HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-12-18• • 105 1 1 1 Business Licenses Southwest Expl. Co., New Well State J-101 Southwest Expl. Co., New Well State 529 Southwest Expl. Co., New Well State J-94 Atlantic Oil Re=drill Well No. 1 Downey Fertilizer Co., New Well Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 18, 1950 Mayor Langenbeck called the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Councilmen present: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck Councilmen absent: Greer On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the following applications for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach were granted: E. R. Woody, 2212 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, California.to conduct the business of wheel -tax. Arthur H. Richrode, 3028 Stanford Avenue, Venice, California, to conduct the business of peddling balloons on a veteran's license. Ward W. Workman, 1638 Georgia Street, Los Angeles, California to conduct the business of peddling peanuts on a veteran's license. Vincent Harris Olsen, 320 N. Euclid, Pasadena, California, to conduct the busi- ness of peddling flags and novelties on a veteran's license. Aaron F. Davis, 5390 Pacific, Riverside, California, to conduct the business of peddling holly leaves, house to house, on a veteran's license. Wk. J. Stelzner, 1222 Georgia Street, Los Angeles, California to conduct the business of peddling holly leaves, house to house, on a veteran's license. Joseph J. Frey, 1212 W. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, California to conduct the busi- ness of peddling peanuts on a veteran's license. Buttress & McClellan, Inc., 1900 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, California to con- duct the business of general contractor. On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard the application of Southwest Exploration Company for oil well permit to drill a new well, State J-101, was granted. On motion by Talbert seconded_by Seabridge the application of Southwest Exploration Company for oil well permit ,to drill a new well.. State 529, was granted. On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the application of Southwest Exploration Company for oil well permit to drill a new well, State J-94s was granted. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the application of Atlantic Oil Company for oil well permit to re -drill and deepen Del Marter Well No. 1, located on Lot 6, Block 618, Huntington Beach Tract, was granted. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the application of Downey Fertilizer Company, a co -partnership, for oil well permit to drill a new well, located on Lots 17, 19, 21 and 23, Block 618, 17th Street Section, was granted, subject to the execution of the application for oil well permit by the principles. •0 Page 2 Minutes, December 18, 1950 Atlantic Oil Co. On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the request of Tenn . of Clean- up Bond the Atlantic Oil Company and Miller & Ford for termination of clean-up bond #5139488 of the Fidelity and Deposit Company for Well No. 7, located on Lots 13 and 15, Block 522, Huntington Beach Tract, was granted. New Classifi- On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the request of cation. Street Maint. Lead Man Harry A. Overmyer, City Engineer., to provide for a new salary classifi- cation under Ordinance No. 535 to be known as "Street Maintenance Lead and salary to be in range 20, Man"/was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Greer Bray , Lot B, The request of J. H.. Bray.- of 13131 Hewes Avenue, Santa Ana, Blk. 2603 I • _; E. S. V. California, to purchase from the City of Huntington Beach its 5150 int- erest in Lot $, Block'2603, E. S.V. Tract, for the sum of $100.00 was referred to the Real Estate Committee for study and report,. Red Cross The Clerk read a letter received from the American Red Cross, Memorial Hall Huntington Beach Branch, asking for.the exclusive use of a room in the City Memorial Hall as they are in urgent need of a place to meet and set up their equipment and keep records. On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the request of the American Red Cross, Huntington Beach Branch, for use of a roan in the City Memorial Hall for the purpose of holding meetings, storing equipment and keeping records be granted, subject to the committee of the American Red Cross, Huntington Beach Branch working out their arrangements with the Building Committee, was approved. Claim - The Clerk read claim for damages filed with the'City of Huntington Lyndon and DeSpain Beach on December 11, 1950 by Stanley Lyndon and Benny DeSpain, co-partners, asking the,City for $1,025.00 damages to an oil derrick, switches, drive - shaft pulley, drive belt and an electric gear head motor caused by grass and weed fire on the 18th clay of July, 1950, while one'Clyde Fredricks, a minor, was cleaning and burning weeds. The claim for damages by Stanley Lyndon and 44 Benny Degpain, co-partners, was referred to the City Attorney for study and report and that all communications relative to the claim be addressed to Albert D. White, Attorney -at -Law, 414 Farmers & Merchants Office Bldg. Long Beach, 12, California. Resolution On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard Resolution No. 1139; a No.' 1139 Easement resolution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, accepting highway basement for street purposes and authorizing the recording- •0 • ius 1 1 L, I 1 Page 3 Minutes, December lS, 1950 of said easement was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Greer Extend Agrmt. