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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, November 18, 1952
Chairman Schryer called the regular meeting of
the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners Present; Schryer, Davis, Kettler, Tunis
Commissioners Absent: Hinshaw, Pyles, Stang
Others Present; City Attorney Bauer
City Attorney Bauer acted as Secretary Pro-tem
in the absence of Secretary Henricksen.
On motion by Davis seconded by Tunis the minutes
for the meeting of Tuesday, October 21, 1952, as
prepared and mailed by the Secretary, were approved.
Commissioner Stang arrived at 7; 4 O o'clock P.11.
John Rello-
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
exception filed by John Bello for permission to
erect a main building on the front of lots 36 and
38, Block 504, Huntington Beach Plain Street Sedtion,
to be used for a dry cleaning business such as
pressing and servicing clothes. The building will
be constructed as a drive-in to permit off-street
parking. At least twelve feet from the rear of the
building will build a cleaning plant. Both the front
and rear buildings to conform in every way with the
City, County, and State regulations approved by the
State Fire Marshall and the Chief of the City of
Huntington Beach Fire Department.
The Commissioners present held a general dis-
cussion on the petition for conditional exception
filed by John Bello.
On motion by Kettler seconded by Davis that a
public hearing be held on the petition for conditional
exception of John Bello and said hearing to be heard
at 8:00 o'clock P.Pj. on December 16, 1952, and the
Secretary to be instructed to place a notice in the
Huntington Reach Nevis calling for the public hearing
as set forth in the motion, was approved.
Committees Chairman Schryer appointed the regular standing
appointed committees as follows:
Street and Highways, Street Naming, Subdivisions
unalrman Pyles
Commissioners Davis, Schryer
Zoning, Variances, Amendments
Chairman Kettler
Commissioners Stang, Tunis
Traffic, Transportation, Off -Street Parking,
Loading Zones, Bus Stops
Chairman Davis
Commissioners Stang, Schryer
Page #2
Minutes - Nov. 18, 1952
Public BuSldin&s, Recreation, Parks, Street
Trees, and Beautification
Chairman Tunis
Commissioners Kettler, Pyles
Public Works, Water Supply, Sewerage, Drainage
Street Li�zhtina
Chairman Hindi aw
Commissioners Schryer, Davis
Rezoning The Commission held a general discussion of the
proposed rezoning of the area east of Highway 39
to the Santa Ana River.
Cons.Parks Consultant Parks presented a study for proposed
streets in the area east of Highway 39 to the Santa
Ana River.
52 Acres A general discussion was held on the possibility
of rezoning of the 52 Acres owned by the City of
Huntington Beach fronting on Highway 101.
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis the regular
meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of
Huntington Beach adjourned.
Secretary pro-tem