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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, April 15, 1952
The Secretary called the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to order.
Commissioners present: Pyles, Kettler, Kaufman, Tunis,
Commissioners absent: Hinshaw
See below
Schryer, Due to the vacancy caused by the resignation of
temp. Chairman Wood, a motion by Pyles seconded by Kettler
Chairman that Commissioner Schryer be appointed temporary Chair-
man was approved.
Minutes A motion by Kaufman seconded by Tunis that the
minutes as transcribed and mailed by the Secretary for
the month of March be approved subject to the correction
in the third paragraph substituting the word "thereafter"
for the words "said resolution", was carried.
The Chairman ordered a recess until 7:45 P.M. at
which time a hearing had been set.
The commissioners reconvened at 7:45 P.M.
Public Hear- Chairman Schryer announced that this was the
ing, Gen1l hour and date set for the public hearing in the matter
Plan -Beach of the General Plan of Beach and Shoreline of Hunting-
& Shoreline ton Beach and requested the Secretary to read notice of
The Secretary read the legal notice published
in the Huntington Beach News April 3, 1952, covering
notice of public hearing in the matter of adopting a
general plan of beach and shoreline by the City Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, California,
said hearing to be held in the Council Chamber of the
City Hall in Huntington Beach, California, at the hour
of 7:45 P.M., on Tuesday, April 15, 1952.
The Chairman asked the Secretary if any communi-
cations had been received or any inquiries in regard to
the proposed general plan of beach and shoreline. The
Secretary reported that no verbal requests had been re-
ceived, but that a letter had been filed prior to this
meeting by the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Hunt-
ington Beach. The Chairman requested the Secretary to
read said communication. The Secretary read the commun-
ication received from the Chamber of Commerce of the City; -
of Huntington Beach advising the Commission that the
Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of 'Directors
had met at a regular session Monday evening April 14,
1952, and had voted to accet the Beach and Parks Com-
mittee report dated March 29, 1952, in which the Com-
mittee recommended that the beach parking area plan as
drawn by City Engineer Harry Overmyer to park some 265
autos on'th e beach between the open air amphitheatre
and the Huntington Beach Municipal Trailer Park be in-
cluded in the Cityts Beach Master Plan.
The Chairman asked if there was anyone in the
audience that wished to discuss the proposed General
Plan of Beach and Shoreline as proposed by the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach.
Others present: Consultant Parks, City Attorney, Bauer,
City Engineer Overmyer and City Clerk
Page 72.
Minutes - April 15, 10152
Dave Jones-
Mr. Dave Jones, President of the Huntington
,?aster Plan
Beach ,Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Com-
missioners and requested that the Secretary read
the excerpt of the minutes of the Huntington Beach
Chamber of Commerce meeting held on Wednesday even-
ing March 26, 1952, and said excerpts referring to
the heading known as the Huntington Beach Company
Beach and the Master Plan of parking area on the
beach and upland parking.
The Chairman directed the Secretary to read
the excerpts of those minutes referred to by Dave
The Secretary read the excerpts of minutes
as referred to by Dave Jones.
Consultant Parks was asked to explain what
a Master Plan actually is and Consultant Parks stated
in general that a master plan is merely general in
nature and does not delve into specific details as
they are left for the Engineering Department and are
subject to the wishes of the legislative body of the
City, or may be adopted as "precise plans" in ac-
cordance with the Conservation and Planning Law.
Frank Bray
Frank Bray, who leases the store.facilities
at the Municipal Trailer Park, addressed the Com-
missioners and made a request that Beach parking
facilities be incorporated in the proposed General
Plan of Beach and Shoreline.
Commissioner Pyles pointed out that statis-
tics showed that all beach area in Southern Cali-
fornia that is now available is necessary and it
would indicate that parking of cars should be con-
fined to the upland areas and also that the present
proposed beach plan shows the service road next to
the retaining wall.
Chairman Schryer asked the City Engineer if
in his opinion there was sufficient space for U
turns on the proposed parking areas and egress and
City Eng.
ingress. City Engineer Overmyer reported that the
proposed beach parking areas that he had prepared
temporary plans for at the request of the City
Council does not have adequate egress and ingress.
Commissioner Kaufman asked if the service
road as indicated on the plan at the foot of the
bluff was placed at that location whether the pro-
posed beach parking would still be wanted in the
`,: •
area proposed.
