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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, June 26, 1951
Chairman Wood called the meeting of the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Wodd;: Kaufman, Schryer, Kettler,
Tunis, Pyles
Commissioners absent: Hinshaw
Others present: Parks, Bauer, Overmyer
Secretary pro-tem Bauer read the legal notice
of public hearing as published in the Huntington Beach
News on June 14, 1951, for the purpose of considering
a petition for a conditional exception to regulations
of the Districting Ordinance to permit a business loca-
tion at the Southwest corner of the Sea Breeze Motor
Court for the purpose of dispensing bottled gas and
trailer supplies.
The Secretary pro-tem reported that no written
or verbal communications had been received for or
against the variance request.
The Chairman asked whether anyone present had
anything to say with respect to the request contained
in the petition for conditional exception to permit a
business location for purposes as included in the legal
notice as read.
There being no communications written or verbal
filed with the Secretary or from anyone present the
Chairman declared the meeting closed.
On motion by Pyles seconded by Kettler that the
Petition for a Conditional Exception filed by E. M.
Prince for permission to conduct the sale of bottled gas
and trailer supplies on a location at the Southwest
corner of the Sea Breeze Motor Court be recommended to
the City Council for approval, was approved.
Oil & Gas
George Atha, Oil Operator, appeared before the
Lease -
Commissioners and stated he was interested in obtaining
an oil and gas lease to drill for oil on the City -owned
airport property. The Chairman advised him that his
request was a matter to refer direct to the City Council.
On motion by Kettler seconded by Tunis the
Planning Commission adjourned until 7:30 P.M. July 17,
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