HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-29:j C MI P1U TES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMITAISSION Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 29, 1952 Chairman Schryer called the meeting o f the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Commissioners present: Tunis, Pyles, Hinshaw, Schryer Commissioners absent: Kettler, Davis, Stang Others present: City Attorney Bauer, City engineer Overmyer, City Clerk Henricksen, Consultant Parks Sketch - - The Secretary presented to the Commission members Prop.park present a preliminary sketch prepared-b-',r the City development Engineer, showing the proposed layout of proposed park development in portion of Tract Ir10,7 with _Circle Park, together with p-ortions; of streets and alleys to -be vacated. The Commissioners present reviewed the prelimi- nary sketch of the Circle Park layout and discussed -it in detail. TRinutes On motion by -Hinshaw seconded by Tunis that the minutes of the meeting of November 18, 1952, be accepted as mailed b-r the Secretary without any changes or corrections, was approved. City On motion by Hinshaw seconded by -Pyles that the Council Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach commended commend the City Council for the idea of uniting the two parcels at Circle Park for a park and that the Commission has no objections to the vacating of the street and alley as designated in the preliminary sketch presented by City Engineer Overmyer, was .approved. Tr.11074- _ On motion. by Hinshaw seconded by Pyles that the appr.park Planning Commission go on record as approving the purposes acquisition of Tract #10�4 for park purposes, was approved. Public Chairman Schryer announced that a public-hear- Hearing- ing had been set for �:45 o'clock P.M. this date, John Rello - to-hear'the petition for conditional exception filed cond.except. by John Bello. - Chairman Schryer requested the Secretary to read the petition for conditional exception filed by John Bello. The Secretary read the petition for conditional exception filed by John Bello requesting to erect a dry cleaning plant on Lots 36 and 38, in Block 504, Huntington Beach Main Street Section. Chris King Chris King, local realty agent, appearing for John 0 • Page #2 Minutes - December 29, 1952 Hello, presented a floor plan and an architectIs sketch of the dry cleaning plant and the business building in conjunction with the plant. Chairman Schryer informed the Commissioners that the reasons to 'Ce- considered in reviewing the request of John Bello for the construction of a dry cleaning plant in the C-3 zone were: 1. The fact that exception or extraordinary circumstances or conditions are applicable to the property involved, or its intended use, thich do not apply generally to the • property in the same zone. 2. That the preservation and enjoyment of one or more property rights are depended upon a variance. 3• That the granting of said proposed variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvemehts in the district in which said property* is located. • John John Bello appeared before the Commissioners Bello and explained the types of cleaning fluid used, and stated that the type he uses in his plant is the safest and also the least detrimental to health. Commissioners discussed the possibilit-; of in- creased insurance rates on properties adjacent to the location contained in the application of the appli- cant or the possible rates on buildings that may be constructed in the area at a future date. Chairman'Schryer declared the hearing closed. . Rud Rud Higgins, Fire Chief, e.-xplained to the Higgins Commissioners that the State, County and City Fire regulations are so strict for this type of a :)usi- ness that the operator must, at all times, be in accord with those regulations and pointed out that it was probably much safer thalh certain conditions that exist in hardware stores irnere paint is stored. City Engr. City Engineer Overmyer pointed out and explained the building code of the City and State relative to cleaning plants and that the proposed plant would be on the alley side and not directly across from the Library. On motion of Hinfhaw that the variance be re- • commended to the City Council. for approval in accord- ance %i th the floor plan and sketch submitted subject to all the State and County and City building code and fire regulations, was withdra,m. Applica- John Bello, the applicant, requested to with- tion r,i th- draw the application for conditional exception in dray°n order to file a now and complete application to include an additional lot that was omitted in the original application. • 40 LI Cons.Parks 1 • 1: 1 • Page #3 Ninutes - December 29, 1952. On motion by Tunis seconded by Pyles that the Commission accept the vrithdravral of the petition for conditional exception of John Bello vd th the under- standing that a new application will be filed, was approved. Consultant Parks presented a preliminary show- ing of a precise street plan for the area between Atlanta Avenue, Highway #39, Ocean Highway, and the old Pacific Electric right-of-way. The Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 9:30 otelock P.M. 4 Chairman _:N:: -t' - Secretary 0