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Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday; January 20, 1953
Chairman Schryer-called-the meeting of the
_Planning _Commission of. the City of -Huntington
Beach to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
Commissioners present:
Commissioners absent:
Others present:
Schryer, Tunis, Davis,
Stang, Kettler
Hinshaw, Pyles
City Attorney Bauer, City
Engineer Overmyer, City
Clerk Henricksen, Con-
sultant Parks
On motion by Stang seconded by Davis that the
minutes of the meeting of December 29, 1952, be
accepted without change or correction as mailed
by the Secretary, was approved.
The Secretary presented a communication from
the Orange County Planning Commission submitting
the subdivision tentative map No. 1713 for re-
view by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission.
Chairman Schryer announced that this was the
date and hour set for the public hearing of the
John Bello
petition for conditional exception filed by John
Bello of the Fifth Street Cleaners at 218 - 5th
Street, requesting permission to construct a
concrete building on the easterly one-third of
Lots 34, 36 and 38 in Block 504, Huntington Beach
Main Street Section, to be used for a dry cleaning
business and asked the Secretar- to read the petition
for conditional exception filed by John Bello.
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
exception of John Bello requesting permission to
build a concrete building to house a dry cleaning
plant to conform with all City, County and State
regulations and in accordance with requirements of
the State Fire Marshal, said building to be 20' X 30'
and to be located on the easterly one-third of Lots
34, 36 and 38 in Block 504, Huntington Beach Main
Street Section, and that the present zoning of said
property is in the C-3 zone and the property at
present is vacant. The Secretary also reported
that there has been no verbal or written statements
received for or against the petition for condtitional
exception filed by John Bello.
Chairman Schryer asked if there was anyone
present that desired to express their opinions for
or against granting the proposed conditional ex-
ception as requested in the petition for conditional
exception of John Bello as read by the Secretary.
City Attorney Bauer explained to the Planning
Commission members present their position relative
to a hearing on the petition for conditional ex-
There being no response from the Chairman's -
request fors anyone to express their opinions for or
against the proposed conditional exception requested
by John Bello, the Chairman declared the hearing
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Minutes - January 20, 1953
Public Hearing-
At 8:15 o'clock P.M. Chairman Schryer announced
So. Calif.
that this was the hour set for the public hearing
Edison Co.
-_on the petition for conditional exception filed by
petit. for
the Southern California Edison Company of 601 W.
Fifth Street, for permission to erect a sub -station
to consist of transformer racks and other appurte-
nances connected- therewi th on property, described -
as the westerly 85 feet of the southerly 55 feet
of Block 804, ivesley Park Tract, of the City of
Huntington Beach.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read
the petition f dr conditional exception of the
Southern California Edison Company.
The Secretary read the petition for conditional
exception of the Southern California Edison Company.
Chairman Schryer asked if there were any persons
present interested in expressing their opinions for
or against the proposed conditional exception re-
quested by the Southern California Edison Company.
C. D, Shedenhelm, Local Manager for the
Southern California Edis:) n Company, before
the Commissioners and stated that the Edison
Company had previously received a variance on the
same property but the items enumerated therein
did not specifically cover a switch rack or open
sub -station and there was a difference of opinion
as to whether the prior variance covered this and
therefore the Company desired to ask for, this
variance to cover the particular type of structure
requested in the petition, and further stated that
with the erection of a switch rack the switch -yard
will carry the load facilities of the area for
approximately twenty years.
There being no further-_ comments from anyone
present the Chairman declared the hearing closed
on the petition for conditional exception of the
Southern California Edison Company.
Chairman Schryer stated that a discussion by
of John
the Commissioners was now in order on the petition
Bello petit.
of John Bello for the erection of a building to
house a dry cleaning plant in accordance with
the petition read by the Secretary.
The request of John Bello was discussed at
considerable length by the members of the planning
Commission present and the general opinion was
that the three conditions justifying the said
conditional exception were ihadequate by the
petitioner, and discussing prior statements of
the Fire Chief and the Building Inspector relative
to the zone that this particular type of cleaning
plant should be permitted in, it 'vas generally
conceded that the cleaning plant could be located
in the C-3 zone and Commissioners felt as the -
particular.type of business was on the border line
ofwhether it belongs in the M-1, Light Manufacturing
District, or the C-3 District, the Commissioners
felt that it -would be best to amend the uses of the
C-3 District to permit a cleaning plant under
certain conditions.
