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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, August 19, 1952 -
Chairman Schryer called the regular meeting of the
Planning Commission to order at 7:30 o'clock P. T.T.
Commissioners present: Tunis, Davis, P,-les, Kaufman,
Hinshaw, Schryer
Commissioners absent; Kettler
Others present; Consultant Parks, City Attorney
Bauer, and City Clerk Henricksen
Vinutes On motion by Kaufman seconded by Tunis the minutes of
the meeting of the Planning Commission for the month of
July, 1952, be„accepted.as mailed by the Secretary, were
O'Brien The Secretary read the petition for conditional excep-
petition fortion filed by Howard O'Brien of San Juan Capistrano, Calif -
variance ornia, covering a variance to permit drilling of an oil
well in the R-E Zone on property described as Lot 7, Block
1704, Tract #51, situated in the City of Huntington Beach.
The applicant, Howard O'Brien, was present and members
of the Commission asked the applicant regarding the present
production from well located in the same block as applicant
is requesting to drill a new well. The applicant stated
that production from present well is less than two barrels
per day. The applicant also stated that he should have the
right to offset the present drilling and production that is
going on directly across the alley from his proposed
location. A general discussion regarding the application
of Howard O'Brien was held by the Commissioners.
O'Brien On motion by Davis seconded by Kaufman that the peti-
petition tion for conditional exception filed by Howard O'Brien re-
t-nbled questing permission to drill a new well on Lot 7, Block
1704, Tract #51, in the City of Huntington Beach, be tabled
until the meeting of,September 16, 1952, was approved.
Recommend The Secretary informed the Commissioners that the terms
re-app'tm't of Dr. Henry Kaufman and Florence Tunis expire on September
Kaufman 8. 18, 1952 and October 2, 1952, respectively. On motion by
Tunis Hinshaw seconded by Pyles that the Planning Commission re-
commend to the City Council that Commissioners Kaufman and
Tunis be re -appointed to serve another term on the Planning
Commission, was approved.
Proposed Chairman Schryer read from a prepared text an outline
egenda of a proposed agenda suggesting the course of discussion
outlined and actions that should be taken by the Commissioners.
Items on the agenda as follows;
To request the City for additional districting maps
covering the area annexed east of Hampshire Avenue
to .Santa Ana River.
Proposed Orange County Outfall Treatment Plant
location and its affect on the zoning proposed for
that area.
The future use of land now occupied by the City of
Huntington Beach Sewage Plant that will be dis-
continued when the Orange County Outfall Treat-
ment Plant goes into operation.
To discuss Whether the airport strip or/and facil-
ities is best use of the land. 0
Page #2.
Minutes - August 19, 1952
Districting On motion by Kaufman seconded by Davis that the
Maps. Commission request the City Council to instruct the
City Engineer to prepare necessary districting maps on
printed tracing_cloth formsp covering territory annexed
east of Hampshire Avenue since zoning ordinance was
adopted. Motion carried.
Location Discussion was held on the proposed location of the
Or.Co.OutOrange County Outfall Treatment Plant to be located ad-
Tr.Plant jacent to the Santa Ana River in the general proximity
of the Karales property and v&iat its effect would be on
the proposed zoning now under study by the Commissioners.
Discuss - A general discussion was held on the future use of
future -use land now occupied by the Huntington Beach Sewage Treat-
Sew.Pl.larid.ment Plant that will be discontinued when the Orange
County Outfall Treatment Plant goes into operation.
Discuss air- A general discussion was held on the present air-
strip & portstrip and airport facilities and whether present opera-
tions are the best use of the land.
Review map The Commissioners reviewed a map presented by Con -
re; prop. sultant Parks showing some suggested proposed rezoning
•ezoning. of the area easterly of Hampshire Avenue to the Santa
Ana River and adjacent to Highway #101.
Committee Chairman Schryer appointed Commissioner Pyles and
for stud7r of Commissioner Davis as a Committee to make a study of the
O'Brien Howard O'Brien petition for conditional exception to
petition. drill a new well and what probelems ,it presents and
report back*to the Commissioners at the next meeting.
On motion by Davis seconded by Pyles the regular
meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
Huntington Beach adjourned.