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard that the Mayor and City, E. F. Bray and - : 7 , r . :. . Wm. C. Bray Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Edward F. Bray and Wm. C. Bray extending the term of the agreement dated January 1, 1948 to and including the 31st day of December, 1951, was approved. Stevenson On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert the Mayor and the City Chem. Company Chlorine Clerk be authorized to execute the purchase agreement between the City of Contract Huntington Beach and the Stevenson Chemical Company of Los Angeles to supply liquid chlorine for the period of January 1, 1951 to December 31, 1951 was approved. Purchase 1951 On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the City Purchasing Chevrolet Sedan Agent be authorized to purchase one 1951 Chevrolet four door sedan with Power Glide or its equal for the City Engineer's Department and to transfer Car No. 1, Chevrolet 6 Sport Sedan Fleetmaster, in the Engineer's Department Super . to the Police Department, Car No. 454, Ford V-8/Deluxe Sedan in the Police Department to the Sewage Plant Car No. 4, Chevrolet 6 pick-up 1/2 ton in the Sewage Plant to the Street Department, and dispose of Car No. 33, Chevrolet 6 Sub -Carryall, was approved. Library Increase On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the request of the in Salaries Library Botd of Trustees of the City of Huntington Beach for an increase of $400.00 to the salary section of the 1950-51 library Budget to be effective on December 15, 1950 was passed and adopted by the following roll call: AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, LeBard, Seabridge, Langenbeck NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Greer Indemnity Bond The inquiry of the Pacific Indemnity Company of Los 1'ngeles, California for Golf Course surety for the indemnity bond for the reconstruction of the golf course for Robert M. Marshall and Agnes A. Marshall requesting to be informed of the status of the contract as far as the completion of the golf course is concerned, was ref- erred to the City Clerk and the City Attorney. Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the demands as approved by the Finance Committee be paid was approved. Seabridge, Chief On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that in accordance with the Higgins, Civil Defense Conf. recommendations of Mayor Langenbeck that Councilman Seabridge and Fire Chief 00 Page 4 Minutes, December/8, 1950 w Progress of Civil Defense Organization Higgins be authorized to attend the Civil Defense Conference to be held at Sacramento, California on January 3, 42 5, 1951 and expenses be allowed was approved. On motion by Councilman LeBard seconded by Uouncilman Talbert C that Councilman Seabridge shall represent the City of Huntington Beach as its official delegate to the California League of Cities Conference on Civil Defense to be held in Sacramento, California on January 3, fit, 5, 1951 was approved. Mayor Langenbeck made a brief report on the progress of Civil Defense Organization and stated that there had been changes in Civil Defense Organization since our ordinance was passed, creating the City of Huntington Beach+bisaster Council and recommended that Councilman Seabridge, Councilman Greer, and Councilman Talbert be made vice -commanders of the City of Huntington Beach Disaster Council. Vice -Commanders On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the recommenda- of Disaster Council tions of Mayor Langenbeck to appoint Councilman Seabridge, Councilman Greer and Councilman Talbert as vice -commanders of the City of Huntington Beach Disaster Council, was approved. Set -back On motion by Talbert seconded by Seabridge that the City Attorney Distance be instructed to amend Section 4b of Ordinance No. Changed 418 of the City of Huntington Beach to change the set -back distance from 35 feet to 20 feet, was approved. Gen'l. Office On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge that the recommendations' Ass't. Range of the Finance Committee to move the salary classification of General Office Changed Assistant from Range 1 to Range 5 to be effective January 1, 1951, was approved. Talbert - Councilman Talbert read a prepared Wiitten statement in which he Municipal Airport asked that the Council take some immediate action and delegate someone to con- tact the land owners holding property adjoining the city sewerage treatment plant in order to obtain an option for the purpose of requiring sufficient land to build an airport and also stating that the land owners notified him that after the first of the year the prig will positively be increased $150.00 per acre. The statement also pointed out the benefits of a municipal airport as reported favorably by the Quinton Engineers, Ltd., and by the Civil District Airport Engineer, H. B. Friedland, and Mr. Merle H. Stevenson, Engineer for the California Aeronautics Commission and Mr. Max I Black, field representative of the California Aeronautics Commission. No action was taken on the request of Councilman Talbert. 1 1 ve 4 1 1 *0 I 107 I Joe Campbell Case 1 49 4 b 1 Page 5 . Minutes, December 18, 1950 City Attorney Bauer reported to the Council that the court had sus- tained the demurer filed in behalf of the City of Huntington Beach in the case of Joe Campbell vs. the City of Huntington Beach. On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. ATTEST t ` f-Q City C erk and ex-o f cio- Clerk of EFe City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ayo Sr