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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, May 20, 1952
Chairman Schryer called the meeting of the Planning
Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at
7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Tunis, Davis, Kettler, Kaufman,
Pyles, Schryer
Commissioners absent: Hinshaw
Others Present: City Attorney Bauer, City Clerk
Minutes On motion by Kaufman seconded by Tunis that the
minutes of the City of Huntington Beach Planning Commis-
sion of Tuesday, April 15, 1952, be approved as cor-
rected and mailed, was approved.
Beach & Chairman Schryer announced that the principle
Shoreline purpose of this meeting was to complete the beach and
Plan of shoreline plan of the master plan for presentation to
Master Plan, the City Council.
to be com-
pleted Consultant Parks read the section of a proposed
resolution which pointed out the revisions he had made
to the proposed plan and text as previously submitted.
Consultant Parks also read the revision in the text that
he had been instructed to make at a previous meeting.
Chairman Schryer and the Commissioners present
reviewed the proposed changes in plans and text as read
by Consultant Parks.
Chairman Schryer read the proposed changes again
in order that the Commissioners could acquaint themselves
with the changes in the plans and text.
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Davis that the
following changes be made in the General Plan of Beach
and Shoreline Plan:
1. That the beach service road plan remain as shown
and that the drawing showing an alternate type of
pedestrian ramp allowing the roadway to have a
more direct alignment instead of taking a circular
route around the lower end of each ramp be included
and serve as an alternate plan.
2. That the explanation of the proposed use of land
'adjacent to the Coast Highway lying southerly of
First Street be included.
3. That the drawing of proposed typical sections of
the State Highway in references thereto be and
are hereby eliminated.
Motion passed and adopted by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Commissioners: Tunis, Davis, Kettler, Kaufman,
Pyles, Schryer
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Hinshaw
Page #2.
Minutes - May 20, 1952
Resolution No. 27, a resolution of the City
Planning Commission adopting a general plan of beach
and shoreline and recommending said plan as a sec -
tion of the master plan of the City of Huntington
Beach was read by Chairman Schryer.
On motion by Kettler seconded by Tunis that
Resolution No. 27 be passed and adopted as read by
Chairman Schryer and be submitted to the City Coun-
cil for approval, was passed and adopted by the fol-
lowing roll call vote:
AYES: Cotimibsioners: Tunis, Davis, Kettler,
Kaufman, Pyles, Schryer
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Hinshaw
The Secretary read the letter of transmit-
tal by Chairman Schryer submitting the master plan
of beach and shoreline of the City of Huntington
Beach as prepared and adopted by the City Planning
Commission to the City Council for their approval
and adoption.
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Kettler
that the Chairman be directed to read the letter
presenting arguments for parking on the beach at
the public hearing by the City Council.on the gen-
eral plan of the beach and shoreline, was approved.
The Secretary announced -that a petition for
conditional "exception has been filed.by property
June 17th
owner at 624 - 15th Street requesting permission
to enlarge the present dwelling and that a public
hearing has been set for the regular meeting of
the Planning Commission on June 17, 1952.
The Commissioners discussed the proposed
1952-1953 budget and requested the Secretary to
present the following proposed budget:
1. Salary - Consultant .................$1,500.00
2. Blueprings, Maps and Miscellaneous
Expense to cover placards, legal
notices, field work, engineering and
drafting ............................ 700.00
'3. Conventions and special meetings .... 75.00
Total .......52, 675.00
On motion by Commissioner Kaufman -seconded
by -Commissioner Kettler the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M., May 27, 1952.
Cha ran