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Wars -
! City tax
title pro]po
Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, January 5, 1953
Mayor Seabridge called the regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, to order
at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Councilmen present: Wood, Talbert, LeBard, Langenbeck, Seabridge
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the minutes of
the City Council meetings for the month of December, 1952, as
transcribed and mailed by the City Clerk, be accepted and ordered
filed, was approved.
Rex Neeld, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hunting-
ton Beach Post, appeared before the City Council and stated that
the organization is having to move from their present location
that they have leased in the downtown area, and desired to erect
a building and were desirous of obtaining a certain parcel of City
Tax Title property located in Block 2503, the westerly 52.25 feet
of the easterly 104.5 feet of the south 208 feet East Side Villa
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the City Tax
Title property described as that portion of Block Twenty-five
Hundred Three of the East Side Villa Tract, as shown on a map
recorded in Book 4, page 65, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of
Orange County, California, described as follows:
Beginning on the South line of said Block 52,25
feet iWest of the Southeast corner thereof: thence
North, parallel to the East line of said Block,
208 feet; thence West, parallel with the South
line of said Block 52.25 feet; thence South,
parallel rd th the East line of said Block, 208
feet to the South line thereof, and thence East
along said South line 52.25 feet to the point of
be sold to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Huntington Beach Post,
for the sum of $10.00 and that the City of Huntington Beach to
w thout
retain all mineral rights and/tight of entry, and that the Mayor
and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the deed, was approved
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabridge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Page #2
Minutes - Monday, January 5, 1953
Monthly The Clerk read the monthly reports for the month of December,
1952, of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, Chief 'of
Police, Manager of Municipal Trailer Park, City Engineer, City
Judge, Fire Chief, Chief Lifeguard, and Superintendent of
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the reports for
the month of December, 1952, as filed by the department heads and
read by the City Clerk be accepted and ordered filed, was approved.
Ltr.of- On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Wood that the City Clerk
apprec.to •
former City be instructed to write a letter to former City Judge; Celia W.
Young, to express the warmest appreciation of the City Council
for the dignity and efficiency and the handling of the office of
City Judge for the. City of Huntington Beach, and for the splendid
cooperation that she has given to all the departments of the City
and the courtesy and consideration given to the public at large,
was approved.
Business On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that the applications
for license to conduct business in the City of Huntington Beach
were granted as follows:
L. W. Dye, 1817-Park Ave., Oil salvage and vacuum pump service.
Finneyts Auto Glass & Mirror`Works, 414 W. 5th Street, Santa Ana,
wheel -tax.
Don Edwards, 2392 White Avenue, Pasadena, peddle rosettes and
novelties, veteran's license.
Walter H, Mitchell, 314 Walnut, Laundrite (self-service laundry)
transfer of lo-cation from. 120 Main Street.
W. R. Reynolds, Journeyman Plumber.
John J. Suta, Journeyman Plumber.
Janes J. Creighton, Journeyman Plumber.
L. Ray S. Price, Journeyman Plumber.
On motion by Wood seconded by Talbert that the application
Clock -
New Well
for oil well permit of Brayton Clock of Long Beach, California,
to drill a new well located 64.94 feet south and 270.43 feet east
of the center line of Huntington and Quincy Avenue, subject to the
filing of the satisfactory drilling and clean-up bonds, was granted.
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the request of Phillips
Miller and Ford for termination of clean-up bond. No. 621664 of the
Glens Falls Indemnity Company for well located on Lots 11, 13 and
15, Block 316, and in accordance with the recommendation of the
City Engineer and that the Glens Falls Indemnity Company be notified
of the termination, was approved.
Page #3
Minutes - Monday, January 5.. 195.E
Sextette On motion by Talbert seconded by LeBard that the request of
Oil Co.-
term,cleanthe Sextette- Oil Company for termination of clean-up bond for
up bond
Well Wise #1, located on Lots 2, 4 and 6, Tract #73, as in ac-
cordance with the findings of the City Engineer and tla t the
Glens Falls Indemnity Company be notified of the termination,
was approved.
Beloil Corp.
On motion by Talbert seconded
by Langenb.eck that the re-
t erm. c 1 can
up bonds
quest'of the Beloil Corporation for termination of the clean-up
bonds covering Wells. Davenport #8,
#9, #10, #11 and #12, located
on Lot. 25, Block 2102, Vista Del
Mar Tract, Lot 23, Block 1802,
Vista Del Mar Tract, Lot 6, Block
2002, Vista Del Mar Tract
Lot 14, Block 2102, Vista Del Mar
Tract, Lot 2, Block 2202,
Vista Del Mar Tract, respectively
and in accordance with the re-
commendation of the City Engineer
and that the bonding company be
informed of the termination of the
clean-up bonds, was approved.