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Minutes - January 20, 1953
Reso.amend. Commissioner Kettler read a prepar-ed re-_
C-3 & M-1 solution of the Planning Commission of the City
Dist.prov. of Huntington Beach relative to amending the C-3
and M-1 District provisions to allow dry-cleaning
plants to be established in the C-3 District
rather than requiring them to be in the 14-1
On motion -by Kettler seconded by Davis
resolution of the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach relative to the amend-
ing of the C-3 and M-1 District provisions was
passed and adopted by the following roll call
AYES: Commissioners: Tunis, Davis, Kettler,
Stang, Schryer
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Hinshaw, Pyles
On motion by Kettler seconded by Stang that
re: grant-
- the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
ing of
Beach recommend to the City Council that the
Bello petit.
petition for conditional exception of John Bello
to construct a concrete block building on the
easterly one-third of Lots 34, 36 and 38, Block
504, Huntington Beach Main Street Section, to be
used for a dry-cleaning business, be granted
subject to the following conditions:
1. That the cleaning plant, boiler, and pertinent
equipment, (excepting pressing machines) shall
be on the rear 1X3 of said lots.
2. That air, fumes, gas, or steam exhausts shall
be at least 8 feet in height; be vertical type
exhausts; and shall be muffled, to the satis-
faction of the City Council, at any time it
may require such action.
3. That the building proposed to be built on the
front portion of any of said lots shall be
built concurrently with the erection or con-
struction of the cleaning plant.
4. That there shall be no open storage of materials,
containers, supplies, clothing or equipment.
5. That the aggregate capacity of all cleaning units
shall not exceed a total rated capacity of 300
6. That off-street automible parking stalls, if
provided shall be so arranged that ingress or
egress to such stalls from a public street or
alley may be accomplished without moving any
other car.
7. That there shall be no driveway nor automobile
parking between Main Street and the front of
any building permitted to be erected upon the
front half of aaid lots.
8. That the granting of this conditional exception
shall not be considered as an authorization to
permit a nuisance of any'kind whatsoever.
9. That the City Council may revoke this conditional
Page #4
Minutes - January 20, 1953
exception at any time, without a hearing if
any --of the conditions attached thereto are
unfulfilled or violated.
,10. That the granting of this conditional ex-
ception together with its terms and conditions
is an offer which is accepted, and said terms
and conditons agreed to, if any of the privi-
leges authorized are used.
and that/approval of the Planning Commission for
the granting of the petition for conditional ex-
ception is predicated on the belief that cleaning
plants have been considerabley changed in the
scope of their operations to allow inclusion in
the C-3 District, was passed and adopted by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners: Tunis, Davis, Kettler,
Stang, Schryer
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Hinshaw, Pyles
On motion by Stang seconded by Tunis that the
Planning Commission of the City of Huntington
Beach recommend to the City Council to grant the
petition for conditional exception filed by the
Southern California Edison Company to erect a sub-
station on the westerly 85 feet of the southerly
55 feet of Block 804, Wesley Park Section, of the IVIN'"'
City of Huntington Beach, as their variance al- C S:'S�
ready exists fdr the uses they have at present, 4(7 'A -A
was passed and adopted by the following roll call
vote: Caa"•
AYES: Commissioners: Tunis, Davis, Kettler,
Stang, Schryer
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Hinshaw, Pyles
Ext.of The Secretary was instructed to write to the
Hamilton St, Orange County Planning Commission that the Plann-
ing Commission of the City of Huntington Beach de-
sired to call to the attention of that body to
give consideration to the possible future extension
of Hamilton Street that lies westerly of the pro-
posed subdivision covered by the tentative map
#1713, that was sent to the Huntington Beach
Planning - Commission for review.
On motion by Davis seconded by Kettler the
regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the
City of Huntington Beach adjourned to 7:3 0 P.M:
February 3, 1953.
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Sec etary