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i Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach California
Wednesday, June 6, 1951
' Pursuant to adjournment of June 4, 1951, Mayor Langen-
beck called the adjourned meeting of the City Council to order
at 7:00 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: Greer, Talbert
' Business On motion by LeBard seconded by Seabridge the application
Chamness for license of Lee Chamness to conduct the business of food
1 concession on the beach at the foot of gth Street, was granted.
Waste water On motion by Seabridge seconded by LeBard the applica-
pe rmit -
Coast Supply tions for waste water permits of the Coast Supply Company, Ltd.,
of 2941 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, for the following oil wells
were granted:
Bennett No. I - located on Lots 21-23, Block 420,
17th St. Section
Well No. 4 - located on Lots 18-20-22, Block 420,
17th St. Section
Timor No. 1 - located on Lots 21-23, Block 521,
17th St. Section
Town Lot No-3 - located on Lots 2-4, Block 621,
17th St. Section
Town Lot No.15- located on Lots 6-8-10-12, Block 516,
17th St. Section
' Mayor Langenbeck called a recess at 7:07 P.M.
Councilman Talbert arrived at 7:15 P.M.
R Mayor Langenbeck reconvened the Council at 10:55 P.M.
Light poles- On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert that the City
Ninth St.
Engineer be instructed to order the Southern California Edison
Company to install twenty three (23) pendant type ornamental
steel light poles on Ninth Street between Ocean and Palm Avenues,
was approved.
On motion by Seabridge seconded by Talbert the meeting
adjour ne d.
CIty CI& rk
Clerk and ex-o.ficio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California