and have same check property published in the Huntington Beach News advising the tax- payers of the City of Huntington Beach that the assessors parcel maps are in the City Clerk's office and that tax- payers can check the assessors map parcel number that is on their tax bill indicating the parcel of land.or property - Page #3. 100 Minutes- November 20, 1950 t that is taxed, was approved. The City Attorney presented to the City Council the Oil & Gas Lease - oil and gas lease agreement between the City of Huntington Beach Cadillac Oil Co. and the Cadillac Oil Company, a California Corporation, which the City Attorney had approved for form and that had been worked out with the Cadillac Oil Company, the'Oil Committee of the City Council and the City Attorney. The Clerk read the agree- ment. On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the oil and gas lease agreement between the City of Huntington Beach, a Munic- ipal Corporation and Cadillac Oil Company, a California Corpo- ration, was approved. A.H.Campbell - The Clerk read the request of A. H. Campbell for term - term. of agrmt . ination of the agreement with the City of Huntington Beach covering the use of Lots 1 and 3. Block 413, 17th Street Sec- tion. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the request of A. H. Campbell for the termination of his agree- ment with the City of Huntington Beach for the use of Lots 1 and 3. Block 413, 17th Street Section, was approved. C.of Commerce- On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the Xmas tree decorations request of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce for the City to set aside the budgeted.amount of $1,000.00 for Christ- mas tree decorations and `$250.00 for electricity and supplies, and $400.00 for the Christmas shrine, was approved. Goetz - The City Clerk read a communication received from Elec.Install. at Seabreeze R. D. Goetz, a resident -of Seabreeze Trailer Park in the Tr , Park City of Huntington Beach complaining that numerous electrical installations in violation of electrical code #228 of the City of Huntington Beach, California, were being made by one called Bill Beamer and allowed by the management, Mr. Ebert, and others of the Seabreeze Trailer Park, be investigated.' The request of R. D. Goetz was referred to the building inspector. Actions of The City Clerk read actions that were taken by the Planning Commission Planning Commission at their meeting held November 16, 1950, and were referred to the City Council as follows: Peterson- "Mr. Peterson appeared before the Planning Commission and 11 ft. alley stated that he desired to deed to the City of Huntington Beach eleven (11) feet of his property in Block 103, Vista Del Mar Tract for alley purposes and outlined the reasons why it was necessary to confine the alley to eleven (11) feet due 00. Page.. Minutes - November 20, 1950 to present improvements on the property did not allow the fifteen (15) foot alley right -of -way. - The Commissioners reviewed his request and on motion by Kaufman seconded by Pyles that the Huntington Beach Plan- ning Commission recommend to the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach the acceptance of the deed offered by Mr. Peterson for right-of-way for alley purposes in Block 103, Vista Del Mar Tract, was approved. 17th Street- On motion by Kaufman seconded by Schryer that the elimination of underpass Huntington Beach Planning Commission recommend to the City Council the approval of the plans for the re-routing of Seventeenth Street over the railroad tracks and the elimi- nation of the underpass, was approved. 30 ft. deeded The Planning Commission reviewed the thirty (30) feet by U.E.Draper of property deeded by W. E. Draper on Florida Avenue between Indianapolis and Hartford for street purposes, and on motion by Kaufman seconded by Tunis that the.Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach recommend to the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach the acceptance of the right- of-way deeded by W. E. Draper on Florida Avenue between Indian- apolis and Hartford Streets for street purposes. -was approved." C.D.Peterson On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the Alley - 51k.103 City of Huntington Beach accept the easement offered by Clark C. Peterson for .eleven (11) feet of the easterly portion of Block 103, Vista Del Mar Tract, Section 3, City of Huntington Beach, as shown in Book 4, Page 6, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the resolution accepting said easement and that the agreements with the Southern California Water Company and the Southern California Edison Company for per- mission to use said easement jointly with their prior ease - went granted to them for Utility purposes, was approved. Bauer,. Overmyer., Mayor Langenbeck named the City Attorney, C . A. Bauer, Henricksen, Ad- visory -. Plan. Pity Engineer, Harry A. Overmyer, and City Clerk, J.- L.. Commission Henricksen to serve the Planning Commission in an advisory capacity for the approval of the City Council. On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard that the recommendation of Mayor Langenbeck to appoint the City Attorney, City Engineer and the City Clerk to serve the Planning Commission in'an advisory capacity, was approved. Appropriated funds- The Clerk reported to the Council that the City had Library available in the State of California appropriated.funds under i0i Page #5... . . • Minutes - November 20, 1950 t Chapter 20, and Chapter 47 in the amount of $4,846.89 and that it would be necessary for the City to pass a resolu- tion requesting the transfer of the site funds to the plans fund which may be used on the Library. On motion by Sea - bridge seconded by Greer that the City Clerk proceed with the necessary requirements to file for the application of the appropriated funds that were still to the credit of the City under Chapter 47 funds, was approved. Study-''Co$t The City Clerk read a communication from the Hunt - of Living ington Beach City