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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach,. California
Tuesday, June 17, 1952
Chairman Schryer called the regular meeting of
the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
to order at 7:40 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Schryer, Tunis, Kaufman, Davis
Commissioners absent: Hinshaw, Pyles, Kettler
Others present: City Engineer Overmyer, City
Attorney Bauer, and City Clerk
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Tunis that the
minutes for the month of May, 1952, as transcribed and
mailed by the Secretary be accepted, was approved.
Chairman Schryer announced that this was the
hour and date set for public hearing on the petition
for conditional exception filed by Pauline McDowell,
624 - 15th Street, said petition for the purpose of an
addition to the present building located on the prop- .:
erty described as Lot 24, Block 614 - 17th Street Sec-
tion, and that notice of public hearing as published
in the Huntington Beach News on May 29, 1952.
Chairman Schryer requested the Secretary to read
the petition for conditional exception filed by Pauline
The Secretary reported that there had been no
statements filed for or against the request for var-
iance by Pauline McDowell.
The Chairman asked if there was anyone in the
audience that wished to -make any statements in regards
to the hearing being held on the petition for condi-
tional exception as read by the Secretary.
Pauline McDowell appeared before the Commis-
sioners and stated other houses nearby are closer to the
property line than her home and stated further it would
not injure the rights of other properties in the area
as there were oil tanks near by.
There being no further response from anyone
present in the audience the Chairman declared the hear-
ing on the petition for conditional exception of Pauline •
McDowell closed.
The Commissioners held a general discussion
relative to the petition filed by Pauline McDowell.
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Davis that the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
recommend to the City Council to deny the petition for
conditional exception of Pauline McDowell for the fol-
lowing reasons:
1. Applicant has not shown sufficient circumstances •
or conditions to justify said conditional exception.
2. That the applicant has not lost any, of the enjoyment
of her property right.
Page #2.
Minutes - June 17, 1952
3. The granting of the variance may be detrimental
to the adjoining property which is set back the
proper distance from the property line.
Motion carried.
Co.Sanita- The Secretary read a communication of the
tion Dists. County Sanitation Districts of Orange County, Cal -
Sewage Pl. ifornia, that had been referred to the Planning
Commission by the City Council, said communication
advising the City that the County Sanitation Dis-
tricts of Orange County are proposing the construc-
tion of a sewage plant within the City limits of the
City of Huntington Beach, and a map showing the
location of the proposed treatment plant attached
to the communication and that the County Sanitation
Districts have not as yet purchased any of the
land needed for the treatment plant, consequently
application for re -zoning or a variance is not
possible at this time and it requested that the
Districts need be considered should zoning changes
in this area be considered prior to the purchase
of the land by the Districts.
Robt.Moore, The Secretary read a communication from
Mills Land Robert L. Moore, president of the Mills Land and
& Wtr.Co. Water Company, stating that it has come to his
attention that the Commission is now making certain
studies relative to the re -zoning of certain areas
within the City limits on the east side of Hunt-
ington Beach and asked that they be given an oppor-
tunity to confer with the Commission before any
definite action is taken relative to re -zoning of
the Mills Land and Water Company property.
The Commissioners held a general discus-
sion on the procedure and methods to take relative
to re -zoning the R-1 area located easterly of Hamp-
shire Avenue and adjacent to Coast Highway #101.
Outfall City Engineer Overmyer addressed the Com-
Sewer missioners and stated that the Outfall Sewer Pro -
Program gram proposes to build a plant adjacent to the
Santa Ana River and the Board had requested that
re -zoning be held in abeyance until the property
for the proposed sewage plant is acquired.
General Manager Ribal of the Outfall Sewer
Districts had requested to find out the feeling of
the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach as to procedure, whether by variance or re-
zoning, and also if the proposed sewage plant loca-
tion is favorable to the community.
The Commissioners discussed the matter of
the location of the proposed sewage plant of the
County Sanitation Districts and were of the opinion
that the plant should be 1300 feet from the Coast
Highway and 300 feet away from Bushard Avenue.
City Engineer Overmyer requested that he be
permitted to inform General Manager Ribal and state
that the Commission is opposed to the location of
any sewage facilities in the general area of the
ocean front and that no facility is desired closer
than 1300 feet from Highway #101 and 300 feet from
Bushard Avenue.
Page #3. •
Minutes - June 17, 1952
Property The Secretary was instructed to forward a
Owners to letter to all property owners owning property in the
meet R-1 Zone, east of Hampshire Avenue and adjacent to
Coast Highway #101, inviting them to meet -'with the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
at 7:30 o'clock P.M. July 8, 1952, for the purpose of
discussing the re -zoning of the land area easterly of
Hampshire Avenue and adjacent to Coast Highway #101.
Auto On motion by Davis seconded by Kaufman that
Parking the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council
that stalls be painted on all streets from First to
Eleventh Streets and three blocks back from Ocean •
Avenue so as to define spaces for car parking in order
to get as much parking as possible, was approved.
On motion by Kaufman seconded by Davis the
regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City
of Huntington Beach adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M.,
July 8, 1952.
Chair an •