Beloil Corp.,
The Clerk presented to the City
Council the request bf the
requ est
release of
Beloil Corporation for release of
the drilling bonds covering the
Wells Davenport #8, #9, #10, #11
and #12, located on Lot 25,
Block 2102, Vista Del.Mar Tract, Lot
23, Block 1802, Vista Del
Mar Tract, Lot 6, Block 2002, Vista
Del Mar Tract, Lot 14, Block
2L02, Vista. Del Mar Tract, Lot 2,
Block 2202, Vista Del Mar Tract,
with sub -surface surveys submitted.
Members of the City Council inspected the Sl:umberger -Well
Surveying Corporation directional logs submitted by the Beloil
The City Engineer reported that he had examined the direc-
tional logs submitted by the Beloil Corporation and in his opinion
that the wells are bottomed within the property upon which they
were drilled.
• On motion by.LeBard seconded by Wood that the drilling bonds
No. 188414, No, 204521, No,. 204528, No. 2,04531, and No. 204646,
covering wells Davenport #8, #9, #19, #11 and #12, Located on
Lot 25, Block 2102, Vista Del Mar Tract, Lot 23, Block 1802,
Vista Del Mar Tract, Lot 6, Block 2002, Vista Del Mar Tract, Lot
• 14, Block 2102, Vista Del Mar Tract, Lot 2, Block'2202, Vista Del
Mar Tract, respectively, be terminated and the bonding company
be notified, was approved.
Page - #4 .
Minutes - Monday, January 5, 1953
Chutuk On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert, that upon the
notice of recommendation of the City Engineer that the work done by the
Nick J. Chutuk Construction Company, for the installation of sani-
tary sewers in Block 911 and 913, Wesley park Tract; Tract #68;
and Blocks 17033, 18'03 and 1903, Tract #12, be accepted and that
the City Clerk -be instructed to record the notice of completion,
was approved. ,
M.E.Horst Co. On motion by Talbert seconded by Wood that up9n the recom-
Notice of
completion mendation of the City Engineer that the work done by the M. E.
Horst Company for the construction and treatment of the grade
crossing at 17th Street at the Pacific Electric Railroad be ac-
cepted and the City Clerk be instructed to file notice of comple-
tion, was.approved.
R.L.Teal,Jr. On motion by I#ood.seconded by LeBard that Ray L. Teal, Jr.
returns to
City Payroll be placed on the City payroll as of January 1, 1953, in the same
classification prevailing at the ti-me; of his entry into the mili-
tary service and be.allowed all the seniority privileges allowable
by law, was .appr.oved.
Sowest The Clerk read the lease between the City of Huntington Beach,
ing Co.lease a Municipal Corporation, and Southwest Sandblasting Company, a
limited partnership, Walter Krebs, general partner, and said lease
to be for a period of two years from the first day of November,
1952, upon a parcel of land located on the City -owned 44 acres
near the Sewage plant, and said rental tb-be.$20.00 per month
payable monthly in advance on the first day of each and every
month during the term of the lease commencing on the lst day of
November, 1952.
On motion by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the Mayor
and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the lease between the
City of Huntington Beach, a Municipal Corporation, and Southwest
Sandblasting Company, a limited partnership, Walter Krebs* general
partner, ..was .appr..oved.
H.B:Elem. The Clerk read the agreement between the Huntington Beach
use of gym. Elementary.Schoo.l.Distr.i.ct and the Public Recreation Commission
of the City of Huntington Beach, wherein the School grants to the
Commission the right to use School's gymnasium for the purpose of
conducting leagues and games in basketball on Saturdays between ``
the hours of.8:00 o'clock A.M. and 4:00 otclock P.M., from the
loth day of January, 1953, to and including the 29th day of March
On motion -by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City Council
consents to the execution of the agreement between the Huntington
Page #5
Minutes - Monday, January 5, 1953
Beach Elementary School District and the Public Reacreation Com-
mission of the City of'Huntington Beach, was approved.
Bay View The request of the Bay View Oil Company asking for a gas
Oil Co.
and oil lease on City tax title lots #1 and #2, #9 and #10,
Block 1103, Vista -Del Mar Tract, was referred to the Oil Com-
mittee for study and report.
Demands On motion by Talbert seconde.d1by Ljangenb eck that the
demands as approved by the Finance Committee be ordered paid,
was approved.