Employees' Association asking the City Council to consider a study of the cost of living to deter- mine whether increased compensation would be justified. The request of the Huntington Beach City Employees' Asso ciation for increased compensation was referred to the Finance Committee. Boy Scout Cabin The Clerk read the communication received from the District Chairman and District Commissioner of the Hunting- ton Beach and Seal Beach District Boy Scouts asking the City to make a survey of the existing Boy Scout cabin located at Lake Park to determine the extent of repair necessary to place the building in a presentable and oper- ational condition. Mayor Langenbeck referred the regx est of the District Chairman and District Commissioner of the Huntington Beach and Seal Beach District Boy Scouts to the Building Committee and the City Engineer to make an estimate of repairs required and expense involved in fixing up the Boy Scout cabin . at .-Lake Park. Airport Councilman Talbert reported to the City Council members that the State of California Aeronautical Division is interested in the development of the proposed Hunting- ton Beach Municipal Airport strip and stated that the State may have funds available for use at an early date and that the City should immediately make arrangements to take options on the acreage required for the proposed airport strip. Mayor Langenbeck asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to discuss the proposed Huntington Beach Munic- ipal Airport project. Jack Pyles, Buss Lauer and Henry Garrish addressed the City Council and voiced their opinions pro and con.on the proposed Huntington Beach Municipal Airport. Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee of the City Page 0. Minutes - November 20, 1950 of Huntington Beach be ordered paid was approved. Beach Road Councilman':Le$ard.,repor.ted. to'.the_.Cburidi,l that it is the recommendation of the Beach and Pier Committee to con- tinue the construction of the beach road from the Pier easterly to Ninth Street, and that the Street Department do the prelim- inary grading on the bluff between the Pier easterly to Ninth Street for the purpose of beautification. On motion by Greer seconded by LeBard that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the extension of the beach road from the pier easterly to Ninth Street and that the necessary preliminary grading be done on the bluff for the purpose of beautifica- tion as recommended by the Beach and Pier Committee, was ap- proved. Private phone On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the service at Mun. Trailer dark request of the Associated Telephone Company for permission to install private phone service at a location in the Munic- ipal Trailer Park of the City of Huntington Beach, was approved. Rest room, On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that in 9th St. accordance with the recommendation of the Beach and Pier Com- mittee that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a rest room to be located at a point on the beach between the pier easterly to Ninth Street and that the plans and specifications be presented to the City Council for consideration, and that also in accordance with the recommendations of the Beach and Pier Committee that the Council consider the application for a concession building on the beach between the Huntington Beach Plunge and Ninth Street by Mina E. Harper and Dorothy A. Rosier and that the applicants be requested to present plans of the concession building to the City Engineer for examination and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a lease for the conces- sion applied for by Mina Harper and Dorothy Rosier and said lease to be presented to the City Council for consideration at a later date, was approved. Tax Title Lots Councilman LeBard reported to the City Council that it is the recommendation of the Real Estate Committee for the City.to clear title to the City tax title properties and to sell the lots at public auction as they are cleared and for the City to allocate a sun of money each year to defray the expense of clearing title to the City tax title properties. 1 1 Cf 44 1 e0 jtw Page #7, Minutes - November 20, 1950 n 0 Huntington Ave., Extension C. R . Purr - Remove tree Insurance - Complaint, Joe Campbell On motion by LeBar d seconded by Seabridge that the City Council go on record to allocate a sum of money each year to defray the expense of clearing title to City tax title property was passed and adopted by the follow- ing roll call: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenb eck Talbert None Attorney Bauer reported to the City Council the progress being made relating to the easements regx fired for the Huntington Avenue extension. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the request of Charles R. Furr for permission to remove a dead tree covered with heavy vines in the parkway fronting prop- erty located at 518 - llth Street, was approved., City Attorney Bauer reported to the City. Council that the insurance Company has advised him that the policy held by the City . of Huntington Beach does not cover the liability in the complaint of Joe Campbell vs the City of Huntington Beach and the named officials. On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge that City Attorney C. A. Bauer, be instructed to defend the City of Huntington Beach and its -officers in the complaint filed by Joe Campbell against the City of Huntington Beach, was approved. Foursquare City Attorney,, C. A. Bauer, reported bo the City Church - Taxes Council that the request of Pete Nyenhius, pastor of the Foursquare Church, for the City to cancel the taxes on the church property as they had failed to file•for exemp- tion as required by law, cannot be cancelled or waived as Section 103 of Ordinance 521 does not permit it. �1 On motion by.Greer seconded by Seabridge that the meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourn, was approved. 1 CiV Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California jJ­ aw