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Stand* Oil. Go*
new well -
Hunt B-227
O'Meara &
Rogers -oil well
Blk. 62L
C.E. Black
oil ' vMell -
Blk. 618
Waste water -
Sam Raizen.
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday;: December 4, 1950
Mayor Langenbeek called the City Council of the City of Huntington
Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, langenbeck.
C6uncilmen absent: None.
On notion by Talbert seconded by Greer that the minutes for the
month of November, 1950 be approved as read, vacs approved.
On motion by Talbert seccn ded by Seabridge that the reports of the
.City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Collector, City Bhginser, Fire Chief,
Manager of the Municipal Trailer Park, Chief of Police, City Judge,
Superintendent of recreation, for the montn of Novembers 1950 as read by
the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer the following applications
for licensesto conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were
Raymond M. Hurley, 5071 So. Boylsten, Los Angeles 139, California, to conduct
the business of peddling Christmas novelties, house to house, veterans license.
Henry Loeffler, 1521 Shatte, Los Angeles, California, to conduct the business.
of peddling holly in the City of Huntington Beach, veterans license.
Clarence A. Mathew, 115 E. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, to conduct the business
of peddling holly in the City of Huntington Beach, veterans license.
Ed & Ethel Do -Nut Shop, 624 - 12th, Street, Huntington Beach, to conduct the
business of de -nit and sandwich shop at 6261 Nain,Street.
Art M. Wilde, 2611 W. ;Avenue 33, Los Angeles 65, California, to conduct the
business of electrical contractor.
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the application of
Standard Oil Company of California for oil well permit to drill a new well
Hunt B-227, was granted.
On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the application of
O'Meara and Rogers for oil well permit to deepen well located an Lots
2 & 4, Block 621, 17th Street Section, was granted subject to filing of
the necessary bonds and bonds approved by the City Attorney.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Ie Bard that the application of
Charles E. Black for oil well permit to deepen well located on Lots 9 & 11
Block 6181, 17th Street 'SectLen,.was.granted subject to filing ofthe
necessary b and and bond approval by the City Attorney.
On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge the following applications
for waste water permits of San Raizen were granted for well on Lots 1 & 2
Block 116, Huntington Beach Tract, f.or well on Lots 10, 12, 14, & 16, Block
2162 Huntington Beach Tract.
Page 42 103
Minutes -December 4,1950
drlg. bond on
City Well #1
bonds-Blk. 618
Term. of drlg.
bonds- Black.
Higgins -
Asia _Wilde
Flct. Contrt
Board of
City taxes*
The City Clerk read the application for special permission to
terminate drilling bond on City Well A, located on Lots 16 & 18, Block
618, 17th Street Section, and read the notice of public hearing published
in the Huntington Beach News November 30, 1950 for the purpose of con-
sidering the request for termination and cancellation of drilling bond as
provided for in Section 6A, paragraph 4 of Ordinance No. 560 an producing
well located on property as follows:
Lots 16 & 18, Block 618, 17th Street Sectione.
Mayor Langenbeck stated that this was the hour 7:45 P.M. set for
the hearing on the application for special permission to terminate.
drilling bond on well located on Lots 16 & 18, Block 618, 17th,Street
Section and asked if there was anyone present who wished to express their
opinion for or against granting the request for the termination and
cancellation cf the drilling bond.
The Clerk reported that there were no verbal or written opinions
received for or against granting the request for termination and cancella-
tion of drilling bond on well located on Lots 16 & 18, Blpck 610, 17th
Street Section.
Mayor Langenbeck ordered the hearing closed as there was no response
from anyone present at the regular meeting of the City Council.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Seabridge that the request of
Charles Be Black for termination of drilling bond #320909 of Glens Falls'
Indemnity CompR mr covering well on Lots 16 & 18, Block 618, 17th Street
Section, was approved.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that therequest of D. G.
Higgins, Fire Chief, to start his annual vacation on December 12, 1950 was
On notion by Greer seconded,by LeBard that bond No. 471278 of the
Ohio Casualty Insurance Company for Arthur M. 'Wilde., electrical contractor..
as approved by the City Attorney for form, was approved an& ordered filed.
The City Clerk read exeerpty of the minutes of the Board of Super-
visors of Orange County, California, of the meeting of the Board of
Supervisors of Orange County held on November 28, 1950, *herein the Board
of Supervisors accepted unanimously the ordinance not 567 of the City of
Huntington Beach wherein request was made for the County of Orange to
assess the City property for city taxes, the equalisation and correction
of the assessment, the collection, payment, and enforcement of the taxes
including delinquent taxes and the redemption of property from sale or
other 'penalty for the non-payment of city taxeao
Minutes-�,December 4, 1950
Boy -Scouts,, On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the Boy -Scouts of
X-mas trees* erica request for permission to sell Christmas trees on the vacant lot
between Wigs Cafe and Huntington Beach Cut -Rate Drug Store, was approved.
Don Grant Motors The request of Don Grant Motors as read by the City Clerk offering
service for°
police cars. complete service on _hree (3) Ford units of the Huntington Beach City Police
Department at the actual cost of maintenance plus 10%,mas referred to
the Police and Fire Committee.