' Dave Jones
Mr. Dave Jones again addressed the Com-
missioners and stated that the consensus of opinion
of the -Beach and Pier Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce was that beach parking be included in the
plan for future use should it be needed, or until
such time as the service road is eliminated.
Consultant Parks commented briefly on that
portion of the general plan of beach and shoreline
relating to the highway plan and stated that the
Division of Highways had many requests for parking
ona portion of the highway together with land
adjacent thereto and felt convinced that due to the
policy of the Division of Highways in past requests
that no such plan would be given the approval by
the Division of Highways.
Page #3. ,
rginutes - April 15, 1952
Chairman Schryer after no further discussion on
the public hearing of the -General Plan of Beach and Shore-
line declared the hearing closed at 8:30 P.M.
Discuss Chairman Schryer informed the Commissioners that
Gen.Plan the meeting was now open; -.to discuss the General Plan of
of Beach &.the Beach and Shoreline by the City Planning Commission.
City Attorney Bauer reported to'the Commissioners
that if the proposed General Plan of Beach and Shoreline
upon which a public hearing had just been concluded
should be changed or amended to any substantial degree
that in his opinion another public hearing should be held.
Consultant Parks suggested that the parking plan
on the beach might be included as an interim plan in
the proposed Master .Plan.
Chairman Schryer requested the City Engineer to
bring the proposed plan that he had prepared as requested
by the City Council on the beach parking in order that
the Commissioners and those present could review it.
Chairman Schryer ordered a recess while the plan
of City Engineer* Overmyer was to be reviewed in order to
conduct other business.
Nomina- Chairman Schryer announced that in accordance
tions: with the by-laws of the Huntington Beach Planning Commis-
Chalrman, sion that the first regular meeting in April of each year
Vice " , called for the election of a Chairman --and a Vice -Chairman
Secly and a Secretary and stated that nominations were now in
order for Chairman. Commissioner Pyles moved that Com-
missioner Schryer be nominated for Chairman. On motion
by Tunis seconded by Kettler that the nominations for
Chairman be closed was approved. On motion by Kaufman
seconded by Tunis that the Secretary be instructed to
cast a unanimous ballot for Commissioner Schryer as
Chairman, was approved. Commissioner Schryer stated that
nominations were in order for Vice -Chairman. Commissioner
Pyles moved that Commissioner Kettler be nominated for
Vice -Chairman. On motion by Tunis seconded by Kaufman
that the nominations for Vice -Chairman be closed, was
approved. On motion by Kaufman seconded by Pyles that
the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot
for Kettler as Vice -Chairman, was approved. Commissioner
Kaufman moved that Henricksen be nominated for Secretary.
.On motion by Pyles seconded by Kaufman that the nomina-
tions for Secretary be closed, was approved. On motion
by Kaufman seconded by Tunis that the,Secretary be in-
structed to cast a unanimous ballot for Henricksen as
Secretary, was approved.
C.Knisley Mr. Clyde Knisley, 608 Joliet Street, appeared
before the Commissioners and reported that considerable
leasing for oil well drilling was taking place on the
east side, south of Quincy and east of Delaware and
stated that in his opinion some type of drilling regu-
lations to restrict the amount of area that a well can
be drilled on, should be acted on quickly in order to
protect all -property owners, -and to avoid a recurrence
of what happened in the old town lot area of the City
and asked that the Planning Commission recommend to the
City Council some form of regulation for oil well drill-
ing on the east side.
- Mr. Knisley was informed that the subject of reg-
ulating oil'well drilling was a matter that he should
take up directly with the City Council.
Page #4
Minutes- April 15, 1952
The Planning Commission action on the General
Plan of Beach and Shoreline was tabled until the next
meeting in order that the Commissioners can give fur-
ther thought and study on the plan.
Consultant Parks presented to the Commissioners
a proposed or alternate plan for parking cars on the
highway right-of-way, but it was considered too pre-
cise in nature to be included in the General Plan.
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Pyles that
Consultant Parks be instructed to remove the high-
way map now contained in the proposed General Plan
of Beach and Shoreline and to make the resulting
necessary changes in the text, was approved.
On motion by Commissioner Kettler seconded
by Commissioner Kaufman the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
Cha Irma