Planning The Clerk reported on the action of the Planning Commission
at their meeting of December 29, 1952, whereas the Planning Com-
mission went on record as approving the acquisition of Tract
#1074 for park purposes, also the Planning Commission commend-
ing the idea of uniting the two parcels for a park as proposed
in the preliminary sketch presented by the City Engineer and that
the Commission has no objection to the vacating or closing of the
street and alley as shown in the sketch.
N.J.Chutuk On motion by LeBard seconded by Nood that the revised claim
San.Sewers of the N. J. Chutuk Construction Company for the installation of
sanitary sewers be allowed, was approved.
Job On motion by Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the job
approved descriptions of Senior Clerk, Apprentice Lifeguard, Maintenance
Electrician3, Street Maintenance Lead Man and Truck Driver be
accepted, was approved.
On motion by'Langenbeck seconded by LeBard that the -new job
• descriptions for classifications of Tree Trimmer and Miantenance
Electrician and Asstt Electrical Inspector be accepted, was
On motion by LeBard seconded by Wood that the City Attorney
be instructed to draw up.a resolution creating job classifications
for Tree Trimmer and Maintenance Electrician and Assttt Electrical
Inspector., was -approved.
H. Axton On motion by Langenbeck seconded b y LeBard: that the re-
fied quest of Harry A. Overmyer to re-classify Helen. R. Axton as
Senior Clerk -under Article 159, Section 1598 of the Huntington
Beach Ordinance Code, .to be effective January 1, 1953, was
Chas.J. On motion b-., Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the request
St.Dept. of Harry A. Overmyer, City Engineer to place Chas. J. Schnaithman,
Page #6
Minutes - Monday, January 5, 1953
Laborer, on the Street Department regular payrgll under Article
159, Section 1596 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code in
salary Bracket "'B" effective January 1, 1953, was approved.
Costa Mesa The Clerk r.ead. a communication received from the fact -
fact -finding
committee finding committee in Costa Mesa that is to gather data necessary
to help the citizens of Costa Mesa to determine the future of
their unincorporated area, and respectfully request the City' s
help in making an annexation study.
Mayor Seabridge referred the request of the fact-finding
committee of Costa Mesa for incorporation and study of annexa-
tion to the City Council as a whole.
R.B.Price- '
On moti-on by Langenbeck seconded by Talbert that the Mayor
garbage coll.
and the City Clerk be authorized to execute agreement between
the City of Huntington Beach, a Municipal Corporation, and Ray
B. Price, for exclusive garbage collection in the City of
Huntington Beach from the 1st day of January, 1953, for a period
of three years at a flat monthly rate of $450.00 per month, was
approved by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen:, Wood, Talbert, Langenbeck, LeBard, Seabri dge
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None _
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 593, an ordinance of the City of
Huntington Beach repealing Sections 4034, 4035, 4036, 4037 and
4037.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code its first read"gng. "
Mr. Gifford appeared before the City Council and abked if
there had been any further action on his previous request to
putting sewers in at the northeast section of the City.
V.Langenbeck- Councilman Langenbeck, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee,
report reported to the City Council that the pity "Engineer had T epared
a preliminary survey and from the survey he recommends that a
review be made of necessary storm drains, waste water, and sewer
effluent facilities for 'the entire area as all -°must be taken into
consideration for any extenseion-of facilities in that area.
Picture serv. On motion by Wood seconded by Langenbeck that the demand for
demand held
up payment of picture services performed by a member of the Police
Department be held up vuht"il the Police and Fire Committee look
into the matter, was approved.
Briggs Ford On motion by Wood seconded by Langenbeck that the City Clerk
purchase of
153 Ford- be authorized to issue a purchase order to Jim Briggs Ford Com-
pany for a 1953 Fordor Custom 6, For domatic, in accordance with
the lowest informal bid received for cars with an automatic gear
shift, was approved.
Page #7
Minutes - Monday, January 5, 1953
Attly Bauer City Attdrney Bauer reported to the City Council on the
present status of pending actions re: -tax suits of Southwest
Exploration Co�ipany and Signal Oil & Gas and the annexation
• suits and the Ferris Case.
Los Angeles On motion by Langenbeck seconded b y Wood that the City
Smog Control
Board Clerk be instructed to write a letter to the Los Angeles Smog
Control Board for information relative to retaining or employ-
ing a member of their staff on a part time basis when required
• to do smog investigation work in the City, was approved.
The Mayor. referred the Councilmen's request for a financial
statement covering the first six months of the fiscal year to
the Finance Committee and the City Clerk.
On motion by Wood secondedby Talbert the regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned.
C y Cler an ex-officio Clerk
• o the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
Ci y Clerk