HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-05-19Business
New Well -
Sowest Expl.
State 126
" State J-100
New Well -
Appl.Waste water
permit, C. M.
Elect.Bond -
James C. Camp
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, May 19, 1952
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 ofclock P.M.
Councilmen present; Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge
Councilmen absents None
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood the following appli-
cations for license to conduct business in the City of Hunting-
ton Beach were granted as follows;
John T. Morris, 1595 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, the business of
roofing contractor.
Blanche R. and David E. Gays-y 112 E. Ocean Avenue, the business
of grocery, Seabreeze Market.
Marjorie Aubrey, 804 Ocean Avenue, the business of public danc-
ing at 804 Ocean Avenue, Huntington Inn.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the appli-
cation for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to
drill a new well State 126, was granted.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the appli-
cation for oil well permit of Southwest Exploration Company to
drill a new well State J-100, was granted.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the applica-
tion for oil well permit of Beloil Corporation Ltd., to drill a
new well located on Block 2205, E.S.V.Tract, City of Huntington
Beach, was granted, subject to the approval of the drilling and
cleanup bond for form by the City Attorney.
The Clerk read application for waste water permit of
C. M. Garrison of 311 - 8th Street, Huntington Beach, for well
located on Lots 2 and 4, Block 315, Huntington Beach Tract.
Mayor Seabridge referred the application for waste water permit
of C. M. Garrison to the Streets and Parks Committee and the
Oil Committee for study and report.
The Clerk presented the electrical bond filed by the
Glens Falls Indemnity Uompany of Glens Falls, New York, for
James C. Camp as principal. City Engineer Overmyer reported
to the City Council that James C. Camp had a business permit
covering electrical appliances and did not have a valid State
Contractor's Electrical License.
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Minutes - May 19, 1952
Mayor Seabridge referred the electrical bond of the Glens
Falls Indemnity Company of Glens Falls, New York, for James C.
Camp as principal to the City Attorney for study and its rela-
tion to the type of business permit James C. Camp has been issued
by the City.
Surf Assoc. On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the request of
term.of drlg.
bond Surf Associates, Inc., for termination of liability on Drilling
..Bend of Glens Falls Indemnity Company No. 242216 for Surf Well
#1, was granted.
Nicoali & On motion by LeBard seconded by flood that the request
PO Hamilton,
term.of of Nicoali and Hamilton for termination of Fireman's Fund Indem-
nity Company Drilling Bond No. L-113868 covering the Hamilton
No. 3 well located on Lots 6 to 10, in Block 1902, Vista -Del
Mar Tract, was granted.
Mrs. Lipps, On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the re -
water quest of Sam F. Rhoads acting as agent for Mrs. Jack Liipps .for
cancellation of the waste water disposal charges for the period
May 1, 1952 to June 1, 1952.covering well located on Lots 26
and 28, in.Block 521, Huntington Beach Tract,.be denied, was*
Permit On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the
Ole Right of Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the permit
6tr..& 9th of the Pacific .Electric Railway Company granting the City of
Huntington Beach permission to enter upon.the right of way for
the purpose of leveling and grading right of way on the
southerly side of track between Sixth Street and Ninth Street
in Huntington Beach on the Newport Line was approved.
Div. of Mayor Seabridge referred to the Streets and Parks Com-
easement mittee for study and report the request of the Division of
of way Highways, State of California, for an easement deed -and exe-
cution of a right of way contract regarding a triangular
piece of property located at the northwest corner of Huntington
Beach Boulevard, and Pacific Coast Highway over which a portion
of the State Highway. system has existed for some time.
Ord.#587, The City Clerk gave Ordinance No. 587, an ordinance
of the City of Huntington Beach amending Ordinance No. 230,
entitled "An Ordinance regulating dance halls, dancing pavilions,
and places where dances are regularly conducted and carried on
in the City of Huntington Beach, California," its second and
final reading by title reference.
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Minutes - May 19, 1952
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert Ordinance
No. 587 was passed and adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard,,.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Calif.Bench Co. The Clerk read the communication from the California
Bench Company requesting permission in form of a permit from
the City of Huntington Beach to place one bench on Walnut Street
at Main on the northeast corner alongside of Waite's Drug Store.
