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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, October 23, 1951
Pursuant to adjournment of the regular meeting of
the Planning Commission on October 16, 1951, for lack of
a quorum, Chairman Wood called the regular adjourned meet-
ing of the Planning Commission to order at 7:30 o'clock,P.M.
Commissioners Present: Tunis, Schryer, Pyles, Wood
Commissioners Absent: Hinshaw, Kettler, Kaufman
Others Present: City Attorney Bauer, Consultant
Parks, Henricksen
Minutes On motion by Schryer seconded by Tunis the minutes
for the month of September, 1951, were accepted and ordered
filed. Motion carried.
Petition The Secretary read a petition for conditional ex-
cond. excep. cepti on filed by the Southern Counties Gas Company of Cal i-
So.Co.Gas fornia requesting permission to construct a nine foot by
Co. twenty eight foot concrete building to house a meter and
gas regulator for the gas distribution system of Huntington
Beach on Lot 20, Block 301, Huntington Beach Tract and said
property being zoned at present for C-3-0.
The Secretary read the legal notice for public
hearing on the petition for conditional exception filed
by the Southern Counties Gas Company of California set for
the hour of 7:45 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, the 23rd day of
October, 1951, Chairman Wood asked the Secretary if any
written or verbal -statements had been filed for or against
the application of petition for conditional exception filed
by * the Southern Counties Gas Company of California.
The Secretary reported that there had been no written
or verbal statements filed for or against the petition for
conditional exception.
Chairman Wood asked if there was anyone in the aud-
ience that wished to make a statement in regards to the
petition for conditional exception filed by the Southern
Counties Gas Company of California.
There being no verbal or written statements pre-
sented the Chairman declared the hearing closed.
On motion by Commissioner Pyles seconded by Tunis
that the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
recommend to the City Council that the petition for condi-
tional exception of the Southern Counties Gas Company of
California to construct a nine foot by twenty eight foot
concrete block building to house a meter and regulator sta-
tion for gas distribution system of City of Huntington Beach
on Lot 20, Block 301, Huntington Beach Tract be granted,
was approved.
H.0'Brien- The Secretary read a Petition for Amendment of Dist-
Pet.for rict filed by Howard F. O'Brien requesting the City to
Amend.of change the boundary of the R-1 District so as to exclude
District from R-1 District Lot 9, Block 1704, Tract #51, as per map
thereof recorded in Book 9, Page 49, of Miscellaneous Maps,
Records of Orange County, California, and to reclassify
Page #2.
Minutes - October 23, 1951
said property so as to permit drilling for oil thereon.
On motion by Commissioner Pyles seconded by
Commissioner Schryer that the Planning Commission rec-
ommend to the City Council that the petition for amend-
ment of district filed by Howard F. O'Brien to re-
classify Lot 9, Block 1704, Tract #51, as per map
thereof recorded in Book 9, Page 49, of Miscellaneous
Maps, Records of Orange County, California, to permit
drilling for oil be denied. Motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
• AYES: Commissioners: Tunis, Schryer, Pyles, Wood
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Kaufman, Hinshaw, Kettler
Cons.Parks- Consultant Parks presented a map showing pos-
Bch.Frt. sible parking facilities along Ocean front between
Parking Eighth Street and First Street. The Commissioners
held a general discussion of the beach front parking
problems and possible solution.
Rep.Pac. Chairman Wood requested the Secretary to con-
Rwy.Co. tact Mr. Van Dusan of the Pacific Electric Railway
• to meet Company, Lands Division, and Mr. Spencer, Engineer of
P1an.Com. the Pacific Electric Railway Company, to invite them,
at their convenience, to meet with the Planning Com-
mission of the City of Huntington Beach informally.
On motion by Schryer seconded by Pyles the
adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach adjourned.