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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
February 19, 1952
Chairman Wood called the Planning Commission of
the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Tunis, Schryer, Kaufman, Wood
Commissioners absent: Kettler, Pyles, Hinshaw
Others present; City Attorney Bauer, City Clerk
Henricksen, City Engineer
Mr. McKenna, a resident of 702 - 10th Street,
Lots on
appeared before the Planning Commission members and stated
Balt imore
that he had recently purchased three 25 foot lots at Balti-
more Avenue with a frontage of 75 feet and was contemplat-
ing dividing the lots into two parcels with a 371 foot
frontage on each lot and understood that if that was done
he would not be permitted to build on a lot in the R-3
District having only 371 foot frontage.
The Commissioners discussed the requirements of
the R-3 Zone with the City Attorney and the City Engineer
and it was found that in the Ordinance No. 556 amending
Districting Ordinance No. 495 that it made a requirement
in the R-3 District that each permissible building shall
be located upon a lot not less than 50 feet in average
width and having an area of not less than 5000 square
feet, -'provided however that said minimum provision of
width and area shall not apply to any lot of less than
said width an area which was held under separate ownership
and existing on the date this ordinance became effective
and said further that there shall be at least 750 square
feet of lot area for each apartment or each single dwell-
ing unit .
City Attorney Bauer pointed out to the Commis-
sioners that there was a provision in Section 24S of the
Districting Ordinance which stated that provisions of
the ordinance not withstanding any lots which existed
prior to the effective date of this ordinance may be used
as a building site for at least one single family dwelling
and City Attorney Bauer stated that this seemed to nulify
the Section 15.3 of Ordinance No. 556.
On motion by Schryer seconded by Kaufman that the
City Engineer be requested to make a study of the require -
merits of lot size and area in the R-3 District and report
to the Commissioners his findings and recommendations,
was approved.
G.M.Parks- G. Millard Parks, Planning Commission Consultant,
Beach & presented to the members a text he had prepared which
Bluff Dev. combined the studies that had been made by the Commission
and outlined the proposed general plan for the beach and
bluff development. A general discussion of the text was
On motion- by Schryer seconded by Kaufman that the
regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
Huntington Beach adi ourn . was approved.
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