The request of the California Bench Company was ordered back
to the applicant in order to properly present a consent from
the property owners in accordance with the provisions of Ordi-
nance No. 581.
Agrmt.H.B.U.H. Mayor Seabridge referred to the Recreation Committee for
S. & R ecr.Comm.-
Use of Baseball study and report the proposed agreement between the Huntington
Beach Union High School District and the Public Recreation Com-
giving permission to the Commission thq right to use the School's Base -
mission of the City of Huntington Beach/Field and bleachers for ball
the purpose of conducting and carrying on recreational games
and activities, as well as league baseball games, during the
summer months of 1952, and particularly on Wednesday afternoons
and Saturdays and Sundays.
H.B.U.H.S., City's The City Clerk read a communication from the Huntington
Sewer Facilities
Beach Union High School whereby the High School Board of Trustees
requested that the City give its approval to the plan of the
City Engineer extending the City's sewer facilities to accommo-
date the new buildings and other possible future needs.of the
High School population, and that the Huntington Beach Union High
School District would be agreeable to share the cost of the sewer
facilities not to exceed a total sum of $2,300.00.
On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the City
Attorney be instructed to draw up an agreement between the City
of Huntington Beach and the Huntington Beach Union High School
District. to participate in the cost of the sewer facilities
along the lines suggested in the letter read by the City Clerk,
was approved.
Claim for tax The Clerk read a communication received from the Clerk
refund - Sowest
Expl.& Signal of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County enclosing a certi-
fied copy of minute order passed by the Board of Supervisors
at a regular meeting held on May 139 1952, referring the matter
of claim for tax refund of Southwest Exploration Company and
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Minutes - May 19, 1952
Signal Oil and Gas Company together with. copy of County Council
opinion on the subject matter.
On motion by Councilman LeBard seconded by Councilman
Wood that the City Attorney be instructed to inform the -Orange
County Board of Supervisors the position of the City of Hunt-
ington Beach in the matter of claim for tax refund of South-
west Exploration Company and Signal.Oil and Gas Company, was
Request of Mayor Seabridge ref erred to the Beach and Pier Committee
to use the request of Miss Vivian Messetti requesting the use of the
Pavalon Ballroom for one evening's engagement for a traveling
show known as F. A. Cunningham's Musical -Circus Review, Kick
Memorial The Clerk read a communication received from the Hunt -
Day Serv.
at Monu- ington Beach Post No. 7368, Veterans of Foreign Wars inviting
Civic Ctr. the. City Council to attend the Memorial Day Services to be held
on May 30, 1952., at the Monument in the Civic Center and asked
that the City place a wreath on the Monument.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the City
Clerk be authorized to purchase a wreath to be placed on the
Monument in the Civic Center for the Memorial Day Services was
So.Counties The Clerk read a communication received from the Public
Gas Co.appl.
to incr. Utilities Commission, State of California, advising the City
that on April 23, 1952, the Southern Counties Gas Company of
California applied to the California Public Utilities Commis-
sion for authority to increase gas rates by $ 4.,852, 000.00 for
estimated 1952 operation equivalent to 15.3% increase on an
annual basis and that if the City so desires a copy of the
applicant's application would be furnished upon request.
,• On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the
City Clerk be instructed to request the Public Utilities Com-
mission, State of California, to furnish the City with a copy
of the Southern Counties Gas Company of California's applica-
tion for increase in gas rates, was approved.
Or.Co.Vet. The Clerk read a joint communication received from the
Day Cele-
bration, American Legion Joseph Rodman Post No. 133 of Huntington Beach
Arm .Day
and the Huntington Beach Post No. 7368 Veterans of Foreign
Wars requesting that the City of Huntington Beach provide
funds to cover expenses of the proposed Orange County Veterans
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Minutes - May 19, 1952
Day Celebration at Huntington Beach on Armistice Day, Novem-
bar 11, 1952, and said funds requested as outlined in the pro-
posed budget attached, in the amount of $2,985.00.
L.Mitchell Lew Mitchell, member of the American Legion Joseph
Rodman Post #133 of Huntington Beach appeared before the City
Council and spoke in behalf of the American Legion and re-
c,p ested that serious consideration be given to the joint request
of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars and
the sponsorship of the proposed Orange County Veterans Day
Celebration to be held at Huntington Beach on Armistace Day on
November 11, 1952. No action was taken on the joint request of
the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars for the City
to Sponsor the Orange County Veterans Day Celebration to be held
at Huntington Beach.