Bolsk Chica The City -Clark read a commmication.received from. Dave Wilson, public
ale Co* accountant, informing the City Council that the accounts of Hjorth and
Trimble who are the principle partners in several operations, principally
the Bolsa Chica Exploration Company and certain other oil field service
operations and requesting the city sign an agreement to accept payments on
the account for the balance due the City on unsecured taxes, mineral taxes,
city licenses, and derrick licenses, -was referred to the City Attorney for
study and report.
Change order #1, On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that Change Order #1 of
Buttress &
WcClellan, Inc. Buttress & McClellan, Inc., covering revisions in the foundations and
change of lower floor elevation in the total amount of $655.00 was
approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk authorized to execute the change
R.eso. #1133, On motion by Seatridge seconded by Greer Resolution No. 1.133, a
Banc®llitag taxeso
resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California,
cancelling taxes upon certain property within said city was?passed and
adopted by the following roll call:
AYES Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck.
NOES: None.
Res®.1134,` On motion by Greer seconded by Seabridge Resolution ado. 1134, a
iccepting deed.
resolution of'the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California,
accepting right-of-way deed to certain property for alley purposes and
authorizing the recording of said deed was passed and adopted by the
following roll call:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge., Greer, Langenbeck.
DOES: None.
Ceso. #1135, On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard; Resolution No. 1135, a
kccepting deed.
resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California,
accepting right -of -gray deed to certain property for alley purposes and
authorizing the recording of said deed was passed and acb pted by the
following roll call:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck.
NOES: None.
Page #4
Minutes- December 4s 1950
Rase, #1136, On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer Resolution No. 1136, a
consent(easement)resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington, Beach$ California,
accepting consent to road easement on certain real property for alley
purposes andauthorizing the recording of said consent was passed and
adopted by the following roll call:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck.
NOES: None.
t`teso. #3237, On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge Resolution No. 1137, a
accepting deede
resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California,
accepting right-of-way deed to certain property for public highway pur-
poses and authorizing of said deed was P g recordin g passed and adopted by
the following roll call:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck.
NOES: None.
.ABSENT: None.
Reso. #we, On motion -by Seabridge seconded by Greer Resolution No. 1.138,
accepting deed. a resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington' Beach, 1californias
accepting right-of-way deed to certain property for public highway pur-
poses and authorizing recording of said deed was passed and adopted by the
following roll call:
AYES: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Greer, Langenbeck.
NOES: None.
Demands On motion by Greer seconded by Talbert that the demands as approved
by the Finance Committee be paid was approved:
Nitzkowski, On motion by LeBard seconded by Greer that in accordance with the
bldg* on beach* recommendations of the Beach and Pier Committee V. H. Nitzkowski, concession
lessee at the beach, be given permission to make a 201 X 201 addition to:
his present building and that Frank Bray be given permission to re-
construct the building at the Municipal Trailer Park, subject to the
construction approval by the City Magineer and the Beach and Piet Committee
and that all costs for the addition to V. H. Nitzkovski's building and
reconstruction of the present building occupied by Frank Bray lessee,
are to be borne by the lessees, was approved.
Salary On motion bar LeBard seconded by Seabridge that in accordance with
increase'for the recommendations of the Finance Committee all employees of the City of
Huntington Beach under the jurisdiction of the City Council shall receive
a salary increase by advancing all classifidations one range and in the
same bracket that was in effect as of November 30, 19509, and the increase
to become effective December 1, 1950, was passed and adopted by the following
roll calls
Page #5
Minutes - December 4s 195D-
AYES: Talbert, LeBards Seabridges Greer, Langenbeck•
FOES: None.
ABS$NT: None..
Curbs & gutters On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer that the City Engineer
England & Florida
be instructed to proceed with the installation of combination curb and
gutters on ?England Avenues between Indianapolis and Lincoln Avenues
and Florida Avenue between Indianapolis and Knoxville# was approved.
Light standard On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the City Engineer
at Quincy &Main
be instructed to remove the light standard at Main and Seventeenth Street
and to install it at Main and Quincy and to purchase and instalI.a
Mereo-vapor light standard in the triangle at Main and Seventeenths was
Rezovation- On motion by Greer sew nded by Seabridge that the City Engineer
Council chambers
& hallway* s be instructed to proceed with the renovation of the Council Chambers in
the City Hart 1 and in the hallway in the City Hall on the second floor
as recommended by the Building committee was approved.
Clerk - toug On notion by LeBard seconded by Sea bridge that the City wClerk be
over M.W.D.System
given permission to leave the City on December 4ths 5ths & 6ths in order
to accompany the tour over the Metropolitan Water District System with
the Orange County Water District representatives, was approved.
Campbell City Attorney Bauer reported to the City Council that the case of
City of-H.B. Campbell ve the City of Huntington Beach was set for a hearing before
hear ing.
Judge West of the Superior Court in Santa _Ana at 2sOO P.M. o'clock on
Friday, December 80 1950.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Greer the regular meeting of
the City Council of the .City of Huntington Beach adjourned*
it lark and ex-efficie erk
of We City Zouncil of the City
of Huntington Beach# Cal if ornia.
City Clerk