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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, October 6, 1952
Chairman Schryer called the meeting of the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach
to order at 1:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present: Schryer, Pyles, Davis, Stang,
Commissioners absent: Hinshaw, Tunis
Others present: City Attorney Bauer, City
Engineer Overmyer, City
Clerk Henricksen
Public Chairman Schryer announced that this was the
Hearing hour the Planning Commission was called to meet in
order to hold a public hearing on a petition for con-
ditional exception and requested the Secretary to read
the legal notice of public hearing.
Variance- The Secretary read the legal notice of public
Or.Co. hearing published in the Huntington Beach News Sep -
Ceramic tember 25, 1952, relative to the City Manning Com-
Tile Mfg. mission holding a public hearing at the hour of 1:30
Co. o'clock P.M. on the 6th day of October, 1952, for the
purpose of considering a -petition for conditional
exception to regulations of the districting ordinance
to permit an addition to and improvement of existing
facilities, improvements to be constructed on Lots 25
and 26, Block 602, Vista Del Mar, Knoll Section, City
of Huntington. Beach, and that all interested persons
are invited to attend said hearing to express their
opinions for or against granting the proposed condi-
tional exception.
The Secretary reported that postcard notices
were mailed to the owners in the immediate vicinity
of the location upon which the improvements are con-
templated to be made.
The Secretary also read a petition signed by
property owners living in the immediate vicinity of
the proposed improvement opposing any expansion or
building on to the Orange County Ceramic Tile Yianu-
facturing Company at the corner of Alabama and Frank-
fort Streets and said petition signed by 27 property
Chairman Schryer asked if there was anyone in
the audience that wished to express their opinion in
regards to the hearing on the petition for conditional
exception as read by the Secretary.
The following property owners appeared before
the Planning Commission and opposed the improvements
requested by the Orange County Ceramic Tile Manufac-
turing Company at 201 Frankfort Street, Huntington
Beach, and presented the following objections:
1. That a variance had been given upon a
property that had a frame building on
it prior to the zoning ordinance being
adopted in the City of Huntington Beach,
and that during World War III expansion
was permitted.
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Minutes - Oct. 6, 1952
2. A variance was given to Orange County
Ceramic Tile Manufacturing Company to
expand the plant for manufacturing
ceramic tile.
3. The original operations of the Ceramic
Tile Manufacturing Company presented
many hazards, such as loose tile and
manufacturing debris left in the alley
and noises from a compressor setting in
the open.
4. Many complaints were made and no cor-
rections or improvements made by the
plant management.
5. Much white dust created and deposited
on properties in the adjacent vicinity.
6. Loading and unloading from the plant
obstruct the traffic in the streets and
cars are parked in front of property
owners adjacent to the plant, permitting
no space for property owners to park
their own cars.
7. Due to the ceramic tile manufacturing
operations property will depreciate in
the area.
8. Adjacent property owners would rather
see the present vacant lots, that con-
templated improvement is to be made on,
be kept for parking purposes.
Property owners that appeared before the
Planning Commission and opposed the expansion as
Frank C. Marter Benjamin Minger
Eader Bender William Lewis
Frances Bender Mrs. C. L. Hawes
Mrs. Albert Watkins
Mr. W. S. Duff appeared before the Planning
Commission and stated that he has known the nature of
the operation in the present building for nine years,
and that many improvements have been made and most of
the objectionable features as reported by those
opposing the application have been corrected and that
he lives only 200 feet away from the present plant
and that the expansion planned will be an improvement
and provide work for many local people, and as a prop-
erty owner has no objections to the expansion of the
C. B. Sturgeon, President of the Orange
County Ceramic Manufacturing Company, appeared before
the Planning Commission and stated that he has not
realized that the plant has been such a detriment
in accordance with the people addressing the Com-
missioners and to alleviate all doubt in the minds
of the Commissioners invited the Board to come to the
plant and check into all of the objections that
were presented.
The Secretary read the following communica-
tion filed by D. G..Higgins, Fire Chief:
"Unless certain changes listed below are
made within the present plant of the
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Minutes - Uct.6, 1952
Orange County Tile Company to alleviate the
present fire hazard and unless the proposed
addition to the plant is constructed and
placed in operation to the complete satis-
faction of this department I hereby request
the allowance of a variance to enlarge the
plant at 201 Frankfort Street be denied."
1. Remove the drying room from the west
side of the kilns. Allow 4 feet
clearance from kilns to any flammable
2. Cover the drying room easterly of the
kilns with fire resistive materials.
Remove the cockloft in the new section
of the present plant.
No kilns to be installed in the pro -
Dosed new addition.
Install at least a one hour wall between
the present kiln room and the storage
and office rooms.
Cut down the size of openirig between
sections of the plant and install metal
fire doors.
Enlarge all aisleways in the building to
a minimum of 3 feet.
No stock or material to be stored within
3 feet of the ceilings.
All future work to be done in accordance
with the building code and good fire
safety practices.
Commissioner Davis asked about the changes
as listed in the Fire Chief's letter.
Fire Chief Higgins appeared before the Com-
missioners and explained the present problems at the
plant and stated that they have complied with all
the laws and not violating any laws, although there
are numerous desirable changes that he has recommended
in the plant and their present manufacturing setup do
not have the space to make these desirable changes and
that the expansion will allow them to have a better
fire protection and regulation as required by the
present City fire regulations. Fire Chief Higgins
also requested that the Commissioners give serious
consideration, for inclusion, that if a request be
recommended for approval to the City Council that it
be subject to the requirements as outlined in the
letter read by the Secretary.
William Gallienne, Secretary of the Chamber
of Commerce, appeared before the Commission and stated
that the Chamber of Commerce has been criticized to a
great degree because of the lack of other types of
small industry other than the oil industry in the City
of Huntington Beach, and this type of manufacturing
and plant that the Ceramic Tile Manufacturing Company
is carrying on is a most desirable one and affords a
gread deal of employment to local people and results
in a large payroll that is very desirable.
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Minutes - Oct. 6, 1952
There being no further discussion forthcoming in
regards to the application for conditional exception
by the Orange County Ceramic Tile Manufacturing Com-
pany, -Chairman Schryer declared the hearing closed.
There being no further business the Planning
Commission of the -City of Huntington Beach adjourned
until 1:00 ofclock P.M. Friday, October 10, 1952.
W. L . S CH ER
Chairm n
Secretary �L