Curtains and Councilman Langenbeck, Chairman of the Building and
Drapes to be
installed at Insurance.Committee, reported to the City Council that two in -
Memo. Hall
formal bids had been submitted to.the City for furnishing and
installing in Memorial Hall a stage curtain, valances,. rear
panels and overhead borders, exit curtains, draw curtain at
the entry hall,and valance and Dutch window curtains at the
kitchen, and all fabric: to be of a material known as Soft -Flex
Glass, and that it was the recommendation of the Building and
Insurance Committee to award the work to the Curran Productions
of Los Angeles, California, being the lowest and most respons-
ible bid.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the
furnishing of Soft -Flex drapes and curtains for Memorial Hall
as outlined by Councilman Langenbeck be awarded to the Curran
Productions of Los Angeles, California, in accordance with their
quotation of May 16, 1952, and that the City Clerk be authorized
to issue a purchase order to the Curran Productions, was approved.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that in ac-
permit to cut cordance with the recommendation of the Streets and Parks Commit -
tee that the request of Isaac Parnakian for permission to out the
curbway required for driveway to garage and said curb to be out
at 314 and 316 Chicago Street, where a duplex and double garage
is now under construction, was.granted, and the work. to be sub-
ject to the supervision of the City Engineer.
H.S.Merritt- re- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that in accord-
moval of tree on
Geneva St. ance with recommendation of the Streets and Parks Committee that
Page #6. .
Minutes'- May 19, 1952
the request of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Merritt, 611 Geneva Street,
for removal of a Eucalyptus tree at said address, that the City
take no action in the matter because the tree is not located in
the parkway area but on private property, was.approved.
Councilman Langenbeck read Resolution No. 1175, a reso-
grade cross.
lution of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
17th St.
requesting grant of Highway Users' Tax.Fund for construction
of a new highway grade crossing at Seventeenth Street over the
Weibling Spur of the Pacific Electric Railway Tracks.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood Resolution
No. 1175 was passed and adopted by the following roll call. -
AYES: Councilmen: Talbert, Wood, Langenbeck, LeBard,
NOES: Councilmen: None
.ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Councilman LeBard advised the City Council that the
problem at
Beach and Pier Committee has been considering the parking
problem in relation to the beach and suggested that a tempo-
rary lot be put in on the City owned property at the north-
west corner of the 52 acres where Huntington Avenue enters
State Highway #101.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Langenbeck that in
52 acres
accordance with the recommendations of the Beach and Pier
Committee that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare a
parking plan and the cost for laying road mix on the triangle
parcel located at the northwest corner of the 52 acres ad-
jacent to Huntington Avenue at a point entering State Highway
#101, was approved. ,.
Mayor Seabridge ordered a recess of the City Council
at 9:22 o'clock P.M.
The City Council reconvened at 10:30 o'clock P.M.
On motion by flood seconded by Talbert that in accord -
of Ferris
ance with the recommendations of the City Attorney that the
City Attorney be authorized to obtain for the City of Hunt-
ington Beach a transcript of the Ferris Case, was approved.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Talbert that the
demands of the City of Huntington Beach as approved by the
Finance Committee be ordered paid, was approved.
52 acre fill, Chief Lifeguard Elmer Combs reported to the City
refuse from
beach clean -Council that further out and fill be provided on the City's
52 acres in order to dispose of further .refuse from the beach
cleaning operations.
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Minutes - May 19, 195,2
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the
request of Chief Lifeguard Elmer Combs to provide for out
and fill on the 52 acres be referred to the Streets and
Parks Committee, in cooperation with the City Engineer, for
final disposition, was approved.
Fire Chief Higgins reported to the City Council and
Comp. of call
firemen requested that Ordinance revision be made covering procedure
and compensation of call firemen. Mayor Seabridge referred
the request of Fire Chief Higgins to the Police and Fire
Committee for study and report.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert the regular
meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach
)e 1
i y Clerk And ex -of is o ler
the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
C